The Triple Way of Ascension

  • 2018

Ascension is a word that in the field of the spiritual describes the long evolutionary consciousness process in which, whether we are aware or not, we are all immersed. It is the much-mentioned way back to the Home, to the Source of Life or to God, which alludes to most religions and spiritual traditions, where the term itself ascensi n It already tells us that the direction is up. And if in this duality up-down or cielo-earth the return path is ascending, this means that a fall or descent of the spiritual world must have previously occurred earthly (the departure from Para so ), since otherwise, there would be no need to return to where we came from. But as described in the parable of the prodigal Son, our departure was not forced except by free choice, with the sole purpose of regaining the full consciousness of the divine, eternal and immortal Being that we really are

So, at some point in eternity, each and every one of us "dropped" to the deepest and most dense of the matter, where in exchange for suffering the concerns that ignorance brings, we can explore life at its most absolute diversity However, once here, confused by the illusory world of forms and intoxicated by the ephemeral sensory satisfactions, we forget who we really are and what we have come to.

That is why one is not always aware that one is traveling on a path of spiritual self-discovery, especially when one looks, but does not see; he hears, but he does not listen and prefers to settle in the role of victim rather than to account for his actions. This existential blindness is the main cause of the continuous repetition of errors that cause so much pain and sorrow to those who suffer from it, but whose experiential experience is nevertheless necessary to be able to wake up to more truthful and expansive new realities.

Thus, when tired of looking outside what we feel we lack, we decide to look inwards in search of something new and different, something that has more to do with the being than with doing or having, will have finally given We begin our true Ascension Path .

There are endless ways to travel this path, basically because everyone lives this process through their own personal experience. And as much as we can try to follow in the footsteps of a spiritual master or any philosophy or religion with the intention of being guided by this long journey, no one can live the same experience of another person, simply because each human being perceives, feels and think differently .

However, it is by observing the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah as an eternal source of inspiration, when suddenly one understands that it is possible to group this infinity of paths into three large groups, which I call the “ Way of the Heart ”, the " Way of the Intellect " and the " Way of the Middle ." These three great Ascension paths not only sympathize with the three pillars of the Tree of Life: the Pillar of Mercy, the Pillar of Severity and the Pillar of Balance, but also find their concordance with the two cerebral hemispheres, right and left, plus the bundle of nerve fibers or corpus callosum that acts as a means of communication between them.

These three great forces of the Universe, positive, negative and neutral, are also described in the ancient Vedic tradition as Rajas, Tamas and Sattva, whose vital energy flows through the Ida, Pingala and Sushuma canals . However, these trinitarian forces are much better known in their dual appearance: yin / yang, male / female, active / passive, expansive / contractive, etc., whose necessary complementarity is evident in organic functions as daily as breathing can be, composed of inhalation and exhalation movements; the systole and diastole that make the heart beat; cellular oxidation and many other natural phenomena in which there will always be two opposing forces destined to generate a continuous flow of movement, plus a third balancing element that will transform that energy into life.

This Trinitarian essence is also seen in most religions under sacred triads such as Father-Son-Holy Spirit, Brahma-Shiva-Visnu, Atma-Budhi-Manas or Will-Wisdom-Love ; where all always make up a single unit . In this way it is understood that the countless Ascension paths can end up being integrated into three large groups, among which the Way of the Heart brings together all the paths related to emotional energy ; the Path of Intellect comprises all the paths linked to mental energy ; and the Middle Way all the paths related to an essentially intuitive energy, capable of integrating the two previous energies. And if the two peripheral Paths, Heart and Intellect, basically feed on the two great channels of knowledge in eternal struggle as traditionally science and religion have always been; The Middle Way is like a kind of unifying synthesis that, in an attempt to try to maintain the perfect balance, adopts aspects of both indistinctly.

There is therefore no real division between science and spirituality or mind and emotion, as we have traditionally seemed to understand, but that its apparent duality is conditioned by our own mental and sensory design; that is, by the way we think and the way we perceive. But, just as the mind is an element that reinforces, explains and develops everything that our experiences reveal to us through the senses, experience is the only thing capable of transforming the Being and endowing it with wisdom. a. Both polarities demand the abilities and resources of the other, because the precise intellect of the level of reality that gives the experience of the experience, and the sensations, emotions and feelings that life generates, require a mental interpretation that allows them to be understood with greater depth It could be said that they are like the lyrics and the music of the same melody, two visions of a world that, when united, produce a true understanding of existence .

But these three great Ascension paths not only sympathize with the three pillars of the Tree of Life, but also find their concordance with 10 Archetypes of Ascension : The Crédule, The Incredulous, The Agnostic, The Believer, The Philosopher, The Gnostic, The Gesticist, The Initiate, The Prophet and The Wise, which analogously to how if they were climbing a mountain, each one boasts their own abilities and resources to try to crown the top, keeping all of this in close relationship with their particular way of understanding life.

It will be a function of how we address the eternal questions - Who am I? What have I come to? Or what is the meaning of life ?, that we can also locate ourselves in one of these three Paths and see ourselves reflected in some archetype, which will allow us to discover many of the tests and challenges that still We have left ahead.

AUTHOR: Ricard Barrufet Santol ria, collaborator of the great family of

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