Who are the angels?

  • 2011


An angel is a divine Being full of light that will show us the way home.

He is a messenger of God, but for the teacher to speak, we must give them respect and attention, and thus be able to receive from them the knowledge of what we really ARE.

The Angels were created by God to help all men.

Each of the Angels has a specific function, and we must know this function well.

Christ said " as above it is below " so above there are hierarchies, not like the ones we have here, since there each one is equally important, but if there are special groups dedicated to different functions, for example:

The first hierarchy belongs to the SERAFINES, QUERUBINES AND THRONES

SERAFINES are considered according to our idea, the major order of the celestial hierarchy, because they surround the throne of God and are in constant praise saying:
Holy, holy, holy ...!

They are angels of love, of light and fire.

They are characterized by the ardor with which they love the divine things
and to raise to God the spirits of lesser hierarchy, so that they are founded in the light of God.

They are the guardians of God's works, their temples and the paths that lead to spiritual evolution and aggrandizement of consciousness.

They have the gift of discernment. And they expand the spiritual light throughout the cosmos.

The Cherubim guard the entrance to Paradise. They are the bearers of the final wisdom of this universe.

They help all who are associated with wisdom, and offer strength to all who are in tune with the word of God.

They fill the universe with the wisdom of God.

When we are tuned to the vibration of his love we experience the depths of knowledge within us. The Cherubim offer us their awareness, crystal clear, of the unity of all life.

These entities are related to the actions of men. They are entities that were formerly called Spirits of the Stars. They keep track of actions at all times or karmas.

They are as well the builders of the universal order.

The Thrones are the angelic form closest to the Divine Source itself.

They exist beyond form, and yet their angelic function is to transform thoughts into matter.

They exist at the level of pure thought and are the conductors of the vibration of God's love towards the material form.

They act like the Eyes of God and take the form of swirling currents of colored light.

They are known as the Angel of Being. The Angel of Power and the Angel of Glory.

They transmit the power and glory of the Source throughout the universe, offering a constant ray of light that allows us to manifest this love in our lives.


They are the Angels that are between the limit of the finite with the infinite. Domination offers humanity the quality of mercy. They help us to reconcile our past and find forgiveness in our hearts.
They also bring us the gift of wisdom, enabling us to live in a state of grace. They help us to be more fully in the present, releasing the heavy energy of past recriminations, which can greatly weigh on our spirits and stop our creative strength.

These divine spirits gently incite us, again and again, to release the yoke of our negativity. They lovingly relieve the weight of our suffering and make it possible for us to abandon the past and live the moment more fully.

They help to shape and realize human aspirations.

Virtues teach us the love of freedom and the sanctity of faith. His heavenly function is to transform our thoughts into matter. They are the essential link in the process we call manifestation. This means that what we want and want can be transformed into material reality by our firm intention to create it. It is your guide through hard and difficult times that sustains us. They help us to value and want these qualities, because they know that something that does not incorporate them is not really possible in terms of a real and lasting manifestation. We are freedom itself, and yet many of our relationships are expressions of collusion and codependence rather than our free and more evolved self.

They are the Angels of birth and transformation (what we call death). They are those who keep the world in balance. They prevent the fallen Angels from taking over the World. In the same way they work on the astral plane assisting the Souls that suffer and fear after leaving their physical body after dying, since the light that their Soul projects produces a feeling of peace, tranquility and harmony.


They are also called princes or spirits of personality and are the Angels in charge of taking care of countries, cities and rulers, and avoiding an invasion `by the fallen Angels. They have an exalted beauty, they extend their Aura throughout the territory that corresponds to their jurisdiction, displaying By this love, justice, goodness and understanding, they are usually represented standing on the globe holding a scepter in one hand, which they use to receive the cosmic energies and those of the center of the earth, their blue tunic points out their divine work under the direction of the Blessed Virgin Mary a, as well as its militancy in the hosts of the San Miguel Arc.


They are spiritual entities of great power that guide large groups of people and armies, whether from one sector or another.

According to the Hebrew tradition, there are 7 archangels, only 3 are mentioned in the Bible, but there are hundreds of them.

The best known are those that handle the 7 divine flames.

Saint Michael .- He is known as the protector angel of every being of darkness, but really this angel, is the ANGEL OF FAITH, if we have faith, nothing bad can hurt us, so we must Ask this beloved angel, not to protect us but to help us increase faith in God, faith in who we are and thus we can fight the darkness.

Its flame is blue and the day related to this arch is Sunday.

Jophiel .- is the angel of ILLUMINATION, and WISDOM, to this arc we can ask him to help us cleanse our minds of all negative thoughts, and thus be able to receive enlightenment.

Its flame is yellow-gold and the related day is Monday.

Samuel .- This is the angel of the DIVINE LOVE, it is he who will help us to open the heart and allow the light of the inner Christ to shine and shine in us, and thus we can love the whole creation .

