The Divine Presence - Channeled Message of Christ-Maitreya

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 I am in everything you see and everything you do not see. 2 But you don't see me, you don't feel me. 3 I have always been in the real, in the eternal, not in the form but in the force, in the energy that everything adds, everything unites it, everything transforms it. 4 Work on your inner consciousness, express it.

The Divine Presence

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

I've always been where I should be.
I always spoke to who wanted to hear me.
I always gave who I wanted to receive.

I am in everything you see and everything you do not see.

I'm in the flower you step on with your feet.
I'm on the bird you eat sitting at your table.
I am in the animal that is dead to feed you.
I am in the water you drink, in the book you read, in the words you hear.
I am in the image that slips before your eyes.
I am in every pulse of your heart.
I am in your blood, in your flesh, in your skin.

But you don't see me, you don't feel me.

Your eyes are blind to my presence.
Your ears are deaf to my words.
I speak, you don't hear me.

I am the Flame that is in everything.
I am the Force that gives life to everything.

But still, you don't feel me.
You speak of Me and you do not find me.
You look for me where I was never.

I have always been in the real, in the eternal, not in the form but in the force, in the energy that everything adds, everything unites it, everything transforms it.

I am in you, because you are part of me, as I am part of you; That is why we, one day, will be one with everyone.

Look inside and not out.
Speak to your interior and not to the outside, where everything is transitory.
He seeks to find me in everything, for I am in everything. I am in you as you are in Me.
Look for me inside, break your inner jungle because in the middle of it, right there in the center, I Am, because I always waited for you there.

Leave outside, work inside.

Find me and talk to me, because I will be waiting for you.

I am the Divine Flame, the Sacred Force, the Virgin Flower that was never harvested or looked.
I am the Divine Presence in you, for Me you will be with everyone, for me you will commune with the Eternal, with the Infinite.

In everything, in the rock, in the flower, in the bird, in the fish, in the animal, in men, because you are part of me as we are all part of the Divine Father. We are both One with Him, with everyone, because we are all part of it.

Work on your inner consciousness, expand it.

Remove from your jungle all the wild animals that exist in you, so you can reach me.
Try to cleanse everything that is not worthy of My Divine Presence in You.
Look for me inside.

Be the priest of your own Inner Temple.
Be the driver and the vehicle at the same time.
Be One with me so that we may be one with God-Father.

Do not be fooled with very beautiful, but very transitory forms.
Find everything that leads you to your inner altar, which leads you to your Inner God.
Do not look for the transitory, look for what is eternal in all things.
Look at all things, not with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of your Eternal Being.
Try to feel in all My Presence, the Divine Presence, the finger of God-Father, because He is in Everything, as He is in you.

Do not look at men for their appearance, look at what they are, for what is inside them and not for what is outside of them.
Men have no awareness of my presence; for them, God-Son does not exist. Poor ignorant, as they need to be clarified, taught, awake and guided!

Be one of the guides.
I am one of those who are awake.
It is one of those that the I Am speaks within yourself.

Look at the material world, not with the eyes of a judge, but with the eyes of a father who forgives everything in his children, for they do not know what they are doing.

Search me because I am Your Revelation, Your Illumination, Your Salvation.

And then, where you see the darkness, spread the Light.
Where you see hate, spread love.
Where you see revenge, spread Mercy.
When you see ignorance, spread Wisdom.
Where you see the discord, spread the Harmony.
Because you are One with Me, and being One with Me you proceed as God-Father, with Harmony, Wisdom, Mercy, Love and Light.


PORTUGU S-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the big family of


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