Review of the 2010 Kryon Live Channel by Lee Carroll

  • 2011

Dallas, Texas

December 11, 2010

To help the reader, this channeling has been reviewed [by Lee and Kryon] to provide greater understanding. Many times, Kryon messages channeled live contain an energy that is transmitted emotionally and is not present on the printed page. So enjoy this improved message presented in Dallas, Texas on December 11, 2010

Greetings, dear. I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

This message really comes from that side of the veil that is your home. The creative energy in you is present here tonight, but in the three-dimensional state in which you are, all you see is a man sitting in a chair personifying an angelic energy that has a strange name, a name equivalent to 11 (the Kryon numerology), which apparently speaks to them from the other side of their reality. And what does your three-dimensional mind do with that? Do you see a veil in front of you? Do you see before you a man who is going through it? Perhaps you have the idea of ​​an existence in strata where you are in one place and Kryon is in another? Let me give you the quantum vision, because I am apparently speaking to you through a man with a microphone. However, I do not come from there, because I am in the portal called the Human Being and yet I am everywhere.

If you hear me clearly and accurately, and if the third language is already here and ready, then there is potential to communicate. The portal of the Higher Self opens to admit the creative energy that is you, that is in you, that is part of you and that belongs to you. It is the core of what you call God, and that's where I come from. I am not separated from you. I am in you. And that's where it is and always was and always will be the communication portal. He is not ahead in the room in a chair coming through an audio system like the voice of a Human. So we invite you to have a quantum experience, that is, one that is out of the three-dimensional. Listen and confirm it from the intimate. You can do it?

Dear ones, we are addressing an ageless audience. Not only to those in the room, but to those who are listening and those who are reading. We will present to you what the Spirit believes, in its own quantum way, which is a review of 2010. This will be one of the last live channels presented this year. Therefore, it is appropriate that they consider that they are given a review of what has happened so far, and that I will do in a moment.

The Spirit does not see things as you see them, so I will give you both perspectives. We will give the three-dimensional perception and then we will give the quantum. In a quantum state, there is no linear reality that you have. What they do in linearity, the clock they follow, is not the Spirit system. Therefore, when we add the year, the result is different from what you might expect, since we do not consider things in the time frame in which you do.

My partner often talks about the numerological aspects of energy, and is teaching this. The numbers have in themselves a communication energy. In other words, they convey a message. They do not "do" anything, just as a book does not do something. When you read a book, it is only ink and paper, but many times you cry or your pulse speeds up. Does it mean then that ink and paper had energy? No. It is the implicit communication in the language of the book. The language of numbers is similar. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and has been used for thousands of years in many ways.

The most common and simple way is what I asked my partner to use. It was developed in ancient Tibet, because the planet's Kundalini resided there for 13, 000 years. India and Tibet became the place where there was more compassion, where there was higher training and more shamanic energies than anywhere else on the planet. So it is logical that the numerology they developed is presented to you in the same way you used it. It can be complex, but I have told my partner to simplify it so that it is understandable.

So we are going to use that simple numerology to look at the number 2010. When you add the digits that make up the number of the year, you get a three. The three is defined with the energy of numerology as a catalytic energy. So every time they see the energy of the three inn on something they want to define, it represents a catalyst. Therefore, it could be said that 2010 was a catalytic year. Since this number comes in a regular number cycle (as the number of years progresses linearly), it has been here before. But the energy they are in now, and last time, amplifies everything esoteric and much of what is currently happening on the planet can be seen in a clearer way if you look at some of these ancient energy systems.

In chemistry, a catalyst intensifies the reaction created by a substance when it comes into contact with another. However, often the original substance is not affected and is limited to switching to the other. Or you may very well gather two things to create a third. If 2010 is a catalytic energy, it is not really referred to change but to the set-up of change. You could say that it is a facilitator of change.

Now, remember in this lesson that the Spirit is not linear. So the changes that a catalyst year could create would not necessarily be in the year of creation. Therefore, something that happens or has happened in 2010 will last and push the energy there, towards 2011.

Before looking at what happened in that catalyst year, let's see how often a year 3 is presented. So let's separate the 2 and 1 so that they see what those energies are So, so you can understand the messages they have for you.