Its flame is phosphorescent pink, and its related day is Tuesday.

Gabriel. He is the angel of the ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE TRUTH, to this angel we can ask him to show us the truth of who we are and why we are here.

Its flame is bright white, and the related day is Wednesday.

Rafael. He is the angel of physical or emotional healing, he is to help men free themselves from the implants, devices and traumas that we have loaded with many lives.

Its flame is tender green and the related day is Thursday.

Uriel .- is the angel of LA PAZ Y HARMONIA, many people believe that he is the angel of prosperity, but really if we have peace and harmony in our lives, we can attract as children of God all that we want with our mind creative

Its flame is gold-ruby and the related day is Friday.

Zadkiel - He is the archangel of FORGIVENESS, MERCY AND TRANSMUTATION, he will help us to forgive, to let go of everything that we are not or is true, will open our hearts to radiate the unconditional love of God. This Angel changes the negative into positive, and the darkness into light.

Its flame is phosphorescent violet and the related day is Saturday.

They are also responsible for taking care of order in the four cardinal points.

They are the heads of entities that are at your service and constantly work to fulfill the word and order of God. The Archangels are messengers sent by Divinity to men.

They offer spiritual sustenance and inspiration. They provide us with revelation and provide us with all the necessary tools for our spiritual development.

They offer us the highest quality of heavenly help and love that we can use in our daily lives. We are given his light and strength to guide us back to the power of our interior, through which we can become co-creators of the universe along with the Source.

They are, in effect, protectors of humanity and have specific functions that help the collective and universal spirit of the human race.

Due to their ability to penetrate the material substance, the Archangels transform the earth's energy and show us the reality without limits of divinity.

They are the messengers of God, it is our connection with Him and our spiritual guide.

Angels always respect free will always, so they do not interfere in our lives until we call them.

They are collaborators and auxiliaries of human beings.

Its mission is to protect those who need help for the good of their soul.

Angels are always talking to us and they are by our side but they cannot show their own will before people if they do not request it.

They feed on the energy of love and the highest light produced by human consciousness on the way to evolution.
While the Archangels reign over all mankind, the Guardian Angels join us.
It is the Guardian angels who watch the spiritual growth of each one of us throughout our lives, protect and defend our souls.

Each guardian angel has remained by your side since the FATHER created you, and will remain so until we ascend to God, because everything that comes out of God returns to God.

Our Guardian angel blesses everything we do to take care of our spiritual well-being. He waits every day for you to decide to follow God so he can appear in your life and show you the path of light.

A guardian angel has the 7 divine flames, God prepared him for everything we need, he is like an elementary teacher, we only have one, but he is qualified to teach us all subjects.

Your guardian angel can protect you against everything, can heal you, give you peace, help you open your heart etc.

Simply put, your guardian Angel is your teacher and personal guide, and the other Angels were created to help all mankind.

There are millions of Angels waiting for a Son of God to ask for his intervention to come down and help us wake up to what WE ARE and can ascend to God.

Let us ask the angels to come down and help all men

Let us take healing angels to hospitals, take peace angels to countries at war, take angels of love, truth, enlightenment, and transmutation throughout the planet.

Let us ask the Angels to come, and enter our world, to fill it with divine energies. Let's carry angels of light to clean our oceans.

Angels of plenty to homes that have no job.

Transmutation angels to purify our air, of all negative energy

Come now, Angels of God and enter my whole world to fill it with light

ANGELS OF PROTECTION ... come enter my world

LIGHTING ANGELS ... enlighten men

ANGELS OF LOVE, open our hearts

ANGELS OF PURITY ... come enter my world

ANGELS OF HEALING, enter my world

SERENITY ANGELS ... enter my world

ANGELS OF FORGIVENESS Help us forgive others

ANGELS OF MEDITATION, connect us with our creative father ...

Come, come, come, enter my world

Come, come, come, enter my world

Come, come, come, enter my world

Come, come, come, enter my world

ANGELS OF MERCY ... come come into my world

ANGELS OF HOPE ... enter my world

INSPIRATION ANGELS, enter my world

ANGELS OF JUSTICE ………… come come into my world

ANGELS OF JOY ... enter my world

TRANSMUTATION ANGELS ... enter my world

Holy Angels come and enter my world to fill it with light

ANGELS OF FAITH ... to grow our faith in God

ANGELS OF PEACE ... wrap us in God

GOD'S ANGELS… . Activate all hearts

SANTOS SERAFINES ... come enter my world

SANTOS QUERUBINES ... come, come come into my world

SAIN THRONES ... come enter my world

HOLY DOMINATIONS ... come, come come into my world

SANTAS POTESTADES ... come, enter my world

SANTOS ARC NGELES come, come enter my world

I AM asking

I AM asking

I AM asking

And so it is!

Always in the light

Bertha Alicia

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