Archangel Uriel: The Light of the Future Is Here!

  • 2019

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, February 18, 2019

You are becoming beings inspired by the Creator who will continue to build on the Cities of Love and the New Earth.

Archangel Uriel

Greetings dear! Regards! I AM Archangel Uriel, Archangel of Love and Silver Light. I am your brother and your family and I come here in love to commune with you, to give you a delicious and gentle hug and sincere congratulations.

You have done a tremendous job in eliminating your core problems, and in the process you have reduced the collective human reserve of core problems. They have done a huge heavy work and deserve to celebrate and hug themselves.

They have done a tremendous job in eliminating their core problems.

I have told you that most of you are permanently anchored in the seventh dimension, with parts of yourself reaching the ninth, tenth and twelfth dimensions.

But many times they are still traveling in the lower dimensions, in the fourth and third, because they feel that there is still more work to be done . And it is true for the most part because you have your earthly and soul families that need some careful attention and assistance. But what we do n't want them to do, dear hearts, is that they stay too long with them, analyzing their problems, and that they absolutely do not take away their problems .

They should not take problems from others.

Use my soft silver light, put it in your hands, in the fourth eye or in your heart, and let me show you the deepest truth that you can best communicate to your loved ones.

A few words of silver pronounced with love and with the greatest compassion could be all that needs to be done. Let's plant those seeds of wisdom wisely and then retreat to our beautiful hearts.

It is their sacred duty, and the request of the Mother, that they take care above all of their own sweetness . When they focus on their own growth and their own needs, then everyone else benefits, directly or indirectly, through their superior vibration, although not in the expected ways.

Take care above all of your own sweetness.

Place silver torches on each level of your magnificent multidimensional beings so they can feel where there is more need to reinforce their new limits.

Let me light the Silver Flames of your hearts so you can feel your new centers, which may need to be adjusted daily, and even sometimes every day. This work does not have to be hard, but the Silver Flame must flow addressing the needs of your loved ones, so that they can remain in balance at all levels and forms.

Use the Silver Flame to keep flowing.

When you align your bright inner beings with the highest part of you, inspiration flows to you and your knowledge flows to and through you.

Because they are maintaining high levels of integrity within their inspired beings, they can now move toward choosing the actions of their sacred purpose with great confidence and can bring out everything they had promised to do and more.

Yes, you are moving towards those creator-inspired selves that will continue to build on the Cities of Love and the New Earth !

Exciting and exciting times are approaching for all of us. The light of the future is here! Do you hold my hand?

I will close this message leaving you with silver sparkles and my eternal love. Goodbye!

Archangel Uriel

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TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of

SOURCE: Genoveva Coyle (2019) Archangel Uriel The Light of The Future is Here.

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