When was the last time you had a catalyst year? For those of you who are doing the calculations, it was 2001. And do you remember what happened in 2001? I ask those of this culture: Did it really create a potential energy of change thereafter? And does it affect the last decade or more? The answer is yes. So 2010 has the same type of potential energy. Now that does not mean that there must necessarily be an international tragedy to establish something. It doesn't always mean that negative things create the future, either. It is simply the energy of the catalyst, and Human Beings provide the catalyst in what they do.

Remember that the Spirit does not see these things as you see them. So let's talk about your country. What are you seeing here? It's something nobody wants to talk about while my partner is here. It has been a horrible year for your economy and it has the potential to create a lot of anxiety. There has been a complete and total lack of trust in banks, in insurance companies and in the investment process. So your financial instrument, which you call dollar, is slowly falling before other international monetary systems. They are devaluing the de facto dollar (it exists in any case, regardless of conscious action), is it not true? Ten years ago we told you that this would be so. Many told Kryon that the United States would never do that voluntarily. They did not have to. A global free-floating economy did it for you.

But to the American Human Being that seems horrible because he fights against this and may ask: I will lose the house? Or in the case of some of you: Why I lost my house? Will it ever improve? What is it about? What did we do to deserve such a thing? So that is the three-dimensional human perspective of 2010; and I want to tell you, dear Human Being, what is our perspective. Didn't I tell you many years ago that without a doubt this was the potential? We told them that there was a strong potential that some of the largest corporations in their country would fall. * And then we said: and the first to collapse n will be the insurance companies **. And you can find these things that we said in Kryon's published works.

Now, these were only potential, all. There is no such thing as divination and the Spirit does not know what Humans will do. But in the case of strong potentials, they often meet them to the letter and become their reality. Some have asked how we can predict their economic problems since they are not spiritual issues. So let me tell you how we could do it and what it means. It will allow you to understand the future channels where we will give you the potentials that will come.

For more than 200 years, this country has operated in the same way with the same system. The rules were changing a bit, but basically it was the same and it was based on greed. It was a system in which, little by little, the rich became richer and the poor became poorer. Now this is not a judgment, but only a fact. It worked on an old energy and was still a good system, because even the middle class had a good life, better than in other countries. But suddenly, dear Human Being, you are seeing a new energy that simply cannot sustain the old forms; Even the basic economy has to change. Therefore, financial systems based on old energy collapsed. The new consciousness did not sustain them and they collapsed. The mistakes of the past appeared to be summed up in what you call a recession

The Human says: “What a disaster!”, But the Spirit says: “Congratulations, because they are reforming the very rules of what they want. They are making creative decisions and not based on what has been done in their country before. ” What is done from now on is the catalyst, the three. Where are they going to take it? What will the new system look like while recovering (and recovering)? The dollar will come back. This country can change financial systems, political systems, and the same paradigm of capitalism overnight. It is one of the few countries that can do it, and the only one as big as yours that can do it. So what model will they present to Earth soon? How about one that works with more integrity when it comes to large amounts of money? That's what's happening.

They will not be the ones who sit here and only see the glass half empty, because they are telling all the negative things without understanding what this new energy is about or the way of reasoning that the Spirit would have. The United States has always been the model of unity. You have always been the model to obtain more integrity in government. And now they have just changed once again the way things work. How many of you can meet on New Year's Eve and have the courage to say: “Thank God for the recession. Thank you, Spirit, for putting us in the crusher, because wherever we go, it is a catalytic year and will lay the foundation for recovery and strength. ”?

The year 2010 represented a two and one together. If they do not add them [as is done in numerology for total energy], they still tell a story, because the two represents duality. That is the energy of two in Tibetan language. Duality, the combination of the angelic and the biological, the main attribute of the Human Being. While sitting in the chair hearing this, or listening, or reading, what is "your core" has an energy of duality. Can you discover the Creator inside or not? You can go in any direction they want. They can create bad things if they choose. You can create divine things if they choose. This is the Human. It is the power of Humanity. Free will is yours and always has been. That is the duality.

