Thoughts for the month of April 2014

  • 2014

From Master Beinsá Dunó

1. This devil that people fight with is not from yesterday. There is one thing with which we can defeat him, and this is that we do not talk lies, absolutely no lies. And only he who does not lie and he who has Faith will be a strong man. Search, however, the history of the great people and you will see that they have begun with this rule: "Without any lie!" And when the lie disappears from us or we take it out, we will feel an inner freedom and our mind will begin to work better.

2. I say: in the world there are two great principles that humans must apply in their lives so that they are not ordinary, but great. First of all they must have an invacilable love for God, that they love Him without anyone knowing; and second - that any lie of their minds and hearts is absolutely excluded. You will say: "Can you without a lie?" You can without a lie, the lie must be left out of life. I speak of the conscience of man - in this one absolutely no lie should be allowed, neither white nor black.

3. If you introduce the lie, the theft is legalized; If you don't tell the truth, if you lie, the lie is legalized. And if you want to verify a law, decide within you to speak the Truth. Not in front of people, but in your conscience. May your conscience always be awake, never allow yourself to tell a lie. Take this test for a month and see what change will happen in your spiritual life. You will see how Heaven will begin to look at you. Now you wait for Christ to come. Where there is a lie, the leg of Christ will not tread - let this be known. Why? Because even if freedom comes, it won't take advantage of you.

4. The deception is in this that when humans love each other, they think that everything will go in an ideal way. What comes out though? When they love each other, they begin to lie. That's right and with young people. This does not show that Love by itself is a lie, but since what they are going to acquire from it is very beautiful, then to keep it and to retain Love within themselves, they turn to lies. Humans come to the lie because they have certain weaknesses within themselves.

5. We create a bad habit, we serve you and then we say that Nature has created it. I say: Nature has not created this bad habit, but your grandfather and great-great-grandfather have created it so many thousands of years ago. That which Nature has created is by itself eternal, immortal - thus it is written in the Divine book, thus it is written and in the Sacred book, the Bible, which if you read it you will see that this what humans create is mortal. This what man creates is mortal; this what angels believe is eternal; this what God creates is eternal and infinite. And angels create many things but these are finite.

6. Christ says: "The Holy Spirit will teach you"; Under the words Holy Spirit I understand the expressed Divine Spirit. When we approach this Spirit, He will teach us the great laws of how we can correct our lives. For now, for 120 years you have two elements through which you are insured: with air you are insured and with water you are insured, only with bread you are not insured - each of you must work for bread. Thank God that you work for bread. One day and the bread will be given to you as well as air and water.

7. A man is healthy when there are cold electric currents on his right side, and on the left side - hot magnetic currents. In a healthy man on his right side there is a pleasant freshness, and on the left - a pleasant warmth.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: The first task I will give to women in this direction will be, for example, the following: let's say that one of you has a daughter she doesn't love; Let her do so, let her love her! Or her husband is incredulous; This is a task to solve! Some of you are poor, another is sick; You will have to do what is necessary. Someone has tumors in his stomach; If you don't remove them, they will destroy you.

8. That now we scientifically define what we should understand under the words masculine principle . Under the masculine principle we understand that a predominant influence has the mind and the will. Under the feminine principle we understand that a predominant influence has the heart and the will.

9. The soul distinguishes itself with what introduced death into life - she is guilty of death. The spirit thus introduced life. Therefore, if there is death, there is and soul; If there is life, there is and spirit. And since humans don't believe in the soul, she strangles them every day. In my eyes the soul gives birth to death, and the spirit gives birth to life - can you accept this? When God made Adam, he left him alone in Paradise. God put a living soul in him, but he could not retain this soul within himself, he took it out. The woman is this living soul that Adam took out of himself and with this death was created.

10. Some say: women are carriers of culture. Yes, it is said that the woman introduced the culture, but in reality she introduced the death. What is death? In death man learns magnificent things. When it comes, man begins to think about God, of life, of thousands of things, and when life comes, humans begin to think of lighter things. Therefore, every day the soul changes its forms and this change we call death. The soul has not yet reached a constant form; She has not finished her development, expects her to go through millions of other forms, and when she reaches her last form, she will receive immortality and merge with the spirit. Then there will no longer be soul and spirit, because what will there be? Eternal life will go on stage.

11. When someone loves you, what does it cost you to smile at him? We think we should give this one who loves us and avoid it. But this one who loves gives and does not plan to take something from you.

