The primary wound of the inner child - by Roberto Pérez - Part 1- Comments by Gisela S.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 “The primary wound of the inner child” by Roberto Pérez 2 Different visions of the Soul 3 Birth as a key to healing. 4 Three types of Consciousness

From the study of great authors of psychology from both traditional and mainly humanistic and transpersonal approaches, I have realized the utmost importance of the intrauterine stage in the lives of human beings. That is why, after listening to this masterful conference on the primary wound of the inner child of Roberto Pérez, I have felt committed to transmitting their knowledge through this short article.

It is recommended to read the following lines with the eyes of the heart open and attentive, without prejudice and trying to set aside any preconceived ideas, allowing yourself to be carried by love in each of the following words.

“The primary wound of the inner child” by Roberto Pérez

I have dedicated my life to the study of the enneagram, the enneagram is a study for personal self-knowledge . It is true that what I am going to share is the effect of a research study of different cultures of the earth . And always respecting the audience, there are people who are spiritual or not, always with the desire to contribute something for everyone regardless of personal positions, in this case in particular if or if there is a basic budget that is our spiritual condition of human beings, because when one investigates anthropologically comparative cultures one finds that there was a Sacred Consciousness of life. This implies that the human being is understood as someone with a spiritual essence, a spiritual energy . And that definition of human being, which says "we are not human beings who have spiritual experiences, but we are spiritual beings who are going through a human experience." And what I have just said can be said by people from Africa, the Maya, etc. All beings could say it. Therefore, we enter time, cross time and depart. This awareness is budgeted in what I want to tell you.

Different visions of the Soul

It is difficult to understand that the spiritual essence we call Alma, that spiritual energy we can understand according to different ways as well. In the Christian tradition the vision that the soul begins with the beginning of life, accompanies life and then continues its path to fullness is very firm. But there are many other cultures that understand that this journey of the soul does not begin at the moment of conception only but has an earlier path. That presupposition, what is called transmigration of souls in Greek philosophy or reincarnation in Eastern theories , can collide if one has a position taken about it. That is why I ask you to be open, listen with your heart, then everyone take what can help. But I do have to make them honest, the position that I bring to you, is a comparative vision and this idea that the soul does not start at birth, is also very budgeted here. The ultimate goal of what I am going to share with you is not to defend positions of this kind, it is to reach a point and I hope to surprise you, and psychological currents sometimes assume this but it is not set in this way. So with an open heart and mind I hope to convey this ...

When one studies anthropology and comparative cultures, one finds surprises and one of them was the following. Recurrently I found that in various traditions those who are called shamans, doctors of the soul, men and women who are dedicated to interior work in different cultures, all of them, doing certain initiation and even healing exercises, take the person to the state of intrauterine life to experience the birth process on its own . First it seemed to me that it was something anecdotal, important, but I didn't understand the essential value. Then the "rebirthing" appeared a path of strong holotropic breathing, which through accelerated breaths, one enters a very deep state of consciousness. I also saw in different cultures, in that process of reaching the inner state, which can be done by breathing, by dancing, dancing, sounds. There are many ways, including the ingestion of sacred herbs so that the person arrives at that moment, regardless of the means used, it seems common that we go to have the experience at the time of birth.

Birth as a key to healing.

Of course I did not understand what value that had in the person's life, until I discovered it, and when I discovered it I realized that it was the key, neither more nor less, the key to understanding how to heal basic many behaviors we have. Parallel to that, a second thing came, which for me was very strong, during prenatal time in the maternal womb we are not a piece of meat that grows and suddenly comes out. The idea increasingly studied and proven by the science that during this process the being that is being formed is a being that has consciousness, with conscience I want to say and clarify something basic. Because what consciousness has in that state that being that already from 5 months begins to have an autonomy minimum compared to the being that covers? What will be the state of consciousness of which I speak? First understand that there are three types of consciousness.

Three types of Consciousness

I can talk about psychological awareness, it is understood by this the state of alert that the person has with discernment and freedom from the acts performed. A person who is drunk is not aware of his actions, so legally that is also different from the person who, with discernment and freedom is choosing.

Moral Consciousness is the ability to discern what is good for me and what is not good for me, then we will call that good or bad, what is good for me is what favors personal development, both mine and the rest.

The third consciousness is the spiritual one endowed with the ability to perceive, feel and express ourselves and that is always graphic to the three areas of spiritual consciousness as one that has perception, sensitivity and dynamic expressions, and that is the dynamics of consciousness, I perceive, I feel and express myself. This is the consciousness that interests me, which is the dynamic aspect of the spiritual energy that we call soul, which has these three characteristics . It is my spirit that perceives, it is my spirit that feels and it is my spirit that expresses itself. With this understood, we can think that this prenatal stage is a stage where that being perceives feels and expresses itself . And watching national geographic, history channel, when one sees the scientific advances, this surprises me for example, the baby in formation cries, and does not cry as a mechanical response to the external stimulus, no !, it is because it feels bad, it perceives Some of his mother's energy and the repercussion is crying. Each time, I am not an expert, but the mother-child bond in that state of formations is tremendous and the state of the mother, the consciousness of the mother etc. definitely decides in the formation process, so that the perception of that mother and the states of the mother is increasingly evidenced in the answers that that being gives. And along with the answers he gives, for what he perceives, also what he feels, feels bad or feels good, and that feeling also depends on the impact of the mother with him, and also expresses and kicks and moves his arms and makes gestures that are not mechanical responses, are expressions of what he is living, perceiving and feeling. It makes me sad not to be an expert in this but if I leave the idea that at that stage we are not a piece of meat, it is much more than that and that perception, sensitivity and expression makes that being already has its individuality. Therefore, as each one of us is, we will have lived that stage in a different way and that is where the secret comes from .

CONTINUED IN: The primary wound of the inner child - by Roberto Pérez - Part 2- Comments by Gisela S.

PART 1: the-primary-wound-of-the-inner-child-by-roberto-perez-part-1-comments-by-gisela-s /

PART 2: the-primary-wound-of-the-inner-child-by-roberto-perez-part-2-comments-by-gisela-s /

PART 3: the-primary-wound-of-the-inner-child-by-roberto-perez-part-3-comments-by-gisela-s /

PART 4: the primary-wound-of-the-child-interior-by-roberto-perez-part-4-comments-by-gisela-s /

REDACTORA: Gisela S., editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.


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