The Seven Principles Channeled Message from Master Zanon in 1987.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 They are selfless souls who do not look at sacrifices in order to raise the potential for love, peace, harmony, fraternity, wisdom and light in earthly humanity. 2 The Workers, that "group of souls", each or every group of them has their own missions. 3 Between the first and the second stage, the Workers withdrew, letting the people themselves continue their work in order to evolve. 4 Placed "capitalism" and "communism" in action in humanity, has evolved within each of these principles. 5 The path began for the second objective: the balance of human forces in the world, so that there are no longer rich or poor (once they represent extremes and the process of "extremes" has passed). 6 In this year of 1987, great political-economic transformations began in humanity, which will develop, through their own experience, the second objective: balance.

Channeled message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

The Workers are those souls who have already reached a certain degree of luminosity in their spirits, souls and minds, who reached a high level of wisdom and on their own initiative are dedicated to the service of the body of hidden beings who occupy positions in the Hierarchy of the Hidden Government of the World.

They are selfless souls who do not look at sacrifices in order to raise the potential for love, peace, harmony, fraternity, wisdom and light in earthly humanity.

Some are working on the physical plane, others on the astral plane, others on the mental plane and others on the soul and spirit planes.

They generally gather around the Hidden Masters of the World to serve them and facilitate their work and missions.

They form a large auxiliary body of workers and servers, and are found in the most diverse sectors of life.

The Workers, that group of souls, each or every group of them has their own missions.

There are Workers who are responsible for other Workers, as the Hidden Masters are responsible for the Work of the Workers.

Thanks to its action, humanity has made great progress in the last one hundred years. Let's see some of his works, within this period. At the beginning of the century, in the political field, authentic revolutions were attended . The rotation of the extreme right towards the extreme left caused a crash, causing the imbalance. This action was studied and set in motion precisely in Russia. Huge plots of humanity were subjugated, enslaved, the social imbalance was enormous and crystallization was evident in each.

Chaos was coming at every moment. Then, a certain number of Workers will reincarnate in Russia / USSR to make the necessary changes and lead a revolution. They did it and very well; they implemented what was later called `` communism, '' as the first stage of a transition process.

Today (1987) they entered the second stage ; the alterations are happening to take that town to a third stage, which is a new political system: neither communism, nor capitalism, nor socialism .

Between the first and the second stage, the Workers withdrew, letting the people themselves continue their work in order to evolve.

Along with the leaders were some Workers, thus preventing the change in the trajectory of the work that had been implemented. Despite many misunderstandings and distortions to his ideas, Lenin was one of these servers, a fundamental element of that process.

At that time, corrections were made between each period, since the tendency is always to place personal interests in front of the groups and this leads to distortions; Hence, periodic corrections must be made.

This process of political work extended to other peoples, after proving that it was good and positive for the evolution of some plots of humanity.

It would not be fair to stimulate and organize the so-called political left, leaving the political right completely to the taste of men's ambitions, without any methods and organization.

In this way, other Workers, with experience in this branch, reincarnated in the US and in some Western European countries to organize what was later called capitalism.

Placed "capitalism" and "communism" in action in humanity, has evolved within each of these principles.

The Second World War marked a great turn, since again, the Workers (along with the Hidden Masters) needed to make huge corrections, intervening to prevent humanity from self-destructing.

Then, several incarnations of enlightened souls began, in charge of bringing the peoples, from the political extremes to the political center, thus giving rise to diverse shades of fairer, more balanced political currents.

After humanity gained experience in the extremes, it was possible to undertake the political path towards a global balance, where each one's ideas are respected, where freedom is one of the most important elements to be defended and preserved.

Without going through extremes, it would be almost impossible to learn the real meaning of freedom, which was a well-known word, announced, but not put into practice. It was necessary to live the suffering in the flesh, through the absence of freedom, so that, through experience, the real value of the freedom of each and every people arose.

This was one of the objectives of the Hidden Masters and a part was already achieved. Evidently one hundred percent of humanity was not reached, but fifty percent was exceeded a long time ago.

The path began for the second objective: the balance of human forces in the world, so that there are no longer rich or poor (once they represent extremes and the process of "extremes" has passed).

Now we are in the "middle", in the center, in the balance, and this "New Cycle of Humanity" requires new revolutions.

They have already started in Russia, China², in South America (1987). They are starting in Europe, arriving in North America, ending in Africa, passing through the rest of Asia.

This new political cycle of humanity may be more difficult than the first, since there are resistance from the richest to abdicate their wealth in favor of the poorest, this has been leading the socially oppressed peoples to fight and provoke wars, deaths, sufferings, useless in many cases, which causes imbalance.

The escalation of terror and the increase in crime rates, mainly in large cities, are evidence of the resistance of the capitalist and communist systems.

These need to be more malleable in the modifications of their extremist structures, to bring them closer to the center systems, more balanced and more just.

Obviously, economic systems are directly or indirectly linked to political systems: one influences the other.

Political communism influenced the economic, but in capitalism it was the economic sector that influenced the political and will be the financial system that will cause changes in its directions.

In this year of 1987, great political-economic transformations began in humanity, which will develop, through their own experience, the second objective: balance.

In the walk of humanity there are principles to be achieved within the Great Plan of Cosmic Evolution . Let's talk about the present and the future, leaving the objectives of the past for another job.

Humanity represents a whole, regardless of the number of evolving souls on Earth. In this new stage, we have seven minor cycles, each with a beginning to be achieved. They represent goals, stages that will be achieved. They are:

1 Freedom
2 Balance
3 Harmony
4 Peace
5 Love
6 Wisdom
7 Fraternity

Upon reaching the seventh principle, humanity, with all the souls that have managed to pass through each stage (whether they are reincarnated or not), will reach the Light, Spiritual Liberation.

Learning at Earth School will end and everyone will have the Freedom of choice: either to continue towards other more evolved planets or to continue on Earth to create a new school. at a level higher than the previous period, then, at a greater degree of evolution.

At each stage of the seven objectives or principles, all are subjected to different tests and tests. The souls that are reprobated will be withdrawn from the Earth School and placed on another school planet, which is within its evolutionary degree, because those souls were left behind in their evolutions and will repeat their evolutionary cycle.

Therefore, they have to go to another school, another planetary system, where the learning cycle is in accordance with their evolutionary stages.
In the next message, we will talk about the religious process in recent years in humanity.

Maestro Zanon (Also known as Maestro J piter) 10/29/1987

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

There are many kinds of Workers ; each one is in the most diverse evolutionary levels, until arriving at what we could call The Elder Workers, which are the Masters or Beings of Light. There are also `` Minor Workers' ', which are the disciples' Disciples in various degrees. We cannot mix the work of the soul with that of the personality; for a soul to be part of the group of Workers does not mean that all your acts in the physical world are perfect. Sometimes, these workers of the Masters also make mistakes, since they are in a process of development, improvement and evolution to become "Major Workers."

² The process in China is slower, there are complex factors to be solved first, but the objectives of the GOM will certainly be achieved.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Book “O Hidden Government of the World. O Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta ”, Editorial Portal. Second edition. Author Henrique Rosa.

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