Breviary Iniciático - by Fran Soto

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 FAITH 2 COMPASSION 3 FRATERNITY AND CHARITY 4 SYNCHRONIES 5 MORAL AND ETHICS 6 There is a set of attitudes towards life that facilitate integration with our Christ Self and with our I Am:

I am and I always am.

At every moment I choose what to do and what to focus my attention on.

No one can influence what I focus on.

It is only up to me to be at peace.

No expectation, no hurry.

Without going around the past.

With serene hope and faith.

Love is in everything, and everything that comes to me is for my good.

It is only up to me to properly perceive everything that comes to me, and bear it for my benefit.

All that comes to me is wealth, and depending on how I use it, I will enjoy it.

There is no hurry to achieve anything, or to get anywhere.

At any moment I can retire to a haven of tranquility, where everything is always the same, where whatever happens in the outside world I will always find shelter.

In fact it is my house, where I come from and where I am going.

Whatever happens I am always there.

Nobody waits for me impatiently, I have free will .

External things must be left out, because I don't need them.

Manias are simple obstacles that fall by their own weight, by leaving them aside and considering them as mere experiences that at the time could have provided some help.

Providence takes care of my supply. All my needs are already covered.

All the challenges of the past are overcome, it is not worth reiterating efforts to forge an old-fashioned life.

The tranquility of the body is controlled with good food, but especially with firmness in the mind.

There is no person with whom I cannot identify, the love that flashes is the same that can excite me and the same that unites us.

Do not be afraid to offend when you are not being offended, do not be afraid to be yourself at all times.

If one loves inwardly, and speaks with correction, the rest of appearances are not only influenced by one's behavior.

Permanent concentration is important to keep the body calm.

Silence in meditation is essential.

It is important to quickly move away any unharmonious thoughts about any person or event that has occurred, since these cease to have value as soon as it ends and turn it over in the head will cause the feelings to be in a way not optimal.

Forgetting the external is essential, engaging in past events of negative connotation eclipses positive events that may happen in the present.

The life of a person in physical body is of derisory duration compared to his true essence, which is immortal .

Trust in destiny, trust in the Lord, which guides my steps at all times towards the full realization of my Being, towards all its splendor.

Identify myself with everything, with all the circumstances that come to life, with the people I deal with, with the situations experienced.

They all have and have had a meaning for my personal advancement, to the smallest detail.

There are no longer social classes, neither rich nor poor. Only souls on Earth, learning to graduate, evolving step by step, and helping others.

Everyone will find their place, live their own experiences, which belong to them in their own right, to be children of God.

All situations in which people on the planet can find themselves are for their own benefit, and living them in a positive way makes these experiences help them even more.


A life based on faith is a life that can achieve everything.

A small fissure in the faith can make it not advance so much.

Faith is joy, because with firm faith our divinity expresses itself through us more easily.

Do not be afraid to face the wonders that are showing more and more to human beings.

Not even in focusing on oneself in meditation, whatever it is, whatever happens, it is always everything for our best good.


When we find other souls we can admire that what happens to them is everything that could have happened to us or could happen to us.

Understanding and harmony make it easy to live with any type of personality and with any soul.

Well, we are all One, where personality is only part.

When I see anyone, I can only feel compassion for her. At the moment I might think that I would like him to be happy, but I have come to the conclusion that this thought is still very simple, as well as selfish.

In the first place because each one goes his own way in life, and that is always for good.

Second, because that person is already happy in the eternal Now.

It may be that in a very long time I meet people that I have now met at any stage of evolution and we embrace in the Unit . Maybe that happens with the entire current population of the Planet.


The feeling of fraternity begins by recognizing in the other person the potentiality of being oneself.

That is, I am that and that is Me.

In addition, the fundamental laws indicate that you will love your God above all and your neighbor as yourself, being this coherent and easily assimilable when you recognize your own divinity and perceive it in all others.

The feeling of fraternity regarding charity does not imply observing it in its traditional sense.

