The Energy of the Future - Kryon by Lee Carroll

  • 2015

To help the reader, this channeling has been reissued (by Lee and Kryon) to favor a clearer understanding. Sometimes even more information is added. It usually happens that live has an associated energy that involves a type of communication that the printed page does not offer. Enjoy this message given in Newport on December 7, 2014. Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service. This particular channel will be full of information, as always, but we also offer something else. We are arriving at the close of your 2014 calendar year. Normally it is time to reflect and in this room in particular, the energy we want to generate with the surrounding environment is congratulations.

I want you to feel and enjoy the honor and, in these next moments, I would like you to disconnect from the problems you came with. While they are here, if they have pain in the body, disconnect. If you have pain in your heart, disconnect. In a physical sense, we fully understand that you are what you are, and you must go through what you are going to go through, but you have the power to disentangle yourself for a while - for a few following moments. Whatever the next message, whatever it is said, there is another energy that permeates this room. It extends over you and covers you, looks at you, remembers you, thanks you, knows you. Thus, even before starting with the information, we ask that the multiplicity of messages that are issued be felt, understood and enjoyed to the fullest in these few moments. ——— The Premise of Cell Evolution If you are listening or reading this, and you are not physically at this meeting, we need to review something - a premise.

There are some scientists and researchers who believe that the human brain contains everything it can contain. That is to say that it contains genius, intelligence, manifestation above Physics and mastery, in each individual cell. But those attributes are blocked and somehow, depending on the chemistry and the multidimensional energy in each human brain, there is a positioning of the energy that keeps that blocked. The belief is that maybe, at the right time, certain energies can arrive and unlock it. This is a theory - that humans are complete and developed and prepared for everything.

Now, that theory is opposed by the other theory that tells them that the human brain is not complete and that it is the product of continuous and future cellular evolution to come. He says that you are not smarter than what the full capacity of the body allows you. There is nothing in your body beyond what they see, and eventually they will produce cells to create a more evolved Human Being. Between these two theories, the first is correct. From now on, evolution will be based on energy, not chemistry, and will unlock hidden wisdom and cellular efficiency - something that is already incorporated there. Sometimes the proof of this premise is shown in rare, dear ways, and you see it and don't know what to think.

Damage to the brain can cause the unleashing of an akashic memory ; an artist can instantly emerge in someone who never had been before. Sometimes something happens, a blow to the head, perhaps, that originates a genius where there was none before. These are small evidences that you have that perhaps the first theory is absolutely true, the one that says "Everything is within you, waiting to arise." Consider spontaneous remission, because it is an enigma; Some think it is a miracle. How can a body heal instantly from some of the worst imbalances and diseases that humanity knows? And yet it happens repeatedly.

This is how they reach the area of ​​what we have been teaching, which is spiritual logic. Take a look at what I have said in the past: the old energy that is on this planet now, has set its DNA at approximately 33 to 34%. But the wise and long-lived masters who walked the planet had theirs at 80 to 90%. All they did was to show you what you could do. We have taught you this again and again. That this is the premise with which we begin. The Physics of this: A Review Now, some Physics; I will call it Spiritual Physics, so it is not too complicated. In 1993 we gave them a book called The Final Times.

In that book we made some announcements; we talked about the magnetic grid of the earth, and said that it had to be here for human life to exist; And it’s like that. At one time, science did not agree. We gave you the esoteric part of this my partner calls it woo-woo (NT unfounded beliefs, ghost tales). Its DNA, a multidimensional molecule, carries in itself everything that the Universe knows. He carries his Akashic record; all their lives, their spiritual purpose, their spiritual being, their karma. Everything is in your DNA. This can never be proven, because it is a spiritual attribute. DNA creates a field, called the Merkabah (Hebrew word). We also told you that the Earth's magnetic grid, a multidimensional energy, transfers certain things to your DNA daily.

