Master Hilarion: The core of your inner sadness

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 For you, your inner sadness may be due to an experience of lack in your reality, or to unrealized desires and dreams. 2 Collective sadness of humanity 3 All humanity is connected to a source of energy that is similar to a library of all thoughts and feelings experienced by humans on Earth. This is known as the Consciousness of Humanity. 4 All of humanity is united and connected. 5 The greatest sadness 6 Healing the sadness of humanity 7 maintain the intention that the Consciousness of Humanity be realigned and reconnected with the Consciousness of the Creator. 8 Healing Your Internal Experience of Sadness 9 Everyone needs to be recognized, registered and released in order to access the truth within.

Channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 15, 2017

Today, I, Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray of Light, wish to speak with you about the energy of sadness within your being. Recognizing and healing your inner sadness is an aspect of your own spiritual evolution by helping them access the mastery within their being.

Your inner sadness may feel personal to you as if it were the result of your circumstances and of the journey on Earth. They can recognize that their inner sadness is their constant companion or that it exists at a distance by visiting them from time to time.

For you, your inner sadness may be due to an experience of lack in your reality, or unrealized desires and dreams.

Along with sadness there is suffering, when you are experiencing energies and mentality of sadness you are causing yourself suffering. It may be that by experiencing the suffering caused by another you can also allow your inner sadness to surface in your conscious consciousness and physical body. There are apparently numerous causes for inner sadness to be your companion, I, Master Hilarion, wish to talk about your inner sadness while bringing freedom and liberation from the pain of sadness .

Collective sadness of humanity

Through the many civilizations and lives that have manifested on Earth, humanity has experienced so many different situations . While most situations, although challenging, bring growth and renewal to the soul, they can leave scars on the consciousness of humanity.

The experiences of fear, being limited or controlled, hurt or hurt, manipulated and so on, can remain as energy sources within the consciousness of humanity. These energy pockets seem stagnant as if they were creating blockages . However, they are active and growing because humanity is constantly adding its energy to them. These bags of limiting active energy weigh heavily on all beings on Earth.

All humanity is connected to a source of energy that is similar to a library of all the thoughts and feelings experienced by humans on Earth. This is known as the Consciousness of Humanity.

Within the Consciousness of Humanity is the energy of ascension, the truth of the Creator, as well as the greatest possibilities and opportunities for humanity.

The Consciousness of Humanity is constantly changing and transforming, becoming clearer and brighter as the old limiting energies of disarmament are being released and healed It is the limiting energies created by humanity and stored within the consciousness of humanity that can create internal sadness within your being at this very moment.

You can access the Consciousness of Humanity and do it all the time. This means that you can connect, often without realizing it, with the darkness or pain that others have experienced .

All of humanity is united and connected.

A body and its many parts are similar; This means that the pain and darkness of others can be adopted as yours, again without you noticing . (This is often when people believe they have attachments, it is because they are connecting with pain or disharmony within the Consciousness of Humanity, it resonates with them so deeply that it becomes part of them as if they lived by his side).

Much of your sadness is reached from the bags of limiting energy and disarmament within the Consciousness of Humanity . Often your sadness is not yours, or it can be your creation of another amplified life.

The greatest sadness

The core of your sadness and the sadness that everyone feels extends from a simple illusion. The illusion is to believe in separation . When the Creator created your Soul Group, there seems to be a separation experience, this is the same for all Soul Groups.

When you enrolled in the School of the Earth, you may also have experienced a separation, feeling alienated and separated from the inner planes, your divine memory of yourself and the Creator, and your intense power . We cannot say if their experiences of separation were imprinted in their being after the event or if they were their natural reactions to being driven to a journey of exploration of the truth of the Creator.

I, Master Hilarion, believe that all experiences of sadness, whether they arise from within or instigated by an experience in their reality, are born from this original illusion of separation . I use the word " illusion " because all beings are constantly connected, united in energy and consciousness.

Separation is an illusion or an imaginary story that everyone repeats themselves . Every soul knows that at the bottom of its being there is only unity and yet many experience the pain of separation . Sadness and separation are the same energy and I, Master Hilarion, know that they are heavy weights and wounds that consume everything, that create chaos and disgust at such a deep level of the soul. The pain and suffering that this illusion causes cannot be denied.

Healing the sadness of humanity

When light and love are a higher percentage within the consciousness of Humanity, the internal wounds retained in your being and the energies of separation will no longer be energized .

First, there is a need to imagine the Consciousness of Humanity as a source of energy, to send your light and love through the source. Anchor the light and love of the Creator and everything within the Creator Universe, encourage the energies to flow, thus dissolving the bags of limitations and disharmonies.

Second, maintain the intention that the Consciousness of Humanity be realigned and reconnected with the Consciousness of the Creator, thus allowing all humanity to be embraced in the energy of the Creator, feeling and accepting the support and love of the Creator. This will free from the Consciousness of Humanity the belief in the separation that many maintain.

maintain the intention that the Consciousness of Humanity be realigned and reconnected with the Consciousness of the Creator.

As you work to achieve this, calling my energy, Master Hilarion, to accompany you, so you will experience liberation within your being. You will notice that any feeling of sadness, separation or limiting energy will not feel so empowered within your being, and therefore you will not have such powerful control over your energy.

When many souls on Earth achieve the same, it will create a change in everyone's experiences on Earth. As more people believe from love and positivity, this will become the reality they experience.

Healing Your Internal Sadness Experience

To support the healing of your inner sadness, there is a need to recognize that experiences and feelings of separation are often the core of sadness . With this understanding, so you can allow yourself to sink, almost below the energy of sadness you are experiencing, to access its core.

As you allow yourself to sink into your sadness as if you were melting through the clouds, you can recognize many memories or perceptions that seem to be the core of your sadness, each allows healing and directs you on a path to the true core of your sadness

Examples of these perceptions or memories can be to remember feelings of lack of power, fear, pain, shame, being attacked, controlled and so on. Each one has been created by their basic feelings of separation and therefore each one needs to be recognized, registered and released in order to access the truth within. It may be advisable to ask to be guided to your inner core of sadness and separation.

Everyone needs to be recognized, registered and released to be able to access the truth within.

This is often hidden from his conscience because he retains and instigates too much pain and suffering . As you ask inside, you will receive the understanding and healing you desire. Please keep in mind that you can take some meditations focused on this issue to allow you to dissolve your inner core of separation .

The perceptions that you get along the way are similar to your history and journey to recover and re-access your natural unity and unity with all, and all that is the Creator. Every aspect of the history of your internal wounds, illusions and experiences of separation are valuable and are an important part of your liberation .

I am present to serve,

Master Hilarion

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Natalie Glasson (2017) Master Hilarion: The Core of Your Inner Sadness. 12/18/2017. Love Has Won

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