12. I say now, you must start with self-education. First of all, educate your feelings, educate the body. Educate your legs. The legs have influence. You want to make them good. The legs say: We will rest today, we are in a specific opinion. They form a society, they say: `` We are going to squeeze the brakes ''. Like the one who drives a car. Some such drivers tighten the nuts, the car does not go. The master may worry, but these legs squeeze. You say: The legs are hardly going. Get ready to educate your legs, that they want this what you want, and that you want this what the legs want. Ever the legs have an opinion. Then and the legs have their opinion. You say: they are parts . Respect and the parts. Respect and the opinion of the legs. Everything in you will respect him. If you do not respect the right of the legs, if you do not respect the right of the hair, if you do not respect the right of the eyes, the nose, the mind, the soul, the spirit Where do you feel about each feeling in you? What is the pedagogy in you? How then will you respect other people? If you value your legs, they will value and the legs of others.

13. The human hand, this is an antenna. The human hand is receiving energy. You take a path. You will not be in a hurry. A righteous or a saint is never in a hurry. He raises his hands to Heaven and prays. The raising of the hands, this is a survey, how are the conditions in which it goes, what will happen on the road. He raises his hands and knows if he has to go or not to go, let him delay. Therefore, if I want to come to visit you, I will do so. I will raise my hands and perceive whether I should go or not. With your hands you will know if this one you want to go to is there, if it has a beautiful disposition, if this work will happen or not.

He says: Raise your hands to God . This is necessary, that the hands are developed, that they are sensitive, so that the delicate vibrations can be perceived, that solutions a social question. Of course, I give you to do this when you have no work, when you have free time, when you have no business. Feeling in you gradually develops.

14. Suppose you have two poles, touch and sight. How should we educate our eyesight? Avoid looking at bad scenes, bad images, whatever they are. Always look at the beautiful and the beautiful in Nature. Never stop to look at impure things. Always look at the beautiful and the beautiful, if you want to educate your sight. Blatantly never look. It is not that I hate you, but look at the beautiful and beautiful things. Then, don't stop about the feelings of loathing. That someone has committed a crime, don't stop about the crime. Don't even think about what can happen to you in the future. That children can die, don't stop about this.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: To educate people and to educate themselves, you must apply the Teaching of Christ - the Teaching of Love. If you have a willful, tenacious child, do a test with him - apply the method of Love. Love to this child and never think about his negative traits. Think that he is good, reasonable and you will see that after a certain time he will get ready.

15. If you want to educate your sight, begin with the mind. Cast out all those negative images that create evil. The forms attract corresponding forces and create misfortunes. The forms that attract your mind, the forms that occupy your mind, this will occur. This is why the psalmist says: "Early I will seek you Lord, with my eyes I will seek you." When he speaks at dawn, the Lord says: "Search for me." Search with eyes only occurs.

16. You already have correct behavior. If you have a correct connection with the First Cause, you will have and the essentials in life. The rich life, this is already necessary for all the gifts we must develop. Our mental capacities and our feelings, we cannot develop without this internal energy. Each gift, each capacity, requires a specific food. Many of our gifts, many of our feelings starve. You look at some man, he is hungry, he does not have a specific food for his religious feelings. These have long since died. Other people have no specific food for their conscience. Your conscience has long since died. Others have no specific food for their reasonable forces, they have not thought for a long time. Only observations remain, only facts, ordered as a rosary. The reasonable man must acquire food for his mind. Not only said in general, but for all abilities, for all feelings. You must feed them, give them a feast. With this you must start self-education. Now this is achievable.

17. Christ says: "Man must deny everything." Use all the goods of the world while you are on Earth, but do not feed the idea of ​​taking these goods to the other world - because in that world there are much greater goods than here. You sometimes think of complaining to the Lord that you have suffered on Earth; He doesn't need complaints. When you appear you must thank him for the beautiful thoughts you have acquired, that you thank him for the beautiful feelings you have acquired and for the beautiful acts - that you thank him for all that he has given you.

18. Each one of you who wants to understand the sufferings of Christ, without fail must acquire an internal humility. The writing says: "God lives in the souls of the humble." You must understand the humility in its depth and life-giving force. Being humble means that you are aware that everything you can do and that at the same time you are so benevolent that you open the way and even an ant.

19. Now the basic thinking. What is the basic thought that would remain in you? As I see you, you are interested in this, what I am talking about halfway. If all of you were condemned to death penalty and on your head you would have placed a vessel with milk, filled to the top, they tell you that only in one way you can save your life, if you do not spill a drop of milk, how concentrated It would be your thought! Only the vessel would be quickened in your mind. I mean, when man deals with Divine science, he must be interested as the one condemned with the vessel, so that he does not spill a drop of milk depends his life.

20. Paul says: "Our mortal body must wear immortality." Our mind must be clothed with light, and our heart - of Divine Love; Only then will immortality reach the world. I say: that today we celebrate not the resurrection of Christ 2000 years ago, but the resurrection of Christ as an eternal resurrection in our souls, which will show us the way to the Truth, and this path will bring us freedom and happiness. only for today, but for eternal times.

