
I had written in recent weeks, that near the end of September, and especially in October, we would begin to recover that feeling of God's grace, of miracles, of incredible light, and that things would be delivered to us in miraculous ways.

This energy is now coming through the equinox and will continue.

With each equinox, there is an opportunity to move forward, and also an opportunity for great light and manifestation. Solstices always create opportunities to deepen, to dig, and for disorders, since all buried things are exposed and pushed out. I am almost beginning to fear solstices sometimes, since they are becoming so stressful, because they create so many disorders for those around me!

The energies are intensifying more and more, because we have finally reached the end of a long road. For the past two years or so, with every solstice and equinox, or even with planetary alignments and cosmic events, not much seemed to happen as expected. There is a reason for all this.

We gave those two additional years so that enough souls had the opportunity to get on board. Therefore, it was never the time to move forward, as we seemed to be continuously in the “wait” mode. This created high energy and a lot of movement when it came to helping energies get out of their old grooves (i.e., the solstices), but not so much in terms of moving forward. I hope all this makes sense.

When the line was finally drawn in the sand, when everything had finally and completely ended in regards to our participation with the old world or old reality, when we had finally made our decisions as to where we chose to be now, then it was also finally the time to move to a greater light and a reality of much greater vibration.

The recent equinox of September 22 has served to take us to our new reality and new spaces more than ever. Since we are now ready and prepared for the new in every way (even after all the twists and turns and the new restructuring of the hierarchies!), The equinox will then be of great help.

Moving forward will now be the subject, in deep and fast ways.

Any manifestations of embodying the new light? Sensation of spinning and vertigo can present itself once again, since our light bodies are literally turning us towards a new and more vibrant reality and experience. Tachycardia and palpitations are also always present, as we are adjusting to much more light and we need to incorporate this inside. Not having sleep and insomnia is also common, since there is so much energy in motion now. A general weakness, the feeling of being very "light" and floating, is also a common manifestation because we are really embodying the new light now.

Crying and much emotion can also come again, since the energy of gratitude is here. Gratitude vibrates almost as high as love, and is one of my favorite emotions. It has been a long journey and a long road for many of us. As sprinkled with angel dust, this new energy of love and light will shelter us well into October, as we are walking on new earth, having reached this very new reality, and now we can experience it with all the senses and each fiber of our being.

Before reaching a higher level vibrational space, we often experience some darkness. This is very common, but it only lasts for a very short period of time, and is simply part of the process. A few days ago, I woke up in a strange awkward place, and I also felt vulnerable because I had a bad dream last night. I dreamed of ghosts and goblins that seized my space and my home. My granddaughter had the same dream for two nights, during this time too.

When we climb to a higher space, this always happens. It can manifest itself differently for all of us, but it is basically the same in regards to unpleasant energies that connect with us, although this experience is always very short.

The equinox has also served to create some wonderful things in the old world. Since we have withdrawn all our energy, the old world and reality are now completely on their own, except for those who request our services and are ready to see us. . Remember, now we are the new angels of the earth in many ways. The deep shaking created by the loss of our light (wow, are we not so wonderful and special? Smile), and through the June solstice, they are finally creating some changes. Some of these less vibrating energies are now finding their own way to some extent, they are taking responsibility for their own creations, and the equinox for them is bringing the gifts of these changes So, then, we are not the only ones who are benefiting from the energy that has just arrived recently. A great pardon was certainly necessary for everyone, no matter where we were residing.

Natural disasters will continue to occur, epidemics will spread disease, disasters and destruction will also continue, but for those who still live in the old world and old reality and who are now making the necessary changes within themselves, the Equinoxes and other cosmic events in the times to come, will help them when necessary, and help them move into greater comfort spaces, just as they did for us in the past during our residence there.

For those who have not yet chosen to expand and grow, greater shaking and intense discomfort will become their way until they choose a different way, or decide to leave the planet altogether.

As mentioned many times in previous ALAS publications, those of us who have finally and completely disconnected from the old reality in every way, leaving so much behind, we will have a very new experience than our previous experience of the first phase of the ascension process ... and really, the only thing we have known so far.

We are in a very new territory now, with very new roles and purposes. Creating the new world and the new reality will now be our common theme and objective, as well as continue serving on the dimensional frontier through our shop windows, since we will still need money in the times to come until our new communities are very intact, which will eventually allow us to live without the need for money.

Thus, our next steps involve connecting with those we now find in our spaces, while helping each other create the new. For those of us who were stripped until they were completely clean, ready to cross into the new land, we will have the gift and pleasure of really “seeing each other” and connecting with joy to our brothers and sisters, since now we “know” so much about the superior ways, and we also know of the common experiences of the ascension process.

Those who cannot "see us" reside elsewhere for now, until they reach that dimensional boundary and are ready and willing to surrender, allow our guide to show them the way and are very grateful for our help.