Now take a look at the one next to the two. We do this because numbers influence each other in what we might call relationship numerology. They are in the same equation or in the same package that represents a year, so they affect each other. What does the one mean? It means new beginnings. See the year 2001. You will not forget it, right? All changed. It was a new beginning of how this country treated security threats and how to travel. However, this one is different. This is a new beginning of your country's financial systems, the structure of large amounts of money.

In fact, you are reinventing the United States. They will continue to see continued turmoil in politics as they move forward and backward when deciding what they want from those who try to lead them. By the way, they are still stuck in the old energy. All of them. Observe the average age of those who govern them and see what the problem is. Because older people become advisors, even for a young president. It is quite possible that it takes time before they can have a majority of younger men and women there to have the significant impact they long for.

It is only a matter of time, with a more conceptual awareness, for Humans to solve dimensional problems that had never existed before. “Kryon, you are talking nonsense. What do you mean? ”Be patient. Everything changes. But as they see young people ascend and become their leaders, they will see the solutions they have always sought and that are logical and make sense. Then they will wonder why the solutions took so long.

So the Spirit sees the recession as a positive change in a direction that is proportional to the energy that is changing on the planet. Therefore, it was to be expected. However, many felt frustrated with the process of politics and the economy and say the following: "It seems that we only move forward and backward and move forward and backward without ever getting something done." They are talking about three-dimensional things: bodies, laws, events and red and blue states. We are talking about energy. The energy placed on Earth is permanent. That is to say that everything wise they deposit remains here and serves as the basis. They don't lose it the next time they come. "Kryon, you're still talking nonsense." Some of you are doing it. Little by little, you create what you propose.

So the Spirit looks at what has happened to humans, using that paradigm of consciousness. The Spirit sees humanity throughout generations. We tend to see what human consciousness is in cycles of 60 years. For you, it is a little more than two generations. It is the time it takes for the old energy to change what it was in what it is. I agree with you, because the energy of what adults say to their children and then what the children say to their own children is what creates a permanent change. Two generations. It's all you need. So the Spirit sees what has happened to Humans using that paradigm of consciousness.


Let's talk about humanity. They may ask, "How are you doing?" Well, let's take a look at Gaia first, because they have to take a look at Gaia's energy, in the context of the study of Humanity, because they are related. So, looking from big to small, what has Gaia done in 2010 to improve what they created?

We have told you that you face climate challenges. We told them 21 years ago! Again, we see things in cycles much longer than you. The human is short sight. They only have one life to observe cycles that are much longer than a single life. (In a future channeling, I will give you the parable of the Rainbow Hall for you to understand.) Some of you are saying, “Well, the Earth is changing so radically that something must be wrong. What is Gaia doing to us today? “These words come from a very three-dimensional thinking process that is calculating that something has to be wrong every time the glass is half full. Well, the glass is right where we said it would be, as planned

The reason we predicted that the weather would change is because you are going through a water cycle that we have talked about before. This will be the subject that will be dealt with for a long time from my chair, since with the passage of time it will become more evident that, without a doubt, that is what is happening. The climate that looms over you will eventually create a great cooling of the planet. It has happened before. It is a water cycle that encompasses many lives on Earth and its scientists do not see it that way, since this is new for them. Now they have the instruments to record this cycle and, over the next two generations, they will be able to see its beauty. It is a cycle of "refreshing" and affects life on Earth.

The first thing that happens is that the ice partially melts in the caps in the north and south, not everything, but a large part! This creates a level of water that makes the oceans rise a few centimeters and realigns the weight of the water on the planet. This redistributes the weight from the poles [a concentration of ice on the top and bottom] so that the weight is more even, even in the crust of the Earth. Then this redistribution pushes the crust in ways that are new, creating earthquakes and volcanoes.

This year they had some of that, right? Then there will be those who see earthquakes and volcanoes and say: “We have done something horrible. Gaia is punishing us. ” The glass is half full, isn't it? It's just that Humans don't understand that Earth is adjusting to human consciousness.

