Jesus: A new beginning (continued)

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Channeled by Linda Dillon, on December 25, 2017. Jesus: a new beginning. 2 You are a magnificent being 3 You are competent, you can do it 4 You have everything you need to take action. 5 Be tolerant with love. 6 But tolerance has limits ... 7 The new beginning is for everyone 8 It's time for decision 9 Knowledge is within you. 10 Let your heart expand.

Channeled by Linda Dillon on December 25, 2017. Jesus: a new beginning.

Jesus Sanada: So, I also come this day to open your heart more fully to the unity of love, to the unity of the All, and I transmit this from my heart to your heart energetically, yes, symbolically with my two fingers to your heart, to infinity from my heart to his. But, I am also actually doing this so that they can get rid of whatever remains of the old they have been carrying, so that they are the love they have always been.

I place my magenta heart on top - lighting your beautiful heart, overlighting and combining, joining, with your beautiful tri-flame, with the Blue Diamond of the Mother, and the Golden Diamond of our Father, and especially and particularly with your Self of Pink Diamond. It is not selfish, it is not conceit, it is not bragging to accept the wonder of who you are.

You are a magnificent being

When the Mother has expanded the gifts of wonder, amazement and inspiration, it has not been just for them to see the wonder of this incredible planet, the beauty and inspiration of nature ... which is implausible. It was not only to see the amazement and admiration before the Divine Plan, this expansion, sweet angels of light, has been for them to reach a place of wonder and admiration, and acceptance, and surrender, and activation of their magnificent being.

It doesn't matter if you are a guardian of the earth or a hybrid or a stellar being, if you are a carrier or guardian of the portal, you are phenomenal and competent.

You are competent, you can do it

I often hear, both whispers and shouts at night, I hear them say : “Dear Lord, I want to be with you. I want to fulfill my mission and purpose . I want to be the executor of the Mother's Plan. I want to walk with you, but I don't know how . ”

They are denying their competition, they are denying their skills and abilities, their talents, their light. None of you came without the ability to complete ... not only in the fortress and lowering your head, walking and working ... but with joy, laughter, at ease. They came here with the entire arsenal, the complete toolkit of what they needed .

We have even expanded that ... we have given you the Creation Codes, we have shared with you, Sanat Kumara has shared you, an infinite variety of Universal Laws and how to use them and yes, you will be teaching them in greater detail - that is your promise and mine. But they have what they need, they always have.

Did you always know? No. But do they know now? Yes.

You have everything you need to get in on the action.

They cannot be tolerant and compassionate and forgiving of those who have truly created chaos, who have gone astray, in scintonic detours of monumental proportions, cannot be tolerant if they are not in wonder, the astonishment, of who they are and in that expansion, in the unified energy, do they not want to show them, educate them and share so that they can see the magnificence of who they are?

Many of you have said, Why have we not had a full revelation of the stellar family this year? What happened? We are so eager to be with our brothers and sisters . But if tolerance is not fully present, if there is no minimum in the oscillation balance, if there is no tolerance for each other, then why do you think there would be tolerance of your stellar family?

Yes tolerant with love.

The wisdom they bring to them, and they have already been bringing them, particularly with their Porlana C, the technology, the advances of science, energy, the boots-on-the-ground that They are in all sectors of society, why do you think they have not been fully revealed and announced? Because they would not be tolerated. Because they would be considered outsiders and you know, my dear friends, there is no such thing as an outsider and that includes those who have perpetrated great misdeeds. You are them and they are you. That is the good news . As clear and full of grace as you are, that is also your essence. Are they trapped in the farce? Yes, but it is dissolving. That is why it has surfaced so that it simply dissipates like the vapors of a boiling pot.

The Mother's Plan is not about punishment, about rejection, about exclusion. None of that is love. And I know that while I was on this planet with many of you my dear friends, more than two thousand years ago, I know what it is to be fired, and be rejected, and Be considered as different. Many of you know, in this life, what it is to be rejected, dismissed or belittled because of your belief systems.

But tolerance has limits ...

Therefore, do not accept in any way or those who wish to create systems of punishment, systems of exclusion . That is not part of the new beginning and will not be tolerated ... yes, the tolerant has limits. What is not tolerated is war, murder and abuse. But that does not mean that those who have perpetrated it for selfish misdeeds, or even the darkest soul ... are the lost lambs ... and I am helping you, so that you know how to introduce them into the fold.

The new beginning is for everyone . The new beginning is literally a new time on earth, when peace and love and joy and satisfaction ... in every meaning of that word ... will reign . They tell me: “Yeshi, how is that possible? It is still a disaster . Everything is in order, everything is being cleaned. When a cycle comes to an end it is not from one day to another, but it is a mark in time when that portal and the work of that cycle of existence have come to an end.

The new beginning is for everyone

And it is with joyful good news that I tell you that we are beginning a new cycle, a thirteen cycle, anchored in the Divine Union and anchored in the love of the 13th Eighth, anchored in the love of who they are. It is a time, sweet angels, of action .

We have all issued our clarion call ... from Gabrielle's golden trumpet, to Miguel's urgent and urgent call, my invitation to please walk with me, let me walk with you, the gift of Sanat Kumara of the Universal Laws, the expansion of the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, the tools of creation, the Codes of Creation.

It is time for decision

What they need to do ... is the practical question ... in this time of decision, do not rush but start, begin to live your dream and do not believe, do not believe that there are restrictions, because there are none.

When they feel, if at any time you feel that you don't know which way to go, that you are insecure ... because it is about certainty, it is about assuming your knowledge, your divine authority, your mantle of authority, it is about becoming the fullness of your inspired being, it's about you being the inspiration of the entire planet ... yes, you!

So, if you feel insecure, if you are not sure, come back to me, come back to the Mother, come back to Uriel ... yes, he is the guardian of divine authority, come back to any of us, any of us who love you so Complete, so deep, so passionately.

The knowledge is within you.

Stop, pause, you may not hear my voice in this way, but the knowledge of how to proceed will be there. It will be there, whether it's what to buy at the grocery store or how to heal the hearts of mankind.

And so we begin . Think about it ... the last time we really talked about a new beginning, a fresh start, a change, a change in humanity, was when I arrived on the planet two thousand years ago. That was the last time we talked about a new beginning .

The energies and openings of Atlantis have already begun ... that's why I took the channel on this trip, a spiritual quest. That is why the Cities of Light are emerging. That's why you feel different.

Let your heart expand.

Let this expansion, sweet angels of my heart, allow this expansion to take place . Allow this expansion, let me open your hearts. Allow this awakening of the heart to occur today, in the solstice of the winter light and in the time of new beginnings. Let my love flood you. Let her join her love and dance and express herself throughout the universe, at the service of the Mother, in fulfillment of Her Dream. And His Dream is our dream, it is our purpose.

Go with my love. Accept my love Bye Bye.

I will see you soon, you will know me ... you have always done it.

Go in peace and go in explosive, bustling and cheerful celebration.

Bye Bye.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Linda Dillon (2017) Jesus ~ A Christmas Message, a New Beginning. 12/26/2017. Love has won.

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