Flame Twin and Soulmate. A Kabbalistic interpretation

  • 2018

We know that the human being is, in the most purely essential, a divine spark of the Great Cosmic Fire or God, in whose bosom three great primordial forces inhabit, also described in most religions as the sacred triad of the Father-Son-Holy Spirit, Brahma-Shiva-Visnú or Atma-Budhi-Manas, which constitute a single Unit. Thus we see for example in the book of Genesis that Adam, the First Man, was made in the image and likeness of the Creator Father of all things, just as Eve, the First Woman, was made from a rib of Adam.

This analogy is perfectly reflected in the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah, where the first sphere, Kether, located in the center of the Tree, begets a second sphere, Jokmah, representing the Masculine Principle, from which a third sphere emanates, Binah, the Feminine Principle, forming the three spheres a single Unit, in what is known as the Triad of the spirit or spiritual monad, whose polar forces are perfectly balanced.

We have on the other hand the 7th Hermetic Law that tells us about the Generic or, and tells us that “Gender is in everything; everything contains the masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests itself in all planes of reality ”.

That is, not only do we find the male and female gender on Earth, the physical plane, but the Gender is also present in the other dimensional planes. Let us note that all the ancient pantheons attribute to each god their feminine counterpart, as is the case of Osiris and Isis in the Egyptian civilization; Zeus and Hera in the Greek Olympus or Shiva and Kali in the Hindu tradition. The same goes for all mythological works, where characters like Orpheus or Ulysses need their respective wives Euridice and Penelope, so that their epics make sense. And in the field of romantic literature, we all have in mind Romeo and Juliet as the greatest archetypal exponent of what an idyllic romance represents. That is to say that gender is present in the three great kingdoms, such as the world of the Spirit, the world of the Soul and the world of Personality .

So our spiritual monad is androgynous by definition, since it houses this double male and female nature in perfect balance and communion. However, at the precise moment in which we decided to leave our celestial orbit to descend to the manifested worlds and experience duality (the famous exit from Paradise), this Sacred Cosmic Union was fragmented into two Flaming Rays or Twin Flames that went to places far apart from each other, forcing them to have to travel the Way of Return to Home separately .

In this long process of expansion of consciousness through experience, each Twin Flame comes into the world again and again under the same gender, because its spiritual counterpart is already doing it somewhere else with the opposite gender. This does not mean that the soul can only incarnate in a single gender, since sometimes it is necessary to adopt the opposite gender to be able to heal certain karmic aspects that were pending, but except for these types of cases, it is usual to specialize in a single gender: male or female.

That is, we all have a Twin Flame of the opposite genre living in some other place or plane of reality, which is an integral part of our own Being, but that when traveling different Evolutionary Paths, hardly ever occurs a physical encounter in the earthly world.

Each Twin Flame also belongs to a different thermal family, whose Cause Plans prioritize the `` work of each member in relation to the group, thereby delaying a possible reunion with the Twin Flame almost indefinitely. On the other hand this means that the most important people in our life: parents, children, brothers, other close relatives, close friends and also the couple; They are very dear beings for us because they belong to our great thermal family (much larger in number than any earthly family), and it is with them that we exchange a multitude of roles in successive lives, sharing all kinds of experiences and experiences, although not all harmonious, because in this evolutionary process there are also painful learnings, but in any case they are generating stronger and stronger bonds of love.

Thus we say of a person who is our Soulmate, because we feel and recognize in her that bond of love so special, fruit of innumerable shared existences, which far exceeds what is usually known as " related spirits ." The Soulmate can both appear in life in the form of a couple, a son, a brother and even a friend, because they are very old affective bonds that give us much happiness and knowledge in each existence. Also at the level of a partner, the Soulmate can provide highly deep and intense experiences, because although it does not achieve the same degree of cosmic union that the Twin Flame produces, this type of relationship confers a lot of emotional stability, which allows the person to go exploring other areas of life and keep moving forward on your particular Evolutionary Path. Thus, encounters with a Soulmate are not only habitual, but they have a very positive impact on the life of each person, and are very beneficial for the soul in their spiritual development .

The encounter with the Twin Flame is instead very rare, because it does not belong to the same soul group, although sometimes we are allowed to live this experience in order to experience completely unusual emotions and feelings, because there is no other being in the whole universe that is capable of generating those same sensations. Unlike what happens with the Twin Souls, the reunion with the Twin Flame can only appear in our life as a sentimental couple, because only an equal-to-equal relationship allows us to discover aspects of gender polarity on a physical, emotional level, mental and spiritual that do not occur in other emotional bonds. The reunion with the Twin Flame causes the highest level of interdimensional connection that can occur between two people, which allows to live experiences as fascinating and unknown to the soul as is that indescribable feeling of eternity and fullness at all levels, which transcends everything the collective imaginary associated with romanticism and passion. The reunion with the Twin Flame is an extremely exceptional spiritual experience, because it takes us to the highest spheres of existence, where one recalls that ancient Divine Union in which the two Flames remained united for eons as One pure Spirit .

It is therefore a relationship that touches the extremes, in the sense that the person can both reach the greatest states of happiness and divine ecstasy, as well as plunge into the deepest sadness, melancholy and despair . That is, when there is still not enough spiritual maturity, these encounters are usually very disturbing to the soul, because being completely dazzled and absorbed in the contemplation of their spiritual consort, it loses sight of its earthly dimension, being able to reach even to evade his Purpose of Life. They are relationships that do not usually thrive on the physical plane, because until each individual first manages to balance and harmonize these same polar forces internally within themselves, the energy that moves the reunion with the Twin Flame is so overwhelming, that its effects are good. difficult to manage at earthly level.

However, as the hidden Daat sphere of the Tree of Life shows us, this Divine Union will end up occurring sooner or later in the course of our Homecoming Way, long before we even meet the Triple Flame of Love, Will and Wisdom that harbors our Being in the highest sphere of Life, because each Twin Flame is predestined to meet and unite again to radiate the Divine Light of the Spirit that emanates from this Great Cosmic Union .

By way of conclusion it could be said, how necessary are the encounters with the Twin Souls, as is definitely the definitive union to our Twin Flame, since both links refer us to two internal worlds of the Being, the world of the Soul and the world of the Spirit, two levels of approximation to the Unique Being, which, being very distant from each other, should not anticipate future events until we have reached the sufficient degree of spiritual development.

AUTHOR: Ricard Barrufet Santol ria, collaborator of the big family hermandadblanca.org

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