Now, this water cycle is happening sooner than it was supposed! You advanced the moment because you advanced time itself. So I ask old souls who are in front of me and who are reading and listening: Have you not felt the acceleration of time? It is running faster! As long as your three-dimensional clocks move your hands the same number of times, the multidimensional clocks in you are marching very fast. And Gaia is part of the dimensional clock; it accelerates with you, isn't it? So they could say (and they would be right) that Humans have changed the weather!

So what they have called global warming is precisely the opposite. Sooner or later, you will see it as a global cooling. Next year (2011) are aware of what happens with respect to their winter, because the cycle is here. Just for fun, walk down the street when it is snowing more than you should and shout, Global warming! Global warming! [Laughs]

So that is what is happening with Gaia and I will tell you, dear Humans, that what happens with Gaia later depends on you.

Let me tell you about the latest scientific advances that have taken place. The discovery is like that; He has always been there waiting for you to see and discover him, but for you it is something new. However, while I reveal this to you, do you remember that I already told you about that?

Now scientists can measure the magnetism of the planet every sixty minutes. What you would call the magnetic flux of the Earth's grid varies in intensity. Nor is it consistent from one place to another. Now, there are reasons for all that, but for the first time in space and on the ground, they have a way of measuring that variation of the flow hour by hour.

In the past they could only measure it every several months. That was enough, but with modern methods they can now measure it in real time; and suddenly a discovery was made. Maybe they didn't know and that is the reason why they needed to read this? Because it is fundamental information and very consistent with the way we told them that it would be the relationship between Humanity and Gaia

Its scientists have discovered that variations in the magnetic flux, that is, the variation in the intensity of the magnetic field, increases and decreases with human events! Breathe Think about it. They observed that when a large number of human beings left the planet simultaneously, that changed the magnetism! They changed when they felt compassion on the planet for those who were suffering in distress! It changed when there was joy because something happened that they celebrated! It is an incredible attribute, synchronous and totally unexpected and remarkable. The magnetic grid of the Earth changes according to what happens to Humans.

Now, what does that tell you about the energy of Humanity? She is altering the physics of the planet. Don't ask Gaia what's going to happen. Rather, ask the conscience of Humanity. And I will tell you that what you see is happening right now to Humanity is well on track and on time, and never before in the history of the Earth did something like that happen. They had never accelerated time before, although we told them that it was possible more than 21 years ago.

All this is part of the ancient prophecy of the Kundalini movement of the planet. This energy from the heart chakra of Gaia has literally left Tibet and India and as we speak it is moving towards the bottom of the Earth on its way to Peru and Chile and what they call Patagonia. It is a graduation of the energy of the planet. All this is part of the vital movement that is there; And that's what the Incas talked about in their prophecies, that's what the Mayans talked about in their prophecies, and even the Lakota of North America.

The Spirit does not see things like you. You work in a linear time frame and the Spirit does not. When they believe they see tragedy and pain and death, they have to understand the superposition of those Souls that came with that potential to happen, because before they were born it was written that these things could happen on the way to a peaceful Earth.

60 years ago, at the end of their last great war, a group of four futurists in Europe said: “How can we prevent this from happening again? We always end up conquering each other. For hundreds and hundreds of years it is all we do, arm armies and conquer each other. ” So they sowed the seeds of what is now the European Union. They had a goal. They said: "What if we could build something like the United States did: a single currency, a group of countries that can become states without borders and call the European Union?" They did exactly that and it took them 60 years. Now his currency is strong and the idea worked. Oh, there are issues and problems and questions, but they solve them as they arise.

But, my dear, I want you to see the whole. By bringing things together and unifying them, that creates what is stable in the new energy. When they separate things, they create things that are unstable. The time will come when this planet will have five and only five coins. They will represent the most important continents that have put things together as Europeans did. Right now, while we are talking, there is another group that is doing it in South America. They have a vision. “What if we could gather all countries without borders, with one currency, all in two generations? We would have a much stronger economic influence on Earth. ”They are contemplating the model of the United States and the European Union. Eventually, Africa will also do so in 50 years. Europeans knew what they were doing, because the result of the unification is as follows: Countries that depend on each other for trade are not going to make war on each other. Are you beginning to see the panorama of a peaceful Earth and why could you be at peace?

