Log of the Earth - December 1, 2009 - Is that REALLY what you want? ... by Celia Fenn

December 1, 2009: Is that REALLY what you want? Then, here we are, entering the last month of 2009. I can't believe that the year is almost over and that Christmas is only a few weeks away ... again!

If you are like me, you will be thinking about the year that has passed and all the experiences of this year! This year's activations - the Diamond Light Grid and the Rose Grid - have undoubtedly allowed the enormous changes to the Higher Consciousness that many of us are still getting used to in every way.

I am discovering that the Diamond Light Grid, with its emphasis on absolute clarity and integrity, is probably the most difficult aspect of the new energy we are dealing with. It is linked to the Mayan information about the sixth night and the emergence of very deep insights and truths! I had imagined that this need for integrity and honesty would apply mostly to the way we relate to others, beyond manipulation and distortion, and this is very true indeed. But it also applies to our own inner truth!

To show you what I want to say, I had this very affectionate debate, but something interesting with my Higher Self today. I was in the process of contemplating next year and establishing some intentions and outlining what I wanted to create and manifest. After it was over, there was a silence and then my Higher Self said, very clearly, "Is that what you REALLY want?"

Me: Sorry?

YS: Is that what you really want?

I do.

YS: Are you sure?

Me: Well ... (thinking quickly)

YS: Aren't you settling here with the second best?

Me: (stunned silence)…. Good…. yes…. perhaps…. but when I asked for what I wanted, I didn't get it, so I thought it shouldn't be and that I had to go ahead and create something else.

YS: So, that came from your feelings, or was it something someone else told you?

Me: Well, people have told me to let it go, and it seemed like the best thing I could do!

YS: But was it really what you wanted to do?

I do not.

YS: So why don't you ask for what you really want in your heart? Don't you think you are worthy? Look, when you ask for something that is not your heart's desire, you are being dishonest with yourself, and then you cannot manifest that creation because it will not be kept on the grid of the Diamond Light. It will disintegrate into the illusion, because only Pure Love and the Desire of the Heart can be maintained in the Creative Hologram and lead to "reality." So when you ask for the "second best" you are lying about the desires of your heart and soul.

Me: Oh, God ... I see ... but I keep asking and nothing comes ... so I don't know what to do!

YS: Can you be patient?

I do…

YS: Can you also learn to ask more clearly what you really want? You know that Divinity will always give you what you ask. The Flow of Divine Love is so rich and abundant that what you ask for in integrity will manifest for you. But, you must ask in integrity, and you must also learn to ask in such a way that Divinity can deliver it to you. Learn to ask more clearly and define more clearly what the true desire and desire of your heart is. Then, Divinity can support this creation clearly and with ease and grace.

Me: I see. Thank you. But how do I really know what I need and what I want?

YS: What do you feel in your heart? What do you feel and want? Can you define where your soul and spirit are trying to lead you? Try not to resist these impulses that come as Love and Desires of the Heart, but learn to flow with them in ways that are loving and understanding at all times. Never think that you cannot have what you want, even if it seems that it is not possible. Know that what you love and desire is your heart that drives you forward, and that all kinds of miracles are possible when you respond to love and when you are honest with yourself.

Me: Does that mean you can order anything?

YS:… (with patience)… .. No, No.…. It means asking for love and desire of the heart. This is not greed or manipulation or power. It is what is pure and what serves the greatest good for you and for everyone else in any situation. The Diamond Light Grid and the Rose Grid only support creations and manifestations of the purest and clearest love. Everything else will be revealed for what it is and illusions will come to light very quickly.

So I suppose that in this month I will be careful to make sure that I am honest with myself and only ask what I really want and what is for the greatest good of all concerned. It is the moment of absolute clarity, especially with ourselves

Translation: Margarita López

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