Message Archangel Michael: You just have to open your hearts to access your true Self!

  • 2018

Beloved beings of Light, you should know that when we talk about understanding we do not mean to understand things in an intellectual way, but to understand them through your hearts, which can only be achieved by opening them and allowing yourself to reach yourself.

In order to understand the teachings we give them, they must abandon themselves and submit to them; Therefore, we announce the best for each of the human beings who make the conscious decision to surrender to knowledge through the deep understanding of life, in an act of great simplicity .

Usually, most of you rebel, which means that you resist seeing and accepting the evidence, doubt and are defensive, choosing to stay on the frontiers of knowledge. This is completely normal, since its existence is intended to achieve the evolution of being, and consequently, it is up to a point, it is necessary to question oneself about the conditioning itself and seek answers about the meaning of the incarnation .

In doing so you come to yourselves, that way you learn a little more and move forward in your evolutionary path

However, by gradually realizing the existence of a spiritual reality immersed in material reality and beginning to become aware of it, understanding that you are under the manifestation of Being, you can connect again with yourself and as a result of This may experience a greater sense of peace .

In this way they have the possibility of relieving all the human suffering generated by the illusion of separation, which arises by spending a lot of time away from the truth; It is therefore essential to gradually obtain greater knowledge in order to leave this illusion behind.

And with the purpose of abandoning that earthly illusion within which they are immersed, it is necessary to create another experience through which they can reconnect with their spiritual Being ; It is necessary to gradually combine the experience of the divine being with that of the physical being, until both are merged and exist in perfect harmony.

In the same way and in order to restore this experience with the Spiritual Being, they must fully rely on nature and each one of the teachings it gives them through spiritual traditions and through the possibility of having contact with spiritual guides and teachers, who are next to you in every step of your evolution. They have the opportunity to be part of presence practices through meditation and prayer, beginning slowly until each of the activities of their lives is part of the prayer. In this way every aspect of life becomes conscious, and it is possible to understand its meaning to a greater extent.

Ways of life change and transform, making a large part of the activities that were previously considered essential, cease to be important and seem completely empty; This leaves a greater natural space for the silence and passivity that is required to connect with themselves.

The way they relate to their earthly brothers, feed and live, everything is going through a process of change and harmony to allow them to achieve greater vibration, which will offer them a higher level of wisdom. A wisdom that does not need to be verbalized because it arises from its own divine presence, and allows them to access it as they open their hearts to learn from their brothers on Earth, from the beings of nature that are around them and from Nature itself.

By allowing themselves to evolve, they will be able to experience the most nutritious and gratifying sensation that a human being can have which places them outside of society, because not many of you have managed to understand yet everything that happens around you; nevertheless, this experience gives them the opportunity to prosper to a point that not many terrestrial beings manage to reach and that no important external trajectory for earthly society, linked to material goods, will help them achieve.

As you can understand, with material possessions we mean those products that you wish to have for your earthly life ; However, while they evolve and leave aside the illusion of this world, they can understand that they cease to be important and are seen as irrelevant to their life on Earth, since they do not have the real power to give them the feeling of tranquility They can get with their spiritual evolution.

They are not alone, they are accompanied by the rest of the beings that are part of the creation

And it is that after achieving this path in which you can achieve a great Peace, those mirages that are part of the earthly life cease to have power over you.

Likewise, they must understand that the lifestyle we describe to them is by no means lonely, since as they travel their way to Peace they will have the opportunity to run into other human beings who are making their way to also achieve peace; that is to say, they can join them and the rest of the beings that are part of the Creation and will never again feel that they are alone, because that illusion of loneliness that they experienced during their earthly existence begins to disappear and consequently, they will be able to understand that the authentic loneliness arises when they separate from their spiritual self, and abandon the earthly being that gradually leaves to give way to the Divine Being who they really are.

The existential perspective that we describe to you is available to you during your current earthly life, that is , it is not necessary to experience numerous earthly incarnations again in order to access it. Perhaps many of you ask yourself questions about successive incarnations, such as how many are still ahead? How many have already been left behind? but they have to understand that in reality all this is not very important when viewed from our point of view, since the most relevant occurs in the present and that is why no matter where they are in their earthly existence, you can access a much more spiritual life that has no end .

Accessing your true Self to yourselves, it is not a prize that you get after a long trip, but something that is part of you, it consists of what you are and it is not possible to stop being . So waiting for time to pass is a meaningless action, while knowing oneself and living a spiritual existence is about what we advise for those who wish to experience the most satisfying and wonderful perspective available to a human being in the process of evolution.

We say goodbye and thank you all for paying attention and receiving these words, as well as for being part of this great evolutionary process within which we also work to achieve the Divine Plan . Remember that every being who is given the time to receive these messages and accept them with faith is increasing their level of energy by allowing the teachings to circulate through them.

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE : Channeled by Yosebulth

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