Message of the COSMIC CHRIST for all mankind.

  • 2012

Beloved children Beloved Beloved children My brothers, blessed beings. Here I am again with all of you.

I am Christ and I bless each of you, your family, your hierarchy, the world human hierarchy.

I'm here again.

I am happy to see the changes so big that you are making. I see that some of you are in a time of suffering, work, emotional and physical fatigue.

It is important that you remember that it is only the last moment, the last step towards ascension.

Do not decay.

I have asked my archangel brother Metatron, head of the entire heavenly host, to come to planet earth, stay here with you along with all the angels because I see and feel and I know and so I live with love that you are in a time of hardness. Maintain trust I am always here behind each of you connected to your heart and always supporting you.

Every time you name me I will be here.

Use energy, creativity, mind, thought to love life, to honor it, to bless it.

To transmit the message of love to all the beings that you have in your environment. I love you so much ... I love you so much ...

It is important that you have awareness of the moment so relevant that there is in your time. The ascension is taking place correctly and it is logical to see how darkness wants to stop this path and this change for planet earth.

At the same time you see that duality becomes more present, clearer. Where there is darkness there is perfect light. Where there is light, next door there is darkness waiting. However, light will always be the new path. The era of enlightenment is here, it doesn't have to come. This has started many years ago. It is a process that nothing and nobody can stop.

All of us are here to show you our support, to give you confidence and strength.

You see that the desires of your soul are being fulfilled. There are important changes in everyday life. Beings that inhabit your life and march, who die believing that death exists. It's not like that. You know perfectly well that it is not so. It is only a step towards the other plane. From that place your loved ones are helping you to be in a vibration of love, light and peace. So don't cry. Simply sing to life because life does not end here.

Blessed all.

How much love is in your hands! What a capacity you have to heal all of you! Use this love, stand firm, create silence when someone stays in a mental block or violence.

Beautiful beings, have confidence in you, in your strength. Nothing can fail. Everything is happening according to the divine plan.

Everyday is important, it is the most essential. Every minute, every present is divine, it is eternal. There is no longer the past or the future. Everything is a distant thought that happens in the mind.

The present is connected to God. You are divine beings.

My message is the same from day one. A long time ago not only more than two thousand years ago, I have been coming to show the same message, the same truth. There is no time or space. Yes it is true that there are dimensions and there are planes, but they are all here. Everything, everything is in the same place.

You have the key in your heart and in your intention.

Get out of this mental lethargy. Get out of this energy lethargy. Show you more clearly on the path of light. Choose the light well. Choose to move whenever you are clear that this makes you happy and you live in peace. In no way and under no circumstances is the change intended to be traumatic, at all it is not.

I love you so much ... I've always been in charge of showing you what the path is, and the path is peace, love, the decision, to have will, to have the will to change, to always move forward.

It is consistent that from time to time you enter a silence, you enter in solitude, but it is a loneliness chosen, only to connect with the interior, to summon your angels and your beings whom I always accompany. However, after a time of meditation and prayer I always advise and guide because it is one of the safest ways to reach your own divine being and God the father. After this time you activate. It is not enough not to do evil. Now it is necessary that you all get active and do good for yourself, for the human community and for the planet. Engineer as much as possible in your everyday environment. Life must change. Life always grows. The way of life depends solely on you, on your light.

I assure you that you are made of the light and intelligence and love of God, that you are real beings.

Mankind was genetically manipulated a long time ago, I have already informed you of this, and other channels have also received it through other teachers, however this is the past. The era that is now coming is an era of enlightenment, therefore, forget, forgive and heal the past only with realization and intention.

Blessed all. It is not necessary to go a long way, it is only necessary that you take the first step and the life, light and face of God will be clearly shown.

You human beings have the ability to heal all the diseases that now occur in your life.

You, human beings, no longer need any medicine other than light, love and pure energy.

Summon the pure energy of God, invoke in your heart. Ask for luminosity and divine essence for all your acts over and over again.

Close your lips when you are not in harmony. Keep in peace at any cost, beautiful beings, because this will give you strength and projection within a very short time, so that you are, see and feel in real way on your plane, in your life and in your mind how is the new life.

Blessed Take care of yourself, take care of your children, your brothers, the planet. Take care of everything, totally protect the luminosity of the mind.

It is important that you work during all this time until you finish the great change in your astral. It is very important to release, clean, attract the forces of light. Focus only on the forces of light. Call us, you will give us more strength and permission. It is true that we have permission because we are created from the same being and in reality there is only one being and we are all fractions of this supreme being that is God. However, while we do not all return to the pure essence it is true and it is logical to see and observe how we manifest ourselves individually. But there is a purpose, a single path, a single way of living being and being.

All, in heaven and on earth, in all dimensions, we are one community.

Blessed all. Blessed all.

It is true and it is consistent that there are realities where there are beings that are not in vibration of light. It is true and it is coherent to think that life is creative and that for now there is a duality on certain levels. However, each and every one, even the darkest ones, has a light inside. I will always remind you of this so that you can forgive, so that you look the other way, so that you can really see what is in the heart and give yourself a chance.

