How to clean your home of evil spirits

  • 2017

Do you need to clean your home of evil spirits and do not know how to get it? Pay attention to these steps and recommendations that will allow you to achieve it. If you have ever heard disturbing noises at home, mysterious steps or have seen shadows that did not correspond to anyone at home, you may have spirits in your resting place. We will be entering material.

Learn to clean your home of evil spirits

Learning to clean your home of evil spirits is a peremptory need . Let's not forget that our home is our magical corner. It is the place where the warrior rests, and our mind rests from stress and daily struggle. Nothing and no one should disturb those moments of tranquility at home.

Spirits can be found anywhere . We must be careful with them, because in some cases they adhere to us and consume our energy. Although many times they are just wandering around because they are unable to move on.

If you have lived something like that in your home, you probably have some spirit . If some appliances or light turns on or off on its own, if you hear strange steps or mysterious sounds when there is no one else at home, if objects or furniture move of your own free will probably have spirits at home in that case.

Given this situation, if you have wondered how to perform a type of energy cleaning in your home, you should know that there are several ways.

With smoke

Smoke can act as a purifier if it is obtained through a process derived from the burning of dried herbs. Some such as sage or thyme will work if it is a minor problem.

If you feel that the entity does not have good intentions, you will have to resort to garlic powder, juniper berries, cinnamon or cloves . Leave the room if you use these herbs and return when the smoke dissipates. When you start sprinkling herbs on hot coal, say you want the spirits to leave.

With water or blessed oil

Blessed water or oils will end up banishing spirits, especially if they are those who want to cause evil on someone. In many churches they sell holy water. But you can also opt for other options, such as blessing a bottle of olive oil.

To apply it correctly you will have to sprinkle with holy water or dip your finger in the oil to draw a religious symbol on the doors, walls and windows of the house while telling the entities that they should leave.

Salt, the great energy protector

Salt is the great energy protector . It is a compound that has been used as a protection against spirits and unwanted entities since ancient times.

To do this energy cleaning you will have to bless a plate of salt and throw it through the room, so you will get the entities to leave. Give an extra touch of protection by placing a line of salt through each door.

Request the help of a professional

If you see that none of these options to perform an energy cleaning is useful, you will have to resort to the help of a professional. If you have an intruder with bad intentions, it may be best to call a person capable of communicating with them, either a spiritualist or an exorcist.

In the case of domains at home, the solution is more complicated and you will need the help of more than one professional, and even then it may not be possible to solve it.

You know, take good note, because your house is your sanctuary, and nothing should disturb your tranquility in it.

Seen in Paranormal Esoteric World, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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