New Sacred Centers in the Gaia Land through Mªdel Carmen Vila-Anikha

  • 2012

NEW SACRED CENTERS ON EARTH Multidimensional experiences in each being.

Gaia through María del Carmen Vila-Anikha.

At this moment all beings on the planet are receiving a flow of golden energy that enters large vortices in the opening areas and that are sacred on earth. These areas are being recalibrated to receive even greater flows that will allow to distend physical and emotional tensions in many beings.

The great areas of anchoring wisdom on earth will begin to be even more visible since there are express areas of manifestation that are visited by thousands of people, but will soon appear before the sight of many, large energy anchors placed in places that before they had not been investigated especially in Peru, Ecuador and in Antarctica.

This 2012 brings visible and invisible forces, energies that are suddenly suspended because you have to make sudden changes and energies that will allow you to flow in areas not previously investigated of your being. It is possible that you, having worked intensely in your inner work suddenly feel sorry because abroad and in their social-world-social relationship they do not see visible evidence of their own changes.

The change occurs within you, it is more, it is certain that you experience great flows of energy very intense when you wake up in the morning, and this happens because during the dream you will be visiting other beings - guides and they will take you to see other aspects of their being so they don't delay. In short at all times you are visiting the pure energy of transformation.

This should not be overlooked as they will sometimes feel relatively emotionally impaired because they only see what is seen in this dimension but it happens that their Vision remains working interdimensionally all the time.

Not to be scared ... the presence of their being in other places at the same time will also happen to them, the unfolding of bodies and the intense work in other planes could cause them some daytime fatigue that will be inexplicable to them. The recommendation is not to fight with the process ..

And be alert during the day not to travel between planes unless you are providing a planetary service or assistance to people in conflict.

The energies will assist you again multiply when you give yourself the specific times to meditate, to stop at the center of your heart to experience this fluidity that occurs on other planes in presence, that is, in the Here and Now and in other dimensions.

The most pleasant part of this whole process is that many still discuss their personal power and / or mastery ... looking for ways to anchor themselves in this plane demonstrating their virtues to others, but after all they have to know that we are all traveling in the same runner only on different frequencies. They are light bands of different vibrations, energies, but we all go to the same sector: that of the visible energy transformation of the human being to Being Conscious in the Divinity that we possess. There may be many schools, many frequencies to manifest and Gifts, but we travel on the Crystal River to a new sun. Everybody.

In the here and time we celebrate vibrantly the embrace of wisdom that offers us the cosmic opportunity to be in this full instance, different from others. At the end of the day we are co-creating the change together.

I embrace you in wisdom from my sacred heart.

Gaia through:

María del Carmen Vila-Anikha.

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VIA SKYPE CHANNELING SESSIONS: Anywhere in the world you are, you can receive a channel with María del Carmen Vila-Anikha. You will attend a session that will allow the contact of your being with your mission and with your guides.


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Official Web: page of the Anandaflora Essences created by María del Carmen Vila. Here are all the channels of María del Carmen Vila-Anikha.

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