Ego: A fundamental tool in the fantastic path of self-knowledge

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 “The ego says: 'When all things are in place, I will find peace'. The spirit says: 'find peace and everything else will be in its place' ". 2 Ricard López 3 What is the Ego 4 How the Ego works 5 How to educate the Ego 6 1. Understand that it is part of us 7 2. Identify it 8 3. Forgive it 9 4. Understand the external as a reflection of yourself 10 5. Understand that the Ego is present in all of us 11 The great battle

"The ego says: 'When all things are in place, I will find peace.' The spirit says: 'find peace and everything else will be in its place' ".

Ricard López

The Ego: our great enemy.

We have heard and said a lot about him. We have become experts accusing him of other people's actions and hiding them in ours.

Well, here is a novelty: the Ego is present at all times and places where we are.

You can't get it off.

And as much as this is contrary to what we have perhaps preached all our lives, it is not in itself something bad . In reality, each one determines which place he lets himself occupy. We all have the ability to transform it into our worst enemy, or another great tool for the road.

What is the Ego?

The Ego is, in simple words, the image that each one has of himself .

It is that part of our psyche responsible for performing the fundamental task of self-recognition. It is the link with the outside world and from this it takes the information to be created as an image that allows us to identify ourselves in the environment in which we live.

In this way, it is a construction that we carry out throughout our early stages from what our family, our friends and our society teaches us.

What happens is that this construction eventually strengthens to the point that we begin to believe that we are that false image that the Ego projects us. This causes us endless personal conflicts.

How the Ego works

The ego is that part of us that constantly seeks approval in others. He needs to be loved, does not support criticism, seeks to be right and seeks out all the answers and causes of our ills.

However, the external reality is a mirror that reflects our own light and our own shadow. This world does not act on us, but is a space where we project what we are. It simply shows us all those things that require attention inside.

If we give the Ego control of our lives, we can never achieve real happiness, peace or balance, because this alone cannot work in introspection.

For this he needs help.

How to educate the Ego

We have already seen that the Ego is a fundamental part of us, therefore thinking about eliminating it makes no sense . Think of him as a capricious child who screams, gets angry, cries, gets scared. And as with a child, our duty is to educate him.

Thus, we will establish some key points to carry out this task.

1. Understand that it is part of us

I put this as a mandatory first step because the Ego has been the victim of much stigmatization on our part. We have probably named him our enemy for a long time, and we have embarked on an internal struggle.

This takes us nowhere, because in a battle with yourself you can never win .

Accept it.

Hold out your hand like a brother and you will see that through much practice it can become an essential tool in the path of self-knowledge.

Understand that both are victims of that information captured from abroad. Remember that it was initially created by your own need.

2. Identify it

In terms of recognizing it, there is a methodology that inevitably brings good results. It is a path that leads us to make that introspection that we need so much and is nothing more or nothing less than meditation .

That time of silence that you spend with yourself almost immediately shows you how the Ego has not grown in the discipline of remaining silent: it is that voice that speaks to you when nobody else does.

In order to understand how much power you really have over it you will need to do the following slogan: keep your mind blank, clean it of thoughts.

You will see that he cannot remain silent for a long time.

The Ego continually struggles to remain in control of the ship . And for this it bombards you with thoughts about you, about what you have to do, about others, about how stupid it is to remain silent with your thoughts.

And usually dominates the situation.

The idea, and this at first can be a bit difficult, is that you manage to step aside. Meditate, and when I speak to you, remember that you are only an observer.

The one who speaks is not you . Identify it, thank it and come back to you.

As you practice, you will begin to have a dual conception of your person . You will begin to perceive that you now live with another, with their strengths and weaknesses. You have to open yourself to know him as in any coexistence.

3. Forgive it

As much as you identify it, remember that it was created to fulfill a function . That is why you will see that he has no rest.

As you get to know yourself, you will see that the Ego never ceases to carry out its task. You must get used to it.

Take the decisions from now on and stay tuned at all times, because it will always be in you and as soon as you get down the guard will not hesitate to take control of the situation .

4. Understand the external as a reflection of yourself

Identifying the Ego is not the end of the matter, as he will constantly challenge you to the extent that you do not work to find the answers to your conflicts .

Search within you. Each external event that generates a reaction tells you about your inner world.

Learn to identify the things that bother you, irritate you or hurt you, and work to understand what they are reflecting on you.

You will see that as you find your answers, your perception of the world will change. You will gradually eliminate the shadow to give way to the light. You will have become bigger and you will be more in touch with your purest being .

5. Understand that the Ego is present in all of us

All people are victims of our own Ego, and for all it represents a constant conflict in this existential search for meaning.

Do not judge.

To the extent that you feel that your light expands out of you to the outside world, try to put yourself at the service of others so that they too can begin in this challenge.

Stop talking and start listening. Meet people with the same impetus with which you have tried to know yourself. And whenever you can, spread your light through your actions. Preach by example, not theory .

The great battle

It is evident that you are the one who has control of your reality. You can suffer or apprehend it depending on the paradigm in which you place yourself to experience your life.

The road to travel is long and arduous. It takes discipline to get out of the role of victim and venture to be captain of the ship, and that responsibility inspires fear.

On the other hand, the only failure in this regard is to try nothing .

Every step taken in the search for self-knowledge is a step forward, and with more or less practice time, we all come at some point to glimpse the horizon.

The decision is in your hands.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor in the big family of

SOURCES: The Ego and the Essence of Being

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