The grid then becomes an important energy transfer system. To those who were paying attention, that should have connected the dots in a line because if the grid changes, dear ones, you too. I told them that the grid would change more in ten years than what had changed in a hundred, and he did. They can measure the movement of their magnetic grid with a compass . Between 1993 and 2002, it moved a lot; more than in any other period of modern human history. We said then that it would be, and so it was. Our grid group withdrew in 2002, as we told you it would. Again, those who paid attention must have known something was up.

In those initial transmissions of that time I told them that they would not have an Armageddon: they did not have it. Also, that there would be no third world war, and there was not. Despite all the prophecies that said otherwise, we told them that there was a potential for human beings to pass the marker, survive and begin a new energy on the planet. We told you that it would be the beginning of peace on Earth, and in that situation you are today. So many years ago, we told you about the potential of where you are located today, listening to this message about what might come.

So right now I name this channel: The Energy of the Future. The Energy of the Future Last week I gave you a message that talked about what would come in the next three years. Tonight will talk about the energies that will be manifested in future and some of the changes to be expected and why they are taking place. You may want to hear this message several times, in order to integrate it, because it brings new reviews and information. So, before we begin, what have we established? Number one: blocked within the human body through DNA is mastery and brightness, working at only 34%. Number two: the planet's magnetic grid positions everything that refers to its DNA. It also has a lot to do with what you call human nature: what you want, what you have created.

It seems that it was static, which never changes, it has been seen as “this is how it is.” However, we will call it the temporary blocking of DNA. You see, when your human consciousness and spiritual maturity begin to move forward in the coming years, your DNA will begin to change . This has nothing to do with chemistry, and everything to do with the energy stored within it, and with rewriting the data. New energies will unlock certain parts that have been blocked; some of them, the same parts that I talked about at the beginning of this message - the mysterious things about healing and the Akash.

The Nodes and Null Zones - The Energies for the Future . Let's move on another step. In the last two years I talked about the opening of the nodes and the null zones, the time capsules of the planet that were waiting for this new energy. We told them who put them there, and that the Creative Source itself is responsible. We told you that you have been there for over a hundred thousand years waiting to open if you passed the marker - and they did. They are opening slowly, we have identified them, and associated some of the pairs ( They begin to open. What do they do? I will tell you: you turn out information to the grids, the magnetic, the crystalline and Gaia's, the three active interpersonal grids of the planet, the ones that interface with you and with your consciousness. That's where the information goes, don't you find it interesting?

The information does not go directly to your consciousness, but to the grids. Now, this allows free will, because it is not placed within their minds. That would nullify free will. Instead, it is put on the rack. With free will, any human can ignore everything I say, leave this room and say: “The man in the chair is a fraud. The information is ridiculous, it is stupid! ” And at the same time, sitting next to the unbeliever there will be someone who today will be miraculously healed. There is the difference. The free option to accept or reject things around you is the key to honoring your individual consciousness. The New Energy Approaching in Space If they could see multidimensional energies and have the ability to move away and observe their solar system in their run around the center of the galaxy, they could see a ribbon of energy that they are currently going through.

You could say that so far your solar system has been in a protective energy bubble since life began on this planet. This is an astronomical measurement and is known to science. It even has a name, so it is not esoteric. As the bubble dissipates and you move into a new region of space, this ribbon of energy that you are now going through is different. In fact, it represents a higher energy and some would even call it radiation. As your solar system enters it firmly, it is the first time this has happened with humans living on Earth.

It requires millions of years for your solar system to make a complete turn around the center. Therefore you were not here the last time this happened. You are now authorized with the consciousness of the creative seed in you, and here comes the radiation, according to the program. We have said and channeled this before, because it is not new information. But now we integrate it. The first thing this radiation intercepts is the biggest thing in your solar system - your sun. The sun is a nuclear engine; It is the one with the highest system energy. The new radiation interfaces with your sun and the sun immediately changes its energy. Then the sun triggers this new information through the solar winds (the heliosphere of the sun) directly towards the Earth. It is immediately intercepted by the magnetic grid (which is normal) because its magnetic grid always intercepts any energy coming from the heliosphere.

