I pray of Mary to remain in her prayers for the illumination of humanity

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 We need all the possible vibration to wake up 2 There are different kinds of energies, but all of them must be equally enhanced 3 We must pray before the need to reach the divine light 4 We are all prepared to receive the different energies that our lord sends us

Dear hearts of light, the earth we are in still needs the vibration of Light and Love, elements of great importance so that you can perceive the true awakening of humanity . The energy possessed by all the vertices of the Light of Mother Earth, which are all those places where Mary has appeared, emanates as a light to radiate the Earth with her Sacred and Feminine Love.

It is necessary that you understand that it is through prayer to all the divine names that it is possible to attract what is known as the power of Love, the only one that has the capacity to enliven the heart of each of the beings that are in the Earth Mary is always present in all her prayers and in fact, she invites you to remain in prayer, so that humanity can achieve enlightenment.

We need all the vibration possible to wake up

You should know that the energy that is present is none other than that of Mary, your Mother, who invites you to purify your body, while you are filled with the love and light that comes from Jesus Christ, in order to give it Welcome, and know how to understand that your love and your light are within your hearts, as well as your wisdom and also your splendor.

You are especially invited to observe the star of David, the Merkabah Light, the high pyramid that is in the heart of the Sun, which is the reflection of love. You have the ability to integrate the energy emanating from the Sun into the chakra of your heart and then direct it towards the heart of Mother Earth, turning it into the same Light that is found illuminating the crystal heart of Gaia . Welcome the energies of Christ in your heart, allow yourself to fill your whole being and the chakra of your heart with the love of Christ, which is given to you through the energy of the Sun.

There are different kinds of energies, but they all have to be enhanced equally

There is also the energy of Helios' love, which in the name of YHWH ( Yod Hey Hey VOD ), will be filling not only his being and his heart, but also their bodies and each of their cells and electrons.

The energy of Helios is present within their hearts and once they accept it, it again asks for the presence of the archangels inside the Metatron 's Cube, which consists of the energy of love that unites you to the Trinity of Melchizedek, Michael and Metatron El Shaddai . To connect with the Metatron cube you have to repeat the following sentences 4 times:

  1. Michael YHWH (Yod Hey Hey VOD) (4x).
  2. Uriel YHWH (Yod Hey Hey VOD) (4x).
  3. Gabriel YHWH (Yod Hey Hey VOD) (4x).
  4. Rafael YHWH (Yod Hey Hey VOD) (4x).

Once they do, the energy that will be present will fill both their being and their minds and their bodies, with the Love and Light that Christ gives them from the reflection of their heart, this energy will transform and uplift you, giving you the opportunity to understand where wisdom comes from and how the light of the Holy Spirit becomes perfection. n.

We send you this message now, with the purpose that you manage to integrate and understand the enormous beauty of what you are being given. It is necessary, dear brothers of light, that you are willing and understand what it means to welcome the presence of the Mother, of Mary, of the queen of the angels, who is wrapping you under her mantle of love and light, due to the great power of her compassion, she gives you perseverance so that you can continue with your work through prayers every day and do it through the projections of love you receive daily.

Beloved brothers of light, in order to achieve the enlightenment of mankind you only need your prayers and ask for the activation of all those divine names that give you the power of love, which, as we have already said, is the unique that will allow you to awaken the heart of each one of you, who make up God's people.

We must pray before the need to reach the divine light

Kodoish Kodoish YAHWEH Tsebayoth ( Holy, Holy is the God of armies ). You must understand that it is necessary that you pray and ask for the awakening of consciousness and humanity, for men to understand the meaning of the "I AM" whose light has the capacity to manifest itself in each one of you.

The energy that emanates from each of the vertices of the light of Mother Earth, is activated thanks to the energy of the holy SHEKINAH spirit, through this energy you will be able to understand the importance that, dear brothers, has to integrate into your lives a higher vibration regarding the love and light that Christ offers them, a vibration that has transmuted and has become energies that come from the different divine rays. In this way they will be able to recognize the power that actually has to achieve greater understanding and realization over a much higher vibration .

Do not be fooled by saying that when it was time for them to rest they did everything possible, when in fact they left everything to the Beings of Light . Instead, brothers, you must understand that in you is the energy that connects you with the celestial hierarchies, such as the archangels, the beings of light, the lords of the elements, the angels and of course, also with God .

The people of God are currently waking up from their lethargy years and are understanding everything that the fallen have tried to minimize in relation to the realization of the perfection of the divine plan and the ascension to other dimensions. But you have what it takes to take off and remove the veil from the other brothers, make them understand that everyone can receive the energies of love that God sends them and even the fallen ones can receive them.

We are all prepared to receive the different energies that our lord sends us

You brothers have within you the ability to change, to raise the energy that vibrates not only in your body but in your mind and in this way understand that to achieve enlightenment it is necessary to maintain a connection every day, which can only be achieve through prayer. Mary, like Christ Jesus, they are present next to the divine heavenly hierarchy in each of your prayers, in order that you may begin to use the energy they give you and that emanating from your own being.

Do not forget that Jesus Christ said: " Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be opened, seek and you will find ."

Remember that Mary loves you and also blesses you, in addition to asking you to remain in your prayers to continue giving the world and her brothers these energies of love, because it is only through prayer and love, that you can achieve all that It is indicated in the divine plan. Because the elementary lords meet you to help and guide you during your process of understanding about enlightenment.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento

MORE INFORMATION at: http://www.messagescelestes-archives.ca/demande-insistante-de-marie-perseverer-vos-prieres-leveil-de-lhumanite/

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