It only takes two generations to create this kind of peace. When parents tell their children to hate another culture, they perpetuate an old energy. I told you this before in North America. Look at the enemies against those who fought in World War II and the countries represented and the hatred, anxiety and death, torture and humiliation that their grandparents and even some of their parents saw. Now, see these ancient enemies today. They are your business partners! One of them is so tied to you that it manufactures all the electrical appliances in their homes and the cars they drive! Going from hating oneself to being partners only took 60 years.

Now come with me to the Middle East and see a different scenario, in which parents teach their children to hate each other. They have been doing it for 1, 000 years. Do you see what I am telling you? Undoing all that will only take two generations. What they consider an insoluble problem, can be solved in a short time, and so it will be, the young people of the Earth will solve it.

There are groups of young people throughout the Middle East who are beginning to understand the madness of separatism. They are not going to hate who their parents asked them to hate, and as we said before, there are a lot of them in Iran. You are going to see the change. It is caused by the change of consciousness. That is the potential that is before you.

The human being

Now, let's talk about your person. I see the big picture of all your lives, the Akasha that is in you and the energy of those who lined up to be here right now. This is the change of energy that represents the galactic alignment. However, we see it differently. You are more than Humans walking the Earth in learning. They are catalysts of energy. Wherever they touch the Earth in a state of enlightenment, it is changed. And we have said this before. A quantum process is taking place that is happening even at the molecular level in the field of its DNA. He interacts with the Crystalline Grid of the planet. His presence in this life is changing Gaia. Old souls are at the forefront of this process, and less than half of one percent of the human race has to do with what they have done in order to make a permanent change on this planet, a change of consciousness that forecast for 2012

For seventeen years they have been in the energy of the central alignment of 2012, because it is a process that takes 36 years. They are missing 19. What they do in the next 19 years will become the template for the future. You are achieving what you came for. That is the summary of 2010. Realization.

They are in the right place at the right time. So what awaits them? Here is a promise from the Spirit: Immerse yourself in multidimensional things. Trust that the invisible that you call faith will take you to places that are full of manifestation for your personal life. Be patient and expect a synchrony that you can't even imagine. You want to control it, but you cannot; and the things they can't control cause them anxiety. So make peace with those things that you cannot control and understand that the Spirit system is brilliant and only has you in mind.

Here is the new paradigm. By going through the difficulties of this planet, they will no longer suffer suffering or war. They will no longer have a conscience in which they expect bad things to happen to them. Flow with the changes. Use your intuition to move left or right. If the weather changes on the planet and continues to flood your home, it might be a good idea to move. However, the Human Being says: "Well, it's just a flood that happens once every 100 years." Really? Wait until next year. They are beginning to see a new climate paradigm. Move with him. Be flexible, be human. Understand what lies ahead. You have changed the planet with your consciousness. Now be part of the change. Work with him. Understand it. Celebrate it Move with him.

That is the message for today. The 2010 review finds old souls on the way and pointing towards even more change. Congratulations! And how will it be next year? Well, let's see 2011. Look at the two, which is duality, compared to 11, which is a master number. The 11 means illumination. When you add them, it's a four. Let's talk about the four. It represents stability, Earth, respect for the ground and for all things of Gaia. It is an indication of the things that will come, those that will continue to change this planet to another higher vibration. They can't deny it. They are in it. They are feeling it. They are living it. When everyone is aware of that, there is no more fear.

So that is today's message for you to hear once again. Twenty-two years ago, many thought that Kryon's books were speculation. Today, they are your reality. What can today's speculations bring you in twenty years? (Kryon smiles)

Given in Love on this day.

And so it is.


* November 2002, Kryon Book 10, page 152 of the English edition

** December 2007, Web Audio [], 28 minutes after the channel Predictions for the New Generation

© Lee Carroll © Lee Carroll

This information is free and available for printing, copying and distribution as desired. Your Copyright, however, prohibits the sale in any form except by the publisher.

Título original en inglés: “2010 in Review”

Translation: Susana Peralta

Authorized Lee Carroll site in Spanish

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