The heliosphere (the magnetic grid of the sun) overlaps with the magnetic grid of the earth, and the transfer of information is complete through something they call inductance. Now it is on its magnetic grid. As a review, remember what we teach you, that any attribute that is on your magnetic grid is transferred to your DNA. Connect the dots with a line, from a message from 25 years ago: the new energy affects the sun. The sun gives energy to the earth's grid, and the grid gives it to its DNA. It affects you. [] The New "Message" from Space Let me tell you what the message is being transmitted: Unlock up to 44%! This is the message: that the race has passed the marker and is ready for the next step in its evolution.

I am speaking to the ancient soul. You are the first to receive this message. It is you, and some of your children with " ancient souls " who begin to feel and accept this! Let me tell you in this lesson today that the first thing this unlocking begins to create is what we will call Akashic acuity. They will start to remember, and it was time. Can you celebrate this? It was time that at birth they do not have to start from scratch, in the dark, and doing everything again. Instead, they will remember! I want to talk to some individuals who are listening to this and are in this room: Have your grandchildren had the audacity to tell you who they used to be? Don't raise your hand, I know you are here. They feel it, they know it, and from the mouth of these babies comes the deepest information that this planet has heard. They know who they were! Some point you with your finger and say: “How can you not remember it? I've been your mom in another life! ”Puzzles a bit, right? I want you to remember one of the premises of the incarnation, which we have given you over and over again. You incarnate in family groups. There is a reason for this; It is a good reason; so that there is joy and comfort. So you don't have to learn the energy of each one that you interact with, again and again.

The energies of the family remain together and in this way more is achieved. There is always a benevolent reason for these things. Each attribute of the esoteric system of life, whether its grids or reincarnation, is benevolent. Did you hear that? It is a beautiful system, and not random. It's not about a trial, it's not about punishment. Instead, it's about God's love for you, and what I'm going to tell you is that what is changing is energy. Akashic Acuity Then we have established that you advance in this new radiation, and we have established that it intercepts the sun. The sun impacts with it the earth's magnetic field, (by means of the solar wind), and the magnetic field speaks to its DNA. Suddenly, there is a potential for some of your DNA to be unlocked. The attributes of unlocking akashic acuity will help them remember who they have been. However; With this memory comes energy - not about who they were, but rather the energy of what they did. I don't mean the physical: I mean the energetic and the mental. Ancient souls carry experience.

When you look a child in the eye, you will see the wisdom that is waiting to arise. Dear, these children are different. They will not go through what you went through! They have a whole new set of problems, and most of those problems lie in dealing with the old problems that you create for them! There is something we mentioned in an earlier message, called the wisdom factor. Now, the wisdom factor is produced by Akashic acuity.

After living one human life after another, they begin to remember the wisdom they gained during their past lives. You don't necessarily remember who you were, but the fact that you were, and the experiences you had. Can you imagine a child who comes to the planet knowing how to read? Can you imagine a child coming to the planet knowing that he should not touch something hot? Where does it come from? They will see it more often, with the feeling of “having been there, having done that.” Akashic acuity is the memory of past life experiences. As the child grows, it becomes pure wisdom. When the child starts to wake up and the pine tree opens, something else happens.

The grid begins to speak to the child through DNA, and on the grid is also the information of the time capsules that we talked about in previous messages. Time capsules begin to give the planet increased wisdom and knowledge.

You don't have to reincarnate to wake up even more! Akashic acuity means that suddenly humans know more than what other children knew in the past - much more. Accelerated Route This is the plan, it is an accelerated track system, an energy system for planetary ascension . It will take a long time to implement it, dear ones, but it is starting now. You will see marginal evidence that it begins to happen in 2015, 2016 and 2017. You will see it slightly in many places. These energies require a long time to mature and will not happen fast and instantaneously. Some of you will be convinced that the world simply passes through a dark place and you go with it. Because you don't see the changes as what they are; They don't understand what really happens.

