Benevolent Creation - Introduction and The Big Bet - Kryon

  • 2015

Benevolent Creation - The Great Bet

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

My partner moves aside; as he usually does, he departs completely. You have to do it so that the purity of the information is accurate and true without human filters.

The system is beautiful; It is a system of intuition that uses the human intellect, the brain, all language skills, and yet without the filter. God from within comes forward in beauty and benevolence with permission to speak using his language and the language we will call - as in the past - third language. It has nothing to do with three languages; Third language is a metaphor. The three, in numerology, is a catalyst; a catalytic number would be that energy that arrives and changes the things with which it comes in contact; that's you Some will receive information, even while I speak, completely different from the information the voice will say.

Here is an environment; It is not what you think. They talk about entities; they even speak of Kryon as a singular entity: it is not; It is not exactly a group; It is a consciousness that brings others, which are also consciousness, and fill the room with love.

In multidimensional form you cannot tell what is here, because it is a linear operation, but you can perceive it, and that is enough. If they are in love with someone, can that be told? (Serie). No. Because it represents the essence of an emotion, a non-countable energy, and that we are.

I present these things to you, because I want to show you something you don't expect: I want to show you the glory and greatness of you, far beyond just you. What if everything around you, everything, was a system? A system planned by their consciousness when they were not here? Listen to me, if you have God inside, whatever that means to you, if you have the essence of the Creator inside, it means that you were here before Creation. I want you to use that part of you that believes that, to support and validate a few things that I am going to tell you.

What I am going to tell you, the story that I will give you, I have given it before in parts, or perhaps not all, together in this way, for the reason that I am doing it now. Sometimes I just want to sit in that chair and celebrate them. They are family. Human beings have a tendency to look at the Creator up and feel less than the Creator. Never do that! Because when they are not here in these terrestrial bodies, they are part of the Creative Source that made Earth itself. And if they can understand and become aware of this, they will be able to change what they do in the body. They are valuable to the planet, more than they can believe. There is reason for them to be here, even if they cannot understand it.

Again I ask you: Do you have to know everything to be able to walk forward? Really? And we tell you again: they use faith every day of their lives in so many common things, and yet in regard to their spirituality, they stop and analyze. They walk towards their car, they get on, they trust that it will start and march; all the parts, the mechanisms, perhaps the internal combustion engine, do not have to know; do not care; They just go home. Why don't they do that with God? Why don't you trust mechanisms you don't know?

I want to highlight this; I want to give you a broader perspective; While I do, join me back in time. I want you to go back to Creation ; return to the Creation of the universe, because they were there. They are not only ancient souls; that gives them an idea of ​​how many lives they lived; go further, pieces of God. Be part of the Creative Source, an ancient part, which has had no beginning or end. A circle of reality that always was and always will be. There is only one truth in the universe, and that is that God exists. And everything else around them are mechanisms and nuances of God's existence. Everything around you, all you see is the creation of God. Wherever you look, with eyes created by God, you see God. But with free will as a biological person, dear human being, you have a brain that is allowed to ask and discover it. And that's why I'm here.

What I will say today are not instructions or revelations, not really. A celebration of what you might already know. Come with me to the beginning . Dear ones, if you want to know how the universe was created, I will tell you that it has always been in a way. There is no such thing as the Big Bang; Your scientists will understand and know that. Because the Big Bang is an idea of ​​something that comes out of nothing, and that is not how it works. There are multiverses around you, numerous universes that are in multidimensions that even go through yours. Don't try, just don't try to locate them, find them or understand them. It is only; It is part of a beautiful balanced physics plan. When in the multiverse something of the universality of the universes crosses paths in a certain way, a new universe is born. Yours was because of this. It was not something from nothing, but something designed, because other things were there and overlapped. In his case, there were three overlays; the catalyst created your Bang and you came into existence, this was for the purpose.

It developed in ways they would not believe; more quickly than I should, as you calculate. Time is relative, they cannot measure it according to their time. They can't even come back and look at the light and decide how fast it was going, because that changed too. The real physics that you enjoy, in other parts of the universe is different from what it is here. How can they, then, take the stick of measuring what they know and apply it to what they don't know? Therefore the times were different, the reactions different, even what they see today and believe they know was different.

But I want to tell you something you didn't expect: among the trillions of galaxies in this universe, we focus on yours and never talk about the others; never. Because in the others things happen so deep and beautiful and benevolent as yours, but you are in it! In itself it is so vast that they will never see it all, unless they are on my side of the veil. It has incredible wonders. Beauty; colors that you cannot see, in wavelengths that you can only dream of. It is the creation of God. Dear creator, you were there and you saw him.

Time is not important because you have no problem with it; It is not in its dimensional reality when they are on my side of the veil. But you can still see the beauty and the light, and see how it unfolds. Dear ones, your solar system is simply a dot of light among billions of points of light, and yet, here I am, with you.

I want to tell you about the creation of the Earth, because it was planned. The planting of their planet, approximately 200, 000 years ago, which led to what they call Lemuria in 50, 000 and more, is very new.

I want to take them back 4 or 5 billion years, I want them to see their planet develop, and while they do, I want to give them some information. The reason for doing so is that I want them to see something. I want you to see a benevolent plan that has created the mattress of consciousness and the garden they inhabit. Something that was never accidental; prepared in advance, by the Creator himself, for you. So that they have an idea of ​​the importance that human beings have for us.

How can I tell you things that you cannot know, see, or never discover? I would like to remind you of something. the Creation of the Earth, as described in its most recent writings, has the metaphor of a creation in seven days. These were actually dispensations of creation, stages of creation, not days; observe the amount of words dedicated to the Creation of the Earth, compared to the creation of the universe, or of each galaxy, or of the trillions of other lands and stars. And why was it just a story from you?

In what you call Genesis, in the beginning, it was not the beginning at all, it was about you! The reason that there are no volumes and more volumes written about the creation of everything else is that everything else is different from you. See, you were created by design. Plan. The Creator is the one who can put the stars in a certain way, control and create any part of what they call matter, and mathematics, and physics itself, in order to build what it needs to build for you. It 's beautiful. Is God.

Imagine the Earth, in its infancy, in its beginning. That's where the story of Genesis began, not with the greatness of everything; only a few words about the universe and the light, the sun; It's all about you. Because the Earth is designed, dear. The first designs made life happen on earth from two suns. They should know this. It has not been verified but it will be, it is common sense. If they have a planet rotating in some way in a double star system of some kind, even if it is a complex rotation, they are twice - twice as likely to start life. The sun is the giver of life, it is the catalyst of chemistry combined with what the planet would give amino acids, with the electricity of storms, all to create what would be the basic building blocks of life as they know it. With twice the power of a sun - not the heat, but the sun - two, it will appear faster. A sun was removed. Now this is intuitive, and you will find it even in some prophecies, in some channels, but you will find it very differently, because it has gone the way humans like it: negativity (laughs). But it was exact.

You lost a sun; There was a reason for this, and it is a double reason. Number one: for life not to develop so quickly, because it had to come later. You had to sit and wait, because this planet of free will needed time for other planets to do what they did before you started.

And the second is that all life that can travel from one planet to another in this galaxy knows that life is close to two suns. (Serie). So you are hidden. For the most part, they will remain hidden from other life forms that can see them, touch them or travel to see them. And those who do do not necessarily tell others. In the galaxy there is no internet. (Serie).

What happened to your sun? It collapsed on itself, and the gravity became enormous; much of it dissipated and the gases burned. It never exploded, it just collapsed. The collapse itself was absolutely dramatic for Earth but there was no life on Earth, so it didn't matter. Part of the Earth was cooling; it did not matter. The rest was matter, and not much matter; it was actually smaller than a planet, and disappeared.

Some have channeled that this planet has a name, and it is dark, and still rotates around its sun. Some have channeled that it hides behind the sun, and that somehow it will receive a push, and leave and destroy them soon.

Now, dear human being with common sense, I ask you, in this new energy: Did you do all this way, passed the marker, just to be destroyed? So I want them to take that information and put it where it belongs, folklore, mysticism and things that don't happen. Can I be clearer? The magnificence of what they have done does not therefore go towards destruction by a nameless planet that I will not mention, which arrives in the dark with impossible physics that nobody can see.

Here they are on the planet, with technology that allows them to see small asteroids, travel to them and land on them, and they are expected to believe that a planet is going to come out of the darkness, one that nobody knows or sees or knows what it will do, and its instruments do not detect it, and it will hit and kill them. Common sense! Let common sense prevail.

But you lost a sun. Earth was reluctant at that point. Life was hard. The geology of the planet made it more difficult, which continued to erupt (laughs); It didn't cool as fast, perhaps, as the others around it. Now I had a sun, and something had to do. He didn't have gravity, he didn't have the friction that would otherwise have created the types of heat they didn't expect . Just say this: it didn't cool as it should, not like the others. Inhabitable, even for microbes. When life began, it failed. It didn't work, there was no balance. It started again, and failed; It didn't balance, something was missing.

He failed, that is, he died, because he was not sustainable or was not self-sufficient. The sparks of life occurred five times (he laughs). A sun is a complicated matter. Go and try: build a greenhouse, plant your vegetables, and then cover it with a tarp. See what happens. And this happened again and again. Whatever the reason, geological, consider, I will tell you that there was an intelligent design here: the Earth was erupting. Thousands of active volcanoes at the same time covered the planet with a dark cloud that remained for thousands and thousands of years; Nothing could grow, no life could appear. The sun was covered, the little sun they had was not.

Eventually it happened that the spark of photosynthesis appeared, and when life began on the planet, plants began to grow and microbes began to spread; I would like to give you some information: at that point in time, Orion and Arcturus were alive and populated with humanoids (laughs) Oh, you were slow. That was by design. It was necessary to prevent them from growing too fast, because when they appeared and were sown it had to happen correctly, with those that corresponded, in order to obtain the magnificence of who you are and who they would be. It was controlled. By the Creator himself.

Even when they started and things were going well, suddenly there was a collision and they had the moon, and they started again (laughs). Then the volcanoes erupted again, erasing 80% of the life there was. Here came the cloud. The beginning of the animals, reptiles, disappeared completely, to start over. But at that time the Pleiadians had the life force on their planet.

The Pleiadians are a set of seven suns. You see seven, you name it with seven, that set of seven is actually nine. Part of the brightness that you see from Earth and what you call suns, are actually suns hidden behind the seven that you say there are. The same configuration allows for faster life than yours. Earth is what they would call a planet at the optimum point for biology; just far enough from the sun, a sun of a certain size to be the incubator they needed for life, but not very good at that time.

The Pleiadians had more. Not only that: there were three planets that revolved around their suns and that they could adopt, as they eventually did, for their homes. It is very different, dear ones. This Earth was by design.

Finally life started. And then came the asteroids (laughs) and removed it again. The volcanoes erupted, everything was covered again. It didn't cool very well. Dear ones, it's not cold enough yet, they still have waking up volcanoes, but now it's appropriate and it's fine.

When life began to settle, as you know it today, it was the beginning of the story that you know. They do not know what happened before because there was no way to record it. The merging planet, volatility, will erase every trace of what had happened. You only know what you can see that remained.

If they had a way to interrogate the depths of the planet as if they turned it upside down, they would really be able to discover it, and they would find it shocking. It took so long to get it going; one billion, two billion, three billion (laughs), three thousand five hundred million years. For this time, throughout the galaxy there was humanoid life. Some had the Creator within themselves like you. They had their Higher Self and were solving the riddles that you have. And you were still microbes.

By design. It's beautiful, right? How did we keep it so that you didn't arrive too soon. The irony of all this, dear human being, is that you were not sitting here watching and waiting. See, you had planets you were working on. We told you this before, it is what you do. They are doing it on this planet, some begin to remember that they have been through this before. That is the intuition that begins to intervene and really to create a bridge between your consciousness and your Innate and your Higher Self, which begins to reveal what your Akash knows about you in the other worlds.

We are not encouraging you to spend time with this, because it will not help you now; It is only for them to realize that it has happened before and it worked out well. Why do I tell you this? I want you to know that it was designed for you! With love and benevolence and beauty, for you! Some are sitting there wondering: Who am I? Why me? Bre Poor me! His lack of self-esteem is incredibly strong for a light worker, because they have been through so many negative things, for so many lives, that they expect it to happen again. I want to tell you: This was designed for you! Because they are magnificent. This is how it works and always has been. They were able with free will to destroy themselves, never to leave the playground. They avoided it. Wisdom prevailed, and now they are in the dusk of an ascended planet - by design.

Evolution Now it gets different. Here come the animals that will survive. Not the dinosaurs. Enough of extinction. Now we have to go, now we accelerate (laughs). And everything you know about evolution - you are wrong! If they calculate how much it would take according to Darwin's theory, it would have taken 8 to 10 times longer. This evolutionary process to bring them to humanism accelerated; It accelerated massively and it was not an ordinary accident.

When mammals appeared and populated the planet, leading to primates, then going to what you were in the evolutionary scheme, when this began to happen, dear ones, Nature as you know it was making the things that you see today in zoos, that is, nature creates variety for survival. How many kinds of deer are there, how many of rats, of mice? All animals, large or small, had many variations and varieties, for reasons of survival. Also primates. Also humans.

And occasionally they will dig up some very tall, or maybe a really small one, or maybe they will dig up one with a tail! That is not you, right? Two thousand years is nothing. Any. If you compare the existence of your planet with a 12-hour clock, 200, 000 years ago when the Pleiadians planted them with the Creator's consciousness, it was in the last second and a half (he laughs). And at the right time!

At that time there were 8 other planets of free will; Billions of years had passed, the Pleiadians were already in an ascended state, they had succeeded thousands of years ago. Able to control Physics, travel wherever they wanted, go with the Creator within them, they enjoyed the state of ascension, partially biological, mostly of consciousness, difficult to explain, all multidimensional, and beautiful!

When they arrived, what they had to do in the first hundred thousand years, was to take care of the other classes of human beings. There used to be more than 20 classes, in your biological records you can see some, maybe 17; there were many more. So many kinds of human beings were reduced to one.

Now I ask you: Where have you seen that somewhere else in nature? It was by design. It goes against the intuitive in terms of evolution; against the intuitive in nature. A human being was sown so that a type of human being could go through what you; in beauty, in frustration, in free will.

We have given you the rest of the story we call Earth's history; Now we give you the history of the galaxy. An elegant design. You were out of the probability curve, and we tell science right now to try it. Wherever you look, this does not agree with the averages. It is outside the curve of possibilities and probabilities, that things have happened on this planet as they did; The reason is that it was designed for you!

This beautiful meal called Earth cooked slowly, and accelerated at the last minute. The soul was inserted, and here it is, at the last minute, the food is consumed, that is, you live it and you are ready to make the food become the fruition of the consciousness of peace on earth.

Does this put your perspective of who they are on another scale? What I have told you is the absolute truth of the history of this planet, designed, conceived and built to be a planet of free will, with a sun, against all odds. And against all odds, with free will. Observe the precession of the equinoxes.

In 2015, which we call Year Two, they are in the half light of peace on Earth. Do not despair for what you see in the news, delivered by those who want to see it; The real news is that this planet is marching to change, and the change is not in those who present to them hate and horror. Change is what you cannot see, which is the rest of the planet beginning to integrate, react, and decide that you want the light. It will be slow, but don't be afraid.

How long have you waited? How many lives have they had to go through to get here? It is human nature to wait a few weeks to see the changes (laughs). How about a few generations? They will be here, and it will get better.

In every moment we channel for you, your biology has the opportunity to resonate with the truth of who you are. And in that resonating with the third language is an energy of healing, of consciousness, of beauty, of solution to problems that are theirs.

Do not prejudge to think how it will result in your life, dear human being, because you do not know what you do not know.

Today's message, against all odds, the big bet, was not a bet at all, because here they are, after having passed the score. I want you to stay a moment and feel the congratulations, the benevolence of the Inner Creator and what we tell you: Work well done! We really say it, because they have worked for this, and they have earned it.

And now I know what will happen next. You always did. Go and do it. That is why we are here. Very good for you! The Cosmos itself knows their names.

And so it is.


Kryon Channeling by Lee Carroll

Description and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro


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