A new Dawn for Humanity. A great start

  • 2018

A new dawn, a new beginning

This is a Channeled Message about the Dawn of a new cycle for the Human being, by Master Uriel.

Greetings my dear Uriel speaks to you. Today I come to bring you a message of hope for Humanity. The human being has long begun to change and release old habits, old injustices. Yes, there is still much to change, and yet we can feel the vibration of this new humanity clear and strong.

It is a frequency that began years ago in 1987 . At that time it was very weak because Earth's configurations were changing at that time. The magnetic and crystalline grid were modified so that more light entered the hearts of mankind. And sometimes it may seem that nothing has changed, that there are still great injustices. But if you could see the energy as we see them, you would catch the waves of change from the entire human race.

It will still take 2 more generations for the change to be relentless, so that it does not go back. Can you imagine my dear human being living in harmony with your fellow men, without wars or hunger?

The power struggles of the human being with his brothers have been present for thousands of years. Do not you think it is a breakthrough that in the countries the feeling of respect for others begins to exist? Even by animals, places are recognized to protect species with rights. Yes, my dear human being, change is happening.

We knew that by allowing more light energy to enter the planet, everything hidden would become evident .

That is why you sometimes think that humanity is more depraved than ever. And that's not my dear friend, it's not like that.

Putting more light on the planet means seeing what was not shown before . Because the human being allowed it, because he still did not respect life. But that time has passed. Now you are immersed in change and that is why everything dishonest is shown as it is.

There will still be many years before all the dark ins and outs of power come to light. But now the human being is prepared . In his heart he carries the light that we have brought and that has already settled. It is a strong vibration that reminds the human being that life is divine, that there is respect, love and joy.

Will you let more and more light enter your life?

Millions of angels and guides are supporting each family right now. Each one supports their family of light, so that you do not feel alone when it seems to be difficult. But changes always happen like this, step by step.

Every time you feel that you can no longer live, with injustices, with the news you see and hear in your country, put your hand to your heart and sit down. Because at that precise moment we will be placing our spiritual hand over yours.

Remember that every time you respect the change, you add a new frequency of light in your energy body. You literally put more light, and that imprint of energy is what you show in every place you visit.

And the day will come when in the darkness of the night the subtle lights of human beings illuminate the world. At that time every human being will carry a beam of light on his crown. You will see it, it will not be in this body, but with your conscience.

Then you will remember my words, and you will treat me as a brother, and together we will see the dawn of the new humanity

And so it is, with love and devotion your friend Uriel.

Channeled by Cristina Acebr n Guirau

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