We have said before: when they radiate a lot of light in a dark place, things that were always in the dark are opposed. That is what they are seeing now, and they will see more of the same. The dark things were always there, but they didn't have the light that you are focusing on now.

Awareness of Self Akashic acuity creates wisdom, and that wisdom translates into something else, which we wish to tell you what it is. And now how do I present this matter? When organisms became more complex, they worked better. Muscles integrated together, communicated and worked better. As you evolved as a life force, the systems became more elaborate and more mature. Finally, a human being is reached who has what we will call sensitive consciousness, that is, he realizes that he is here. Soon I will give you another channeling really explaining the evolution of life on earth. The cells of life reproduce, live and consume energy that you have not yet discovered scientifically. The consciousness of yes is one of the first attributes of spiritual intelligence. And here you are with that. Today they are much higher than animals just below.

They look you in the eye and you can see emotion and love and you can see intelligence, but they don't know who they are, not really, not like you. The human brain is the best on the planet and that has happened because it became more complex and the systems worked together in ways that you have not yet understood. Now, why do I tell you this? ? Because this basic truth is not socially reflected at all. Did they realize that, the bigger an organization is, the more dysfunctional it becomes? Now let me point out that this is exactly the opposite of what has happened with the cellular structure over time. Something is missing! The cells coordinate with each other in ways that you have not yet discovered. Each knows what the other is doing, a chemical and electrical equilibrium occurs.

All try to balance each other. That is the beauty of a system that has coalescence, integration and coherence. This coalescence gathers everything so that all have the same information and work for the same purpose. How can you have trillions and trillions of cells in the human body, all working together, living a long time, cooperating, doing what you can to stay alive and yet you put several hundred of people together and the result is dysfunctional?

They know I'm right: the bigger the social organization, the worse it works. And let's not talk about the government, I don't need to tell you. In some cases it would seem that the organization is really stupid, because there are too many trying to do the same thing. What is wrong with this scenario? I show you this, because it will change. Integrative Consciousness Here is a new phrase: integrative consciousness. Human beings are going to start having the same kind of attributes of consciousness that the cells enjoy: they will be connected. They will begin to know what the other is thinking. Not personally, nor in private matters, but intellectually and cooperatively.

Common sense will be your guide. Very soon you will discover what you never imagined would happen: that large organizations begin to function much better than before. We have talked about a time when there would be corporations without managers. This is part of that, dear. Can you imagine a situation in which nobody is in charge? That can only happen if all individuals know the issues at the same time. See what I am talking about? This, dear ones, is the wisdom factor. Can you imagine how this will affect everything? Let's start from the simple. Relations, business in general, corporations, politics, governments. If consciousness has a Physics, (as I have already said), it means that there are absolute rules of the physics of wisdom, and that means that you can see and work with it.

Do you remember that radiation found in the path of the solar system? Do you remember that it will impact on the magnetic grid? All of that will begin to unlock your DNA. It will only unlock what you accept for free choice, dear ones. It will not happen unless they give their permission. My job is to let them see you! You are all coming back, I already told you. No matter what your tired body tells you right now; They will return. Imagine a young body, with the knowledge you have accumulated this time, and not have to make the same mistakes!

They will arrive fresh, looking good and remembering! You are not going to miss this party, dear ones. Every time I see them on my side of the veil they can hardly wait to repeat the coming, especially if they expect some redemption. You have spent a lot of time fighting the old energy, dear ones. Now, why not enjoy what you have already paid and earned? And there is more. Once again the Playground Last week we gave you the metaphor of all this: the children in the playground.

Can you remember what the playground was like? Do you remember the aggressive? Do you remember feeling inadequate, or maybe you were the aggressive ones? They may have acted according to what they had in their infant consciousness, and other children did the same. It was survival, and they did what they could to defend themselves. But that changed when they grew up and as young adults they no longer did those things in the playground. No stones were harassed or thrown or insulted. Now they knew what was best, because they had grown up and were wiser. Think that humanity never left the playground until now. In this new energy after 2012, they are given the tools of maturity they have earned. Come to civilization with new eyes, and the playground begins to disappear.