Our new focus will then be on creating the new world on the other side, along with being increasingly clear about our shop windows and how we are going to offer our services to those on the dimensional frontier. Then we will reside completely on the other side, along with intermittent visits at the border to continue our services to those who are ready, while creating the necessary income until we no longer need it.

Things are now going to flow for us, we will be lovingly holding hands by beings who have been living in this new land for quite some time, and we will be easily and effortlessly guided to our new roles and new places of residence. I tell you this because it has been happening to me. I am now in constant company of beings of light, and they are establishing everything, and whispering everything I need to know in my ears daily. They sit in my car, stand by my side and guide me through this new territory, until I am completely situated and can take care of myself as I have done in the past. (If you do not have these experiences in the same way as me, know however that you will be guided, in ways that are perfect for who you are.) There is more love and support here than I could ever imagine. And this is also what we are going to do for others, because the light continues down the steps of ascension, a being helping another to very new spaces with love, gentleness, poise and special care.

Our path is very clear now ... our new roles are sitting right in front of us ... our new destiny is at hand. And for those of you who want your clarity to be validated and affirmed, I will continue with my role, my path and my purpose, to provide you with this information, provided I am in a human body on this earth ... and loving every minute of it. !

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Thanks Margarita López !!!

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From the Gate of Heaven :


So ... you've finally left much of the old world behind, but you still have to interact with him for small things. Or ... you are just beginning to leave the old world and the old reality behind, and you are still interacting with them to some degree, but you feel restless and know that there has to be something else out there that is much better. Either way, you are approaching the dimensional frontier. As we evolve and expand, we have absolutely no choice but to move forward and upward, towards new realities and experiences of greater vibration. We are very encouraged to leave the old reality by the simple fact that the old energies are extremely intolerable, dark, baffling, ybsicamente unpleasant to have them nearby.

The same law of the universe applies again and again: The energies of greater vibration cannot remain in the same space as the energies of less vibration for a long time. There is a big mismatch and a severe lack of alignment, and this creates something very unpleasant. Old energies are too heavy. This unpleasantness can be shown within us as anger, frustration, defensive attitude, fear, tension, and of course, intolerance, and even aggression. We could ask ourselves how lightning we are going up the spiritual evolutionary ladder when we are having feelings and expressions of such low vibration! And the higher we vibrate, it becomes really worse to interact with these energies of less vibration and denser, until we are completely free of them and only voluntarily visit them.

So then, these energies of less vibration and unpleasant experiences are telling us very succinctly to leave, because we no longer belong to that old reality. If we are not literally expelled through the rude and unpleasant behavior of others, through a serious lack of respect or reverence on the part of others, for feeling invisible or unnoticed by others, or simply by to experience a closed door behind another, then we also have the opportunity to leave by our own decision as we come to realize that we have no desire to live in this unpleasant world . In the long run, it feels like we are in hell. We simply cannot be there for one more minute.

The more we can try to interact with these old energies, the more unpleasant it becomes, until finally we are, and surely, ready to leave. We can keep trying to set foot inside, but again and again, we find that interactions with the old reality just don't work anymore. These energies had to be so unpleasant, so that we were willing to let go of any rationalization and reasons to stay. And even to let go of our sense of responsibility in some cases. When we finally decided to leave everything behind, it is then that we must surrender, release, trust and trust a little more.

When we finally decided to leave, we felt as if we had jumped off a precipice without a safety net, but the other alternative is no longer a viable option. It was intentional that things get very uncomfortable and intolerable. We no longer belong to that dimension of less vibration. It is no longer our home. It's okay to leave. Then we let everything go (either by choice or forced by circumstances). We enter our center, in the eye of the storm, we stay at home in our personal sanctuaries, and we can wonder how the hell we are supposed to survive.

Until we have established a very new reality in this very new dimension, where all our needs are always met through a planned community, mixing with the stars and the cosmos, living naturally and in alignment with the earth, and beginning the stages of manifest matter from nothing, we still have to spend some time at the dimensional frontier. And this is how we will survive "financially." But also know that the higher we vibrate, the more we come to know that all our needs are always easy to cover since we always have everything we need at this time.

After reaching a certain stage in the ascension process, we will find that we simply "know" that we have reached a new level where we have never been before in this life. We will "know" that we have earned this position, and therefore, "know" that all our needs will always be met. I can tell you this because it happened to me after struggling for many years with little income and great tension as to how to take care of myself, even though all my needs were usually met. Being able to relax in this awareness of "knowing" is very useful. If I ever start to panic and feel like a victim, now I know that I should go to that space where none of this really matters anyway, and to that “I'm too tired to care”, or even that space space that says, "no more".

If we were to be the precursors and counters of the path for this very New Planet Earth, as well as being a very important part of the ascension process by experiencing it through ourselves, then we will certainly be cared for and supported so that we can carry out our pre-tasks. - destined.

~ Vertigo and the Equinox ... The Arrival of the New Energy ~
September 22, 2009
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López
Edition: The

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