Message from the Arcturians: We are the dawn adventurers

  • 2018

You, that is to say all of you are at the limit, but you may not know exactly where you are. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what edge you are on, because you are moving quickly or slowly through the process of transmuting your expression. Self-Expression in third / fourth dimension to its expression of self-expression in the fifth dimension of self-expression.

The transition to the higher frequencies of your SOI begins with the transition to a higher frequency of AWARENESS . More and more of those who are ingrained begin to feel deep within themselves that something has changed. First, they look around to see what has changed in them, but often they find nothing. The reason is that this change must begin with its own "perception of self . " If you perceive yourself as a victim of your outside world, your body, your family, your boss, etc., you have abandoned your “right to change your Being” in the hands of another.

A great element of change that is often lacking in those rooted in our roots, is that your own " feeling of self " begins to change in your " feeling of entering with your Higher Self ."

We, the Arcturians, want to remind you that ALL of you have a higher self

When you realize that YOU can combine your 3D being with your 5I SOI in an easy and natural way, simply by allowing your consciousness to grow, you will begin to remember that you are your being. You are the Higher Self of the dimensions with which you communicate. You are the internal guide you call, but nevertheless, it has a higher resonance frequency . This resonance is more like a cloud than a tree, although humanity is quite similar to both.

Am I like a cloud or a tree ? Ask yourself. We are pleased to answer this question and even happier than I thought to ask. In fact, you are like a cloud and a tree that depends on your "state of consciousness" and your "choice of perception." In fact, the higher your state of consciousness, the greater your perceptual choices.

We Arcturians, we will explain this concept more fully

When you are "like a cloud", it is because you have chosen to direct your perceptual field so that it is centered in the sky, which is representative of the mental plane. On the other hand, when you are "like a tree, " it is because you have chosen to take a deep root in the physical plane in which you have chosen to incarnate. When he changes his perception choices to focus on his interactions with his physical world, he has chosen to focus on the Physical Plan . His attention is then placed outside his body.

On the other hand, when the choice of your perception is focused on your emotional world, you have chosen to focus your attention on your thoughts and decisions on your emotional level. Then, when he meditates and / or takes care of his inner world, he focuses on his own spiritual plan.

All these components of your own mind, body, emotions and mind simultaneously attract your attention to what is happening in your multidimensional life . However, and too often, his Multidimensional Life becomes his Physical Life because his physical life calls him more often and in a more demanding way. Is it possible to address these four aspects at the same time? The answer is NO and it is that in order to focus on these four aspects of yourself, you will need to “give up your 3D time” and broaden your awareness in your multidimensional perceptions.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento

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