Message from the Master Jesus / Sananda: They applaud me and say: "You have done nothing for me." Channeled by Fernanda Abundes

  • 2017

With infinite happiness I greet you from the depths of my soul ...

A constant war seems to define life, it seems that we have forgotten that we come to live, the mission on Earth, the mission of life and the mission of existing. There was no better weapon than to be, there was no better strategy than to live and there was no better element than the only thing the human being knows best: love .

We love what we are, we love parents, children, siblings, friends, we love even those moments that make us sad because they show us that strength is not in those facts, it is in what we can give meaning, in what we can share, in the anecdotes that we can repeat, in telling the smallest and noblest that what made us sad also made us brave and that bravery was not screaming, bravery was not hitting or fighting, it was just knowing how to do what we knew from the beginning that it was to love and that little by little it was conditioned and that love was no longer called love was called responsibility, it was called competition, it was called human .

He was no longer the human being, he was just a human who forgot what he truly was, a kind being who came to learn and that on the mission on Earth he did not have to lose that virtue so great that it made him a wonderful being human.

The human is defined only by nature but not by his true nature; a human being, a deep being full of joy that can live everything even in the saddest moment, even in the most forgotten moment of his mind. The human constantly fights with himself, the human being when he comes to touch the true heart of existence is noble, he even sheds tears of joy because he shows the transparency of his soul in the mirror of humanity. Humanity is not bad as all those define it, humanity is not lost like those voices that say there is no solution. I believe that humanity has forgotten that it is humanity and that they came to share life, it is true, it is necessary, to SHARE it.

If life had to be lived individually, there would be a world for every human being, there would be a world for every mind; not in every mind a world, as it is. If life were not to share nature it would be somewhat scarce and not enough for everyone to live; if life were not to share the lakes, the rivers, the seas, they would not be so wide, the extensions, the green, the flowers, there is everything for everyone; But they have forgotten.

They have forgotten to share their teaching, they have forgotten to share their joys and because not also the sorrows; the sadness is the experience, the sadness is to have an open soul that there are vulnerable issues that suddenly falter to the essence but that make it strong, make it noble, make it skillful and it is then that the true sages of the soul arise. Then also the recognition, the true sages of life, those who laugh for everything, those who dream for everything, those who believe that everything is possible, those children, those noble souls, those child souls arise. The children's souls do not live in the smallest, they live in the most kind, the children's souls believe everything possible even to end the war, end the hunger, end the envy of the human before the other human.

Life was not a competition, it was sharing ; but the words have been so confused that there is the recognition of humans, not of Beings, that what is seen is recognized, not what is felt, that they have forgotten the soul, only remember the mind, that they have forgotten of the true existence of enjoying life on Earth. Life on Earth was a myth, nobody knew what he was facing but we all raised our hands and said that it was kind to live to learn something but it was much braver to say, I can go.

And when they tell you the story and they tell you: sufrir sy betray you n ; We all agreed, both the one who would betray and the one who would be the kind one, and the one who would betray was braver because he was a great friend. Having the worst role in a story is brave and it is wise, suddenly the stories condemn the brave as the enemies, but they are the most capable of saying: I am so great and I love you so much that I can have the worst role in history .

Suddenly we have the worst role in the stories that are told, but our actions are kind because they are not to harm, they are to learn. Suddenly we base on the letters everything that we believe to be but it is not in the letters in what is embodied but in what we can share. There is something that does not translate but if it feels, love and does not translate because it is not material, it is so wide and it is so great that with nothing they define it but with all I feel it. I feel it when I laugh and I feel it when I cry, I feel it when I see myself crying but I still suffer more when they call me, they cheer for me and say: `` You have not done anything for me. '' . I would like to do everything, I would like to give everyone happiness, I would like to erase all tears, but I do know that if they did they would not learn .

I learned, and suddenly I told that great Being that I had determined that it was important to come, what you are asking for is impossible, but he, so Wise, so Great, so Great, I knew it was so possible that he started writing another story and all the stories he writes know that they are so possible that he dares to write them, that he dares to put a new page and start writing that story ; that I will have moments of success, that I will have moments of joy, that I will have many moments of sadness but that it will be a great story.

Suddenly I know that the human, and rightly so, thinks that I have abandoned him, never abandoned the causes, I am always holding hands, because in addition to being brothers they are those friends of the soul, never They will want to see a friend cry, they will never try to get the friend out of the way, they will always wait for him to turn to the true path and path of becoming happy.

When they suddenly feel that I have abandoned them, I have to tell them that I am there, that I cannot put them in the right place but that I can tell them where they are from. You yourselves have realized that you have always been able, that even when the being feels abandoned, it grows and I have always been there. Never think that I abandon the causes, I go hand in hand, I am a great friend, you are my great friends because even when you suddenly lose hope, you keep calling me, for me it is a greeting and it is a thank you that although I would like to correspond as you they would expect it, I know that they understand that everything in life is learning and that the mission on Earth was not that everything was easy or that everything was a color, that it was known and that it was understood that everything had to be learned, even of what you never wanted to live.

Something that is not right and will never be subject to the human being is to attack another human being to be happy, that is not pure happiness, that is a competition with humanity that had nothing to do with the plan of life on Earth. The war ends with love and ends with love because there is no more lethal weapon than to say to hate, to competition, to sadness, to resentment: “You have definition, I am love. Neither you, nor you, nor all the war nor the armament define me therefore, there is no bigger situation that I cannot overcome ”. If you represent yourself with love, even receiving with love the sadness you can overcome it, even receiving with love the most chaotic moment you can emerge victorious, even receiving with love the misfortune you can find a great learning.

To speak with love to the enemy is to show him that you do not have an enemy; that made you strong, you made him important and from there you got great learning . In life there are no enemies, there are words that define them, in life there are no chaotic moments there are words that lead us to it, in life there are only learnings and love everything else has definition and if it has definition there can be another definition that make it smaller. Love doesn't have it, He doesn't have it, so against that ... nothing.

And if they have no definition, I do not dare to define the happiness that inhabits, has inhabited and will always inhabit the splendor of that being who observes me, who listens to me, that although suddenly it seems that I am abandoning, still calling me, the one who is my friend and that is stronger than he thinks he has in front of him. There is no desolation for the soul of love, there is no obstacle for the mind of love, he who has love has everything and then, against everything he can.

From the infinity of my soul, my essence and my love, grateful to always be there.

Message channeled by Fernanda Abundes ( ) (Puebla, Mexico. August 24, 2017)

Published by Geny Castell, editor of the great family of the

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