Charity must be contemplated as a divine facet reflected in human virtue, and not only the latter.

Therefore, it can be exactly as fraternal to apply rigor with a brother, with the balance between charity and rigor being the middle ground of the relationship between these aspects.


The so-called casualties that attract so much attention are based on various reasons.

First of all, it must be borne in mind that, being part of an All, absolutely all thought is part of it.

In addition, we often imagine people, situations, etc., which may be similar to those intended by other people, even if their terms are different.

This facilitates the attraction of these situations.

The mental forms created in our etheric vehicles work in our lives without many times noticing.

Synchrony always operates, and is more noticeable as the person has been assuming his Christ self.

In that state you can recognize the intrinsic union of all people and the powerful interrelation that exists between all the phenomena of the planet.

The personality traits of each human being are all predictable from before he is born.

The possibilities of these features are numerous, but predictable.

The so-called emotional intelligence is applicable in this data.

With this in mind, we can increase our tolerance and our understanding towards others, only with an exercise in our mind to resolve that this or that question is totally predictable, feasible and feasible, regardless of who has made it.

A second step is to admit that although this issue or action could be repulsive, it is also feasible that we can commit it one day in one of the innumerable circumstances that life gives us, or we could have done in the past, in lives previous .

Previous lives, succeeded through reincarnations, is simply a way of calling our uninterrupted single life, which in its evolutionary process needs hundreds of physical bodies to reach its rebirth, to rediscover its I AM presence.

When the soul leaves an incarnation it dwells in the spheres destined for its formation until it returns to incarnate to continue its learning on the planet.

As the soul does not usually remember these experiences, it is possible that in some of its reincarnations it does not believe in reincarnation.


The moral and ethical calls, dogmatized throughout centuries, will become an important role among human relationships as times progress.

This is so because moral and ethical must converge in love for oneself and for others, and in a discipline that guarantees it.

Discipline, which on the other hand should not be equated with something unpleasant, but with a guarantor of such human relationships.

When you know where and why you are there, and know that others live a similar role that could be yours, the first thing is to feel a love of recognition and simultaneously, implement the discipline necessary for this circumstance to endure.

There is a set of attitudes towards life that facilitate integration with our Christ Self and with our I Am:

1. Positive attitude to any situation in life. Everything comes for good for us, invariably of its appearance. Every lesson is positive for our spiritual advancement, although the experience is coated with negative connotations.

2. Temperance In all situations, we must be fair, examine why they have come to us and the teaching we can get from it. Act rationally, fraternally, controlling the thoughts and words that we will use to solve the given situation.

3. Security and trust. Everything we do is fine. Although some of our actions may have had negative results, if we have learned the lesson, that will be positive for us. Security when executing our work, we must keep in mind that we are the best guarantee that something goes well. Confidence in our own criteria, having the kindness to listen to other people's suggestions if necessary.

4. Patience In cities and in most of the world, the pace of action is very high. That is good on the one hand, but for certain issues it is convenient to take life with a little more perspective. Everything comes to its moment. Before we need it, our Lord has already taken care of providing it to us, and it will come naturally to us through our most suitable channels.

5. Tranquility. It is not necessary to be permanently obfuscated in how we do things. We must achieve the necessary fluidity, based on trust, to keep in mind at all times that we are acting correctly, that we should not blame ourselves for nonsense, that people who constantly work on themselves tend to get things right and do things well, usually behave well, and it would be silly to judge yourself all the time, preventing that fluidity that gives the triumph.

6. Efficiency It is not necessary to be planning possible future situations or circumstances. Nor is it necessary to do so regarding the events that have occurred, much less make hypotheses for the past. When something comes to us, it is for your assumption in the instant, if we begin to turn it around in terms of possible meanings or uses, we are no longer taking advantage of the momentum gained.

7. Firmness in the present. It is not useful to be imagining future situations or circumstances based on the past in assumptions drawn from previous moments.

AUTHOR: Fran Soto, editor in the big family of

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