Dedicate yourselves now for a time to purify your body again, your thoughts, because this will directly affect the projection of your soul and spirit.

Blessed all. Blessed all.

Take care of the day, of everyday reality. Be the beings that you are. Project yourself in your own joy. Always defend with love and peace who you are, your desires and your purposes. Defend with love. Defending in this case means, beautiful children and brothers, defending means being and maintaining confidence, having tenacity, perseverance.

Blessed children Stop thinking about your own individuality. Only this individuality serves to serve the community.

Manifest the intelligence that you all have inside. There is capacity, there is capacity to spare in all of you, all of you who are listening now and all of us who are projecting light from all the heavens.

Blessed, blessed humans of the earth. You are not alone. I am with you and like me there are many teachers and there are cosmolytic divine energies that are now working on earth. There are planes, close planes, close dimensions where there is life, and that life also has light.

Remember the star brothers, the brothers from heaven. Summon the forces of light again and again. This is my main message for this time.

It is consistent that some of you are going to live a precious time, you will see great miracles, spectacular healings. You live them with great greatness.

Blessed children This is the normal reality in heaven. This is what awaits you, because the disease ends on earth. The disease that you have lived is loneliness and individuality. It has never been reality, it has been a dream that you are waking up from.

Purify your bodies, remember, because the light that comes now affects your whole being, the spirit, the soul, the mind, the emotional body, the astral system, the causal system.

Remember: purify yourselves with prayer, with intention. The food must be blessed. Do not let anything enter your body that is not pure sacred and clean.

Blessed all. How much I love you. I am always here, always. I am always here. I take you by the hand for every act of life. You don't need to cry, you don't need tears at all. It is tears of happiness that now come.

Remember this: life is full on planet earth. You are always powerful beings. You are powerful beings.

I see your tiredness. I see your tiredness and I take it with all love. I am by your side. I also carry your heavy burden. Talk to me forever. I have never failed you. I have never stopped responding. I am always by your side when you do not listen to me is because you are still in mental vibration of suffering. Keep yourself in the present and in the awareness and awareness that I am with you and bring you to your own guiding beings and teachers. There is a whole hierarchy of help, of collaboration. Just as you on earth must collaborate with each other to help you, to keep you healthy in balance and in love, there is also a spiritual hierarchy and we all collaborate without any ego.

Blessed It is a joy to see how you move forward, how you trust more and more.

Always, always will be. There is no going back. No matter what happens, what the dark entities that are now projecting thoughts on some humans who have power manifest. No matter. The reality is another very clear. This is only a time and a process.

Remember that light is who reigns on earth and this is the only truth.

My children, I love you very much.

I see that you are accompanied by your loved ones, beings whom you have named and some others who have come of their own accord with permission.

I want you to know that those in heaven are with you by your side.

Keep calm. They are happy to accompany you at all times. Each one has an angelic being that helps and accompanies him, elevates him when necessary, draws him to your heart and your life.

The mother earth astral is being totally cleaned. There is very little left. You will notice the effects on your dream. You will also notice the effects on your stomach, in your digestive system, in your eyes. You will see that some of your chakras are blocked only for a few hours and a time. Ask for light directly where it is missing.

If you have no confidence yet in the practice of asking and taking the light, help each other, ask for collaboration and give it at all times.

Blessed Bless the land you step on because it is holy, it is sacred and it is eternal. It will never be destroyed. Do not trust the messages of destruction because they are not true. Everything is evolution. Everything is change.

A long time ago, two years ago I informed you that you have a unique gene in you, the real gene, the divine gene. This will cause the DNA chain to change completely. Some beings have already been born with a total change, but you who are here on planet earth, beings of all ages, will be affected for good by this genetic change. That means the ability to listen, to intuit, to see and to know other realities. Remember that all kingdoms are here. All exist connected in the heart of each one of you. It is easy to understand the strength that comes. Observe and feel in your heart and in your energetic being.

Do not fear. Do not fear. I am always accompanying you. Always, at all times I am accompanying you.

Blessed all. Blessed all.

I summon you to come every day to the sacred heart that you have in your chest.

Summon the forces of light. I'm there.

I always insist on the same message because it is the only truth.

You are able to materially change your reality. You just have to trust and practice every day with determination, with enthusiasm. Remember that it is invocation and projection. This is the way to create just as God the Father has created us all. The divine breath is nothing but the holy spirit. The holy spirit is in all of us, where life is found, everywhere, not only in human beings but in all creation.

Summon the holy spirit because it is the intelligence and active force of God.

To invoke the Christ Consciousness because that is what I found and I give you all again and again. The Christ Consciousness is the ability to love and keep you in peace and communication, it is the community and it is the heart of God the father.

Blessed all. I am the love. I am love and I am in all of you. I am the love. I am the love. I am love and I exist within your chest. Every day your breath is my breath. Every day I bless your superior being. Every day I bless your energy bodies. Every day I take care of you. Every day, always, forever, here, now, wherever you are. I address all of you. I love you. I take care of you. I am you. Trust inside because you are not alone.

Bless you. Bless your love. Bless your patience. Bless your sweetness. Blessed all your changes. Bless your inner strength. Bless your eternal peace.

I bless you. I bless you. I bless you.

Dear, dear humans of planet earth, I am Christ. I stay here in your hearts, forever.

Stop listening to messages that are wrong despite the illness or blockage of your family or friends or beings who live close to your way of life, despite what you see always stay in peace. If you are peace you are a magnet of light and peace and love for the being you are thinking about.

You are a God on earth. You believe just as God has created us. Trust your own strength. There is no proper way. There is no unique way. It is your own will. It is your way, your form, your decision, your strength, your coherence.

What happiness there is in heaven every time you dare to be divine beings on earth, coherent beings. Always ask permission. Always invoke the force of light. Always stay stable on earth. Feel totally the connection with Mother Earth because she is in charge of draining your whole being energetically.

Blessed Blessed To love you completely as you are. Loving others as they are means at the same time obtaining the freedom to move. Lead the life you want to lead, be what you want to be. Observe freedom, strength and joy.

Blessed all. Everything is consistent. Everything is good for heaven and earth. The thoughts that block are only cultural thoughts that come from the individuality of the mind consciousness and this is a mistake. It has been necessary for a while, many eons of time, but now the mind is unifying. The Christ light is for everyone. Spiritual light is for everyone and all minds begin to be able to stay open and alert to the new, the original, the origin of everything. You are able to create a new life. Your cities must change. Your way of life and of inhabiting cities and places of rest must change. Change everything. Change you Renew all. Renew life. You are the warriors of light. You are the ones in charge from here, from the heart, from my heart. The light of God We inspire you, we support you and we will always be here.

Blessed all. Meet in small and large groups when you want to change something that is bigger than you. Always ask for permits from the heart. Get together, pray and project. This is how it is done, with the intention, with good will. Nothing but creativity and life, and order and permission and coherence will be created. There is a security mechanism inside you: keep yourself in peace, be consistent with your strength, be consistent, be creative and never fear.

Blessed all. Keep you in joy. In spite of everything that happens keep you in joy.

I love you I love you deeply. I love you and I bless you all. I love you and I bless you all.

I want to hear your requests inside. Ask me for your peace, for your health and for the health of loved ones. Ask me for the planet, for Mother Earth and for her children, all of humanity. Ask for ascension. You are all heard. I am not alone. There is a spiritual hierarchy surrounding this whole event and wherever you are, wherever you are there I am always. I listen to you with love in the silence inside.

How much love is in your hearts! How much love is in your hearts!

I love you deeply. Throughout today I will be listening to your hearts anytime you want to talk to me, go thinking, go talking. You will not be alone. I am at your side in a conversation from brother to brother. That is my name. I am your older brother, but brother after all.

Blessed all. Blessed Blessed

Thank you all for your love. Trust you. The changes in your life are for good. Do not hold on to the past. Everything created is past. Go to the present always. From there you will create a future. There is no stable future, it is the present only. Create you Keep yourself in this reality, in the divine consciousness, in the light and in peace.

I bless the earth. I bless your children, humanity. I love you and I protect you at all times.

Manifest your healing strength. Enjoy this road. It is an honor to serve the healed light to others. It is an honor to serve the light, allowing one to heal oneself, which is something more difficult but at the same time something extraordinary because it breaks all the barriers of the mind.

Blessed all. Blessed all.

I love you

The light of God is with you. The peace of God is with you.

I am Christ. I am Christ. I am Christ.

I bless your physical body. He is the great teacher now of this time. Listen to you Love him. Protect it.

I bless the holy and sacred water that is your blood, which is in your physical body, which is at the same time material projection of the light that you are, of the royalty that you are.

Blessed all. Blessed all. Be witty Take advantage of the intelligence you have. Expand your mind and your heart. Trust. The ascension plan is taking place correctly. The same light from the solar center of the galaxy works miracles. You are waking up, it is only a matter of time and every second that passes is a precious time and is a great advance for humanity. Look at you Protect mother earth. Help the one who has nothing. Be you Free yourselves from your bonds at last. They should never be there. Free you at last with love, with blessing.

I bless you I bless you Remember that I am with you all day today and for a while.

Blessed Every time you listen to me, it will be because I am in my heart, always, even though some of you already hear me in my mind. Remember that I am in the heart. It is always like that. It is the only door through which I can enter. You just have to open it. Call me and I will come in. I will stay by your side and from here I will help you to grow as beautiful and perfect beings. Throw yourself into life, live it fully. Do not fear.

Blessed all. Blessed all. Blessed

Mammitah Critical Channel,

January 11, 2012,

Spirituality House Sant Felip Neri (The Felipensas Sisters) in Barcelona.

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