21. We must acquire something in this world. Acquisition always brings good. This acquisition is the Truth. During this year we must acquire the Truth in its new form, and when all people say that we will be resurrected, what do we understand under resurrection ? That we will acquire the Truth. Christ says: "When you hear the voice of this Truth you will be quickened and resurrected."

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: Well, now the exercise for both senses, for touch and sight, that for 21 days you perceive only beautiful things. That for 21 days you extend your hands up.

22. Remember that Earth is a place of proof! Here humans come to prove themselves, the Earth is a place of proof. When they want to taste the most beautiful people in Heaven, they are sent here. Your patience will be tested, your mind will be tested, your virtue, your science, your knowledge, your art will be tested, in music you will be tested - everything must be tested in the world and only that which is tested remains in human consciousness. When you go to that world you can work. What is not tested is lost. Here as they study now in high school, what is it? They finish high school and forget all the formulas, forget history, many dates. A knowledge that is forgotten, an art that is forgotten, a music that is forgotten, what kind of knowledge is it?

23. That God is holy, this in no way shows that we can be holy. If we live in accordance with His laws we can be holy. For example, the law of holiness should not be understood as an external correlation. A holy man. I do not know in your conscience the word holiness, how you determine it. A holy man. A man who has correct behavior towards his mind, who has correct behavior towards his heart, correct behavior towards his will, correct behavior towards his soul and correct behavior towards his spirit, he is a holy man. Correct behaviors without errors, this is already a behavior. In his life there is no violence. Now some consider that the holy man can perform miracles, but miracles do not come from holiness. Because there are doctors who work miracles without being holy. Some famous musician plays excellently without being holy.

24. "I know God." No, knowing God means that you know His Sacred Name. And when you pronounce His Name, you will no longer be a mortal man. A mortal man can never pronounce the Name of God; Only the dress in immortality can pronounce it. And when he pronounces it, such expansion will occur in his soul, such abundance will be born that he will enter into connection with all living reasonable beings. This man will be free for everything: "He will be and poet, and painter, and musician, and a first class hero."

25. Through death, death has entered, and now we must return to the law of Love so that we become immortal. Then we can condense and become thin, we can move wherever we want, and in whatever condition we find ourselves we will adjust to these.

26. A grateful man I call this that when that feeling of gratitude comes in his life, that there is no longer any change, negative positions, that nothing is able to change his views. If all the sufferings and tortures cannot change your behavior towards God, your thought you have, you have gratitude. You will shake, but if in all shakes your conscience is awake for you to fight, then you in your soul have gratitude.

27. "The just shall live with Faith." Faith is an accumulated experience of the past, a thought that is connected with living matter. Therefore, whenever man believes, a common possibility is formed through which the living forces of Nature begin to flow towards him. The unbeliever is isolated from Nature itself. Unbelief speaks of a man who has no communication with the Divine world; A man of living faith is this who has communication with the Divine life.

28. Good is the Divine order, evil is the human order. Love is the Divine order, heartbreak is the human order. Unbelief is the human order, Faith is the Divine order. Hope is the Divine order, hopelessness is the human order. Now we deceive ourselves and say: "There is no hope" - then you have entered the human order. - “What do I have to do?” You will leave the human order and enter the Divine.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: Apply faith in your life and be ready at every moment to fulfill the good wishes that are born in your heart. If there is any good desire in your heart, immediately give way to its realization. If this desire has come to your mind at night immediately get up and fulfill it. But that you were going to cut your dream or sleep a little, that this does not disturb you. Man does not need much sleep. According to some physiologists, man needs 7-8 hours of sleep. The saints sleep little. One-two hours are enough for the saint. Sometimes he is satisfied with little sleep not more than half an hour.

29. I mean, outside your creed there is a science with which you must deal. Someone will say: Second time when we come to Earth. But you start now. When you come a second time you will continue your work. Not left time . It says: I am 80 years old. Work begins, it's never too late. That is why this powerful faith must be born in you from a science with which we can improve our life. Or may this life improve as the Lord wants. Dec s: If the Lord wants. This is a crooked precept. God has placed in us a desire that we must develop. If I do not want and God does not want. There are things that I want and God wants. There are then other Divine works, if God wants them and I will love them.

30. Keep yourselves, you speak a lot! There are many brothers and sisters who talk a lot about this what they do. You are destroying work when you talk about this what you do. You say: I did this, I did that; You have done nothing as a fact. I consider this from which humans begin to take advantage. They begin to take advantage of my eagerness, then I win; until humans do not take advantage of my anxiety, nothing wins. You say: Gold for the people. Leave this You will do things that humans will take advantage of.

Thoughts for the month of April 2014

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