Wisdom begins to solve it. Dear ones, you will not have a humanity entering wisdom as long as you remain a humanity of barbarian warriors. That is all they did for eons! They learned how to kill each other, better and better, for years and suddenly consciousness is changing. Humans begin to realize on a large scale that “this is not what we want.” Ah, believe me: this will cause ongoing discussions about it, but gradually most will realize this. As in real life, you know that some of the aggressive ones never matured and still play according to “the rules of the playground.” You see them on the planet now. They would love to bring this dark and old energy and put it back where it was before 2012. They would love to cause them fear; But it won't happen like that. Wisdom is changing. Your Innato will begin to change; the innate is the intelligence of the body, (with that you communicate by muscle testing). The bridge between the physical body and the innate is absent, and will begin to be built.

Let's put it in common terms: Eventually you will be your own intuitive doctor. You will know what happens in each organ of your body and in each gland, you will know if your blood is balanced! Don't you think your brain should know that? Your Innato already knows! He is always trying to balance himself, the only thing left out is your awareness! Does it sound like this current system is complete? It is not working well. But when they start operating at 44 percent, this becomes reality. It's just the beginning, dear. Imagine a human being who knows these things. You would look at him and say he is a super-person. How can he have that? Welcome to the future!

Peace on Earth is only the beginning and does not require mental effort, as my partner would say, because it comes automatically with wisdom. You stopped beating each other in the playground when you reached adults.

They developed a maturity and a little elegance. His agenda changed; They had to get along. That is what we are waiting for this planet! It is our prediction. It is not immediate, but it starts now. We are giving you the basics of how it works to make it real for you when it happens. This explanation is for you to understand that it is not a magic potion of energy that will encompass the entire earth and cause peace. It is not. The engine of this comes from your DNA, your wisdom, your incarnations and what you decide to do. That is the message. It's work! However; some will say: “How much is missing? Everything sounds so good! ”I want you to remember: some were here twenty years ago, when my partner brought me to a room very similar to this one, and for the first time allowed me to open and give them messages. At that point of time, we gave you information that is now in front of you, happening. We saw the potentials of what it would be and what you would do.

It was not a wasted prophecy, because it happened ! The Spirit does not know the future, because that is free will of humanity. But we do know the patterns of what has happened before on other planets. We have seen what you are doing now, we have seen a perspective that no human can embrace. We know what happens in the cracks. We see things that they would not believe; All of that is pushing them forward. How much left? It is up to you. There are so many things in your favor, even what happens in your solar system, which is within the program for the new human.

The precession of the equinoxes and the end of 2012 marked the beginning of a human consciousness that begins to enter maturity. This was the prophecy of the ancients. The next is a time to get used to it. I will not tell you how long it will take. On other planets it was surprisingly brief. The potential here is for you to get through it quickly . Dear ones, you have paid the cost of this. All those lives solving this puzzle have culminated at this point; Now they have the freedom to end it. Moving from the old to the new requires adaptation, and in that adaptation a recalibration is coming to find a new frequency. It is coming to get rid of fear.

Finally I will tell you something that I said before and I want you to hear it again, and again and again. The reason to repeat it is that they understand what they are seeing. The darkness will try to win, now that the light has come on. They have a powerful tool, really powerful. This tool can reach the top and ruin them. You can reach the Lightworker, the healer and the channeler.

It is a four-letter word: fear. (NT In English, fear is fear. Four letters.) If you are afraid, they win. I want you to think about this. They know. Make your light shine on this, in such an amazing way, that it is no longer a horrible four-letter word to control . So that it doesn't exist anymore. March through these times and remember them, because they have waited for you and worked for them. Work for a new four-letter word: LOVE. Stay for a moment and celebrate each other. And so it is.


Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

This channel was live in Newport

The Energy of the Future - Kryon by Lee Carroll

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