Message from our Lord Jesus: Never doubt that you are doing a very valuable job

  • 2017

The respect of the angels appears as you continue in life and in spite of everything bad that happens, since this serves to begin to appear your inner light . This is a demanding task and yet a high determination is needed to carry it out, with the intention that you be able to bring love, peace and abundance to the entire world, while others only fight and presume of destroying others, this can be totally discouraging for you.

Don't let anyone turn your light off, no matter how much they try

Although many still deny their existence trying to discourage you, you should always show all the light, even if this is a small spark that comes out of your heart. With this encouragement, it is important that you be able to enter everyone's hearts, even those who are most jealously guarded. It is like entering a small back door, but without the owner or you noticing, so never doubt that the work you do is extremely valuable for all mankind.

With your work you do something as important as transforming the energies of the planet, since with the love you share, you are effectively weakening the negative energies that eclipse everyone throughout their lives. Imagine it like this: the love you offer to others is like a tide that smoothes the sand and takes with it all the waste and garbage that others have, being basically your function, that of a " planetary cleaner ."

Your job is to transform the energies of the planet

However, and despite the fact that there is a relatively small core of people who are trying to make big changes in the way of thinking of humanity, there is a much larger group of people who do everything in their power to do the opposite. These are the industrial activities, which are extremely harmful and that grow exponentially every day and in order to end these activities that only destroy us every day and make our work about to reverse, you must be Even more determined and you will see how without noticing it, the damage caused by these activities will be gradually repaired.

When you cooperate with your work, the results can be simply amazing and can even be achieved in record time . This can only be achieved if all the energies of love, understanding and healing increase day by day on the planet and these create positive changes in the problems at the local, international and global levels. Depending on the effort you put into them, your work will be accomplished more or less quickly, but nevertheless and as we have mentioned before, the people of reserved hearts are often the ones who can spread the good deeds and do not do it.

Remember that the work you do is extremely valuable for the entire humanity

In the media, for example, positive circumstances are not always seen, but the biggest problems we face at local and international level are shown. However, this is not all bad, since it is a creative way of knowing the problems you are destined to solve.

Of course, your current efforts and determination to end all these harmful activities for the planet are very effective in ending the so-called "industrial projects", which are very damaging to the entire ecosystem. Your loving, passive and understanding spirit is the only one that will be able to prevent more damage from industrial activity to the environment, since it requires great energy to stop the efforts of many organizations that also use spiritual and physical energy .

That is why it is of the utmost importance that you remain persevering in your path of love and light and that you always keep in mind that the path you are working is the one that will save humanity from all the darkness in which It is hidden.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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