You who get up, have the responsibility to focus ...

  • 2018

Message channeled by Ysa Belle

Today I invite you mentally to your heart to receive with enthusiasm this energy that is presented. And I invite you to thank who upon your arrival ( a presence when the meditation had just begun ) came to disrupt the balance that was created in you, which was created among you. This is an exercise, a training .

It is like that in your life. It is like that and it will continue to be that way, it is not that it is your own life that is upset with you, but this life on Earth that must be completely transformed and I say it completely. Old habits, reflections, will disappear, are habits of life, are habits of thought, habits of action.

Son of the Earth, son of the Light , you walk in your path in consciousness, in consciousness of being a Divinity. The incarnation of this energy of love that we call God. So, you who walk in conscience have the responsibility to focus, this is not a pressure that is presented to you, this is not something you are carrying, but you have accepted in your awakening to be a beacon, a beacon that illuminates this land. You accepted that.

Project the intention that it is and will be

Then he is not asked to suppress the emotions that go through him. Certainly, if you see on the screen of your television a child who is suffering, who is hungry, you can certainly thank the emotion of his sadness, the emotion of his sadness to see this show. Do not repress what is there and let it live, let it go through your whole body and it is that the emotion must be lived, it is important that you live all this, however, do not let the emotion can decentralize you, the emotion is whatever .

The correct positioning in these circumstances is to stimulate the roots, make contact with them. Focus on your heart as best you can, with the sole intention of focusing and then living in your body what is there, letting it go through your body and letting it reach Earth. Then you, who will be awake, have the responsibility to focus, because that way you will find the way. Then it will prevent the Earth from taking charge of emotional crystallizations.

Then do not repress any emotion, do not judge any emotion, they are part of life. The difference between an awakened and an unawakened one is that the awakened one is placed in his heart, allows what is there to circulate, the one who wakes up does not identify with what is there, it is part of the flow of life, while that the one who is not awake will get carried away by the emotion, dragged to different parts of the body, trapped in the mind that will trap the conscience and that will prevent it from going out.

So I talk about responsibility, I consider this responsibility as that of an adult who is responsible for the child, responsible for their well-being, their health, their food, responsible for their education. So this responsibility I am going to say is that of the divine adult who sets an example for brothers and sisters who do not yet have this maturity.

At this time the present energy can help you get closer to your center

Do not forget to breathe. Play with the intention of releasing tensions, all tensions and raises the intention of letting yourself be done. His conscience is in his heart, his inner gaze is directed towards his heart. He can even position himself in the heart.

When you focus, you go through layers of crystallization, fears that have generated emotions that have frozen in you. Each time they focus, each time they put Light on these layers, they allow them to reveal themselves to the light of consciousness, so that, little by little, you will find the tools that will allow you to free your heart.

The closer you are to the center, you can see it, feel it, hear it or touch it. This wonder is an energy that can take shape for you, offering you information, a key, a well-being.

I am the Love that teaches you to live, to be Love, to love freely.

I am in you and I guide you, I illuminate your steps.

I am love and I love him, infinitely.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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