Maestro Paulo, The Veneziano. Extraordinary Channeling of Henrique Rosa.

  • 2019

We want to share with you the Channeling made by Henrique Rosa, an extraordinary message from Maestro Paulo, El Veneziano !

Maestro Paulo, The Veneziano. Henrique Rosa Channeling

This Channeling was translated from the Portuguese language, if you want to see it in its original version, we invite you to enter here.

May the Critical Force enlighten your hearts!

Listen to Master Paulo:

Today we are going to talk about the action groups formed by souls that are in the Path of Light in several dimensional planes.

Every soul that integrates an action group, regardless of the evolutionary degree reached, is always oriented to join other soul groups to add and help .

Personality, in general, has a tendency to join others with personal interests, that is, it unites to be helped and only thinks about helping when this goal is achieved.

Already an action group consisting of souls that work for the Light uses its creative potentials and energies, in order to expand Unity with the Light and benefit all the souls of this humanity .

In this way, when a group of souls does work for humanity and its evolution, it welcomes all souls who want to join it to add and multiply, strengthening and expanding this unity. ( Master Paulo)

There are many groups of souls, with the most varied tonic, tasks and missions, but all are unified when group action is common to all groups. To do this, many groups temporarily join with other groups to achieve goals that are common to all.

Master Paulo says: There are groups of "like souls" who have the same principles because their experiences are very similar as a result of having reincarnated at the same times, therefore, they are very united because there are many incarnations come helping each other in similar actions, adding and multiplying their actions .

In these action groups not only the experiences of all souls are added, but also the energies conquered by all and the wisdom that, as a result of the experience of each soul, is shared by all members of the group.

This