Do you know how to ask the Universe? I will teach you the right way, all your wishes will be fulfilled!

  • 2018

Today I want to show you the right way to ask the Universe to fulfill all your desires, goals and objectives . Prosperity, peace, well-being and economic abundance will be yours forever!

And ... how to ask the Universe?

(When you want to ask the Universe, don't forget to do it in a positive way)

Surely, on several occasions you have wondered about how to ask the Universe to fulfill all your desires, goals and objectives, and perhaps, you have not been able to find the best answer for this question.

Before I begin to clearly define the answer to the question that for a long time has "upset" me and you, I want to ask you this question, do you really believe, in which the Universe is capable of bringing you prosperity, economic abundance and well-being? ?

If your answer is yes, and you definitely have faith, conviction and security in the power of the Universe, I invite you to continue your reading and learn the correct way to ask the Universe .

If, on the contrary, your answer is negative, I invite you to redefine your position, and know from your own experience what are real miracles.

Let's talk about the Law of Attraction and the Principle of Mentalism

(To ask the Universe you must experience a strong and deep feeling of gratitude)

Quantum science explains that energy is divided into concentrated and free .

The free energy has not yet manifested, in addition, it is endowed with energetically high vibrations. In turn, the concentrated energy comes from an accumulation of free energy that manifested itself, however, its vibration is lower.

Thus, the observable vibrates lower than what you cannot observe, what you see you can observe because its degree of vibration is depleting.

Look, with your thoughts you direct the free energy, which results in the alignment of this free energy with another energy that rotates on the same vibrational frequency. Do so and you can ask the Universe for all your wishes !

Do I make myself understood? I hope that the theory is becoming clear enough, so you can ask the Universe more safely.

Now, this does not happen as `` by magic '', it takes time to wait and consolidate your thinking with the power of the Universe .

If you do so, the Universe will align properly, putting each piece in its place.

The invitation is for you to tune your thoughts and actions with the Universe, you must acquire a great capacity to concentrate on your thoughts.

How to vibrate in the Frequency of your Desires and the Universe?

(It is essential to act and think as if what we have asked the Universe had already been accomplished in each of our lives)

It is already clear that, to achieve all your desires, goals and objectives, you must tune your thoughts into the frequency of the Universe .

Surely you will be wondering, and ... how to achieve it ?, do not worry !, I will tell you.

It is really simple, start by believing from now, that everything you want so much, has already been fulfilled in your life, therefore, you must act and live as if you had already achieved what you could ask the Universe so much .

If you believe that you have already achieved it, you will soon succeed! That way you will be vibrating at the correct frequency and in the proper way.

On the contrary, if your thoughts and actions indicate that you want to achieve something, but that much remains to be achieved, I tell you that the vibrations you are emitting are very low, you will never be able to align yourself with the Universe and vibrate at the correct frequency.

This topic is very deep and quite exciting, I invite you to read the article “Difficulties to get what you want? I will teach you the most efficient technique to attract everything you want. ”

Ask the Universe Correctly

(In addition to asking the Universe for specific wishes, you should keep in mind that they have to be quantifiable wishes)

I believe that you are already more prepared to know the correct way to ask the Universe to fulfill all your desires.

Remember that, for this, it is necessary that certain codes are fully complied with, therefore, the order of the strategy that I am going to propose.

Let us begin:


Make your request specifically

When you go to ask the Universe to fulfill your wishes, you must make it as specific as possible.

The more concrete your request, you will see that the Universe will correspond to you faster and safer.


Make your request in a quantifiable way

In addition to asking the Universe for specific wishes, you should keep in mind that they have to be quantifiable wishes.

Avoid asking the Universe with the expression “more money”, ask specifically and that you can tell it, for example, ask the Universe “one million euros”, “one million dollars”, “one million pesos”, the currency that you use, but make it specific and quantifiable.

Needless to say, your request has to be made with great faith, feeling that you already have the money.

He also avoids asking for absurd amounts of money, those desires without faith and absurdities do not vibrate in frequency with the Universe, therefore, they will never be fulfilled.


State your Order in Positive

When you want to ask the Universe, don't forget to do it in a positive way; For example, don't say I don't want to run out of work, you can say my work is prosperous and stable, you will always have a job! Do you see the difference? I hope so.

It is simple to understand, if you think your requests in positive, you will be able to activate positive energies, and high energy vibrations will converge with the Universe, but if you do it in reverse, great disasters will bring That's your life.


When you make your request, ask for Tools

In this sense there is a popular adage that says give a fish to a man and he will have food for one day; Teach him how to fish and he will have food for his whole life, that's what it's all about asking for tools in your request to the Universe .

I am totally sure that the Universe will listen to you in a more shocking way, if you do it with faith and asking for the necessary tools to solve what you are asking of the Universe .

Look, if instead of asking the Universe for a million dollars, you ask for the tools necessary to earn a million dollars in a semester or a year.

And, of course, when you have strategies and mechanisms to achieve all your desires, goals and objectives, you will gradually grow as a person.


Act as if the Universe had already granted you your wishes

I already told you, for you and for me, it is essential to act and think as if what we have asked of the Universe has already been accomplished in each of our lives.

I explained to you that when you do so, it will begin to converge with the energies of the Universe, you will get your amazing life positive energy and you will vibrate in tune with the Universe and your will .

Perhaps this point is the most important, however, you could not ask the Universe to fulfill your wishes, if you break any of these rules that I have taught you.

All your orders must be made in present and positive; for example, “I want to be the most important and prosperous engineer of the SegurosYa company. I am so happy to have achieved so much fame, money and prosperity; I am happy

However, you must be congruent with your life and your actions, you could not pretend to be the most important and prosperous engineer, when you hate technology and programming.

You may not want to be the most efficient and quality doctor, when you have the fear of blood, it creates fear.

You could not be the happiest children pedagogue, when children, playgrounds, curls, screams, and crying make you desperate and make you lose patience.



To ask the Universe you must experience a strong and deep feeling of gratitude.

Understand gratitude as a feeling of recognition that leads the Being that recognizes him to an action.

Rhonda Byrne, the great Australian speaker and writer, said: “You become what you think most. But you also attract what you think most. What you are thinking now is creating your future life. ”

I want to invite you to ask yourself today, and you, why do you feel grateful today?

Surprising these 6 keys to implement in your life and mine when we want to ask the Universe to fulfill all our desires, goals and objectives .

Review the correct way to ask the Universe for everything you want:

Finally, it would be important that you review various sources that I attached to you and that confirm what I have taught you in this Text, in addition, so that you increase your knowledge and your intervention strategies against the correct way to ask the Universe .

Do you want to attract to you everything you want? I will teach you the Gratitude Technique, you will achieve your goals and objectives!

I declare myself in Abundance !, Extraordinary Metaphysical Decrees for Money and Abundance, you can download them!

For your life, what do you want to achieve? I will teach you how to align your subconscious so that you achieve what you have always wanted

What do I want to attract to my life? Attract what you really want, take care of your thoughts and feelings

Difficulties to get what you want? I will teach you the most efficient technique to attract everything you want

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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