The Reappearance of the Christ and the Hierarchy. Channeling of 06.09.1993.

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Table of contents hide 1 In all ages it was always like that and as he said he would come, gradually Maitreya, The Solar Christ, is returning, approaching the worlds of the ways where men live. 2 Understanding, tolerance, concord, justice, peace, harmony, balance, fraternity, new aspects of freedom among all peoples are emerging everywhere, well in front of your eyes. 3 It is a long walk for all those who walk in the direction of the New Earth and the New Heaven, and aim to implant the Kingdom of God also on all planes of consciousness of this planetary system. 4 Christ will be restricted by the quality and dimension of the invoking demand of humanity, and this, in turn, will be conditioned by the degree of evolution achieved. 5 All those who try to establish human relations will automatically join Him, whether or not they belong to one of the great world religions. 6 With the manifestation of Christ-Maitreya and his divine mission, He will make possible the exteriorization of the hidden hierarchy; which will return to the bosom of humanity, gradually implanting itself also in all the dimensional planes and worlds that the planet possesses. 7 Mankind will therefore invoke the power of the Kingdom of God, the Hierarchy; This will respond and then God's Plans on Earth will be realized. 8 Many human beings are going through great transformations, expansions of feeling, sensitivity, conscience, mind, soul and will, and this happens in all nations. 9 Materialism, as a mass principle, will be rejected, and great spiritual values ​​will assume greater control.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

While humanity forgets the cultivation of virtues, of honoring the Principles of the Father that are found in his spirit, the Principles of the Son that are in the soul and the Principles of the Mother that are in their bodies, the new Avatar comes to manifest on Earth to correct the mistakes of men, straighten their paths, give them new teachings, help them free themselves from the labyrinths that they themselves built, reopen the spiritual eyes of soul and mind so that they see again the true path that is inside .

In all ages it was always like that and as he himself said he would come, gradually Maitreya, The Solar Christ, is coming back, approaching the worlds of the ways where men live.

First he descended into the world in the mental way, and that made men's minds begin to free themselves from their limited and rigid brains. These, in turn, are beginning to awaken new aspects and, little by little, opening new mental channels through which the mind and higher intelligence are emerging in a growing number of people .

One of his next missions is to bring to Earth the Energies of the Solar Christ, to facilitate the awakening of the Inner Christ in the hearts and souls of human beings . In this way, these, together with Christ-Maitreya, conquer the Energies of the Cosmic Christ, which is the foundation and final objective of his next mission so that the Earth returns to coexistence conscious, peaceful, loving and fraternal with all other beings of the same universe.

Understanding, tolerance, concord, justice, peace, harmony, balance, fraternity, new aspects of freedom among all peoples are emerging everywhere, well ahead of your eyes

This is due to the action of the new Trinity Critical energies brought by Christ-Maitreya. In 1992, he took another step towards humanity, descending into the world of astral forms. And right now, in that evolution plan , big changes are being processed.

The most attentive and sensitive begin to see and feel the first results of this new work by Maitreya . Finally, the astral world of emotions and desires is being restored, purified, will cease to be a world of atonement to become, throughout the third millennium, a world of redemption and ascension.

The work is hard but Maitreya has the help of the true workers, who are in his, on all planes, helping him to make the greatest spiritual revolution that this planet ever lived .

One day, he will descend to the world of etheric forms, which is really your higher physical plane, for humanity is still in the world where matter and energies are the densest, the lower physical plane.

That part of humanity that is being spiritualized, awakening the Son (the Inner Christ) in their hearts and souls, the will of the Father in their minds and the intelligent love of the Mother, thus forming their triune unity, is walking so that their children bodies are more subtle, more etheric.

It is a long walk for all those who walk in the direction of the New Earth and the New Heaven, and aim to implant the Kingdom of God also on all planes of consciousness of this planetary system.

The Christ does not come for certain groups of the elect, he comes for all mankind, regardless of religions or beliefs, he comes for all who want to redeem and ascend, with Him, to an octave up in the evolutionary spiral.

“It is a sophistry to believe, as with some, that the main work of Christ will be done through the churches or world religions. Logically, he will work through them, if conditions permit and if there is a living core of true spirituality within those institutions, or, since his summoning appeal is powerful enough to reach Him.

He will use everything and any channel2 through which the consciousness of man can expand and obtain the correct orientation.

Everything that enlightens the minds of men, any propaganda that tends to produce correct human relationships, all ways of acquiring true knowledge or methods to transmute knowledge into wisdom and understanding ; everything that expands the consciousness of humanity and the subhuman states of perception and sensitivity ; everything that dissipates vain mirage and illusion, destroys crystallization and modifies static conditions, will remain within the true activities of the Hierarchy that He supervises .

Christ will be restricted by the quality and dimension of the invoking demand of humanity, and this, in turn, will be conditioned by the degree of evolution achieved.

The Christ will raise the superstructure of fraternity among men, because the right human relationships are an expression of God's love ; they will constitute the main and the next demonstration of divinity in man.

Today, in the midst of this devastated, chaotic and unhappy world, humanity has a new opportunity to reject selfish and materialistic life, to begin to travel the Illuminated Path.

At the moment when humanity demonstrates willingness to travel it, the Christ will come ; there are indices that men, at present, ³ are learning this lesson and taking the first and hesitant steps on that Illuminated Path of the right relationships .

When from his previous coming, he said : "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" 4. This will be true especially during the first days of your arrival. The sword that He wields is the sword of the Spirit; It is what separates true spirituality from materialism.

The main effect of its appearance will be to demonstrate surely, everywhere that it produces a spirit of inclusiveness channeled 5 or expressed through it.

All those who try to establish human relationships will automatically join Him, whether or not they belong to one of the great world religions.

All those who make no fundamental or real distinction between one religion and another, one man and another man and one nation and another nation, will gather around them .

Those who embody a spirit of exclusivism and separativity will be analogous and automatically exposed and will be known for what they are.

The Divider sword of the Spirit will bring without hurting the revelation and will indicate the first step to take for human regeneration. Remaining as the focal point of the inner triangle formed by Buddha, by the Spirit of Peace and by the Avatar of Synthesis, the force that will emanate from Christ will be so powerful that deference between love, hate, aggression and freedom, greed and generosity, they will become evident before the eyes and minds of all men, thus clarifying the difference between good and evil. 6

With the manifestation of Christ-Maitreya and his divine mission, he will make possible the exteriorization of the hidden hierarchy; which will return to the bosom of humanity, gradually implanting itself also in all the dimensional planes and worlds that the planet possesses.

The Hidden Hierarchy, with all its Masters, Disciples, Angelic and Energy Beings, scattered throughout all the nations of the Earth, flat and dimensional worlds, has long been walking towards men and looking for new spiritual channels, where the Beings of Light that compose it can manifest themselves by teaching and managing the Christic energies .7

Therefore, the new seeds, new channels of the Hierarchy among all peoples, begin to emerge throughout the world.

The spiritual Hierarchy has constantly approached mankind, to the extent that man becomes more aware of divinity and more apt to come into contact with the divine. The Hierarchy and humanity will begin to work in complete unification and union. Then, the Kingdom of God will be, really and really, active on Earth.

Humanity will therefore invoke the power of the Kingdom of God, the Hierarchy; It will respond and then God's Plans on Earth will be realized.

The Hierarchy will invoke, in a higher turn of the spiral, the "Center where the Will of God is known", invoking, weaning, the Purpose of God. The Will of God will be completed by Love and manifested intelligently. For this humanity is prepared, and that is why the world waits. ”8

After this placement, which is not new, as you can see in the quotation we made from the words of Master Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey, you should not admire if today it is increasingly easy to enter into conscious communication, through your minds ( coronary chakra) and hearts (heart chakra with the Masters, the Beings of Light that administer the Hierarchy, the Hidden Government of the World, as well as direct contact with Christ-Maitreya himself begins to be increasingly common.

We are not talking about fantasies and failed communications that abound in the world, the result of insufficient and erroneous spiritual education of human beings who, sometimes, in the yearning for contact with the Masters, or to get personal "dividends", they end up in fraud life .

Everything that comes from a Being of Light, always reflects Christ's love and universal fraternity, is directed towards the liberation and spiritual elevation of humanity, towards the Universal Spirit, the Absolute, the Great Divine Creator and not to divide, subjugate, control or enslave.

Many human beings are going through great transformations, expansions of feeling, sensitivity, conscience, mind, soul and will, and this happens in all nations.

The channels of the higher mind open little by little, revealing new planes and worlds of higher consciousness, a new vision of life, evolution and the universe within many human beings .

“When the beacon of the mind slowly penetrates aspects of the divine mind, so far not recognized; when they awaken the magnetic qualities of the heart and respond sensitively to both aspects, man is trained to act in the new realms of light, love and service, which are in the process of development.

So, it is an initiate. These are the mysteries, of which the Christ will deal. His recognized Presence between us and that of His disciples will make them progress more rapidly than until now.

The stimulus of the Hierarchy increases strongly, and the Age of Aquarius will witness the acceptance of the great Renunciation, by so many sons of men, pointing out that the global effort will be of the same proportions as that made to collectively educate humanity in the Age of Pisces.

Materialism, as a mass principle, will be rejected, and great spiritual values ​​will assume greater control.

Civilization is the reflection of some determined cyclic influence, which leads the masses to an initiation. Culture is esoterically related to those who, in any era of civilization, specifically, fully and with awareness, penetrate, through self-initiated effort, into the inner realms of mental activity, which we call the world creator

These are the factors responsible for civilization, in its external aspect. The reappearance of Christ points to a closer relationship between the internal and external worlds of thought. The world of meanings and the world of experience will be merged, in due course, by the stimulus provided by the advent of the Hierarchy and its Guide, the Christ .

A huge increase in understanding and relationships will be the main result. Christ, with the merged energies of love and wisdom, with the help of the Avatar of Synthesis and Gautama Buddha, and influenced by the Spirit of Peace and Balance, can complement and direct the energies that will produce the new civilization of the future.

The true resurrection and the emancipation of humanity from the pressure of materialism will appear before your eyes. “9

It is a very important moment for all the souls that are in the evolution of the Earth, the return of a great Avatar that brings us new messages, the energies, implanting in the minds, consciences, feelings and souls, new principles of life for that a “New Earth and a New Heaven” may arise, inside and outside each human being.

Maestro Zanon (Also known as Maestro Jupiter) 06/09/1993.

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

¹ Avatar (Sanskrit): means a voluntary divine routing, the coming of a being of great evolution to help and instruct humanity.

²Black is ours.

³ "The Reappearance of Christ" - Alice A. Bailey (the 1st edition in English was in 1948).

4 Matthew 10:34.

5 The italic is ours.

6 "The Reappearance of Christ" - Alice A. Bailey.

7 “If the word initiation means the process of entering, then it is true that humanity is going through a true initiation when entering the new Age of Aquarius; then it is subject to those energies and forces that will break down the barriers of separation and melt and blend the consciousness of all men, in order to form that unity that characterizes the Christ consciousness. "-" The Reappearance of the Christ "- Alice A. Bailey, the italic is ours.

8 "The Reappearance of Christ" - Alice A. Bailey.

9 "The Reappearance of Christ" - Alice A. Bailey.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Book “O Hidden Government of the World. O Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta ”, Editorial Portal. Second edition. Author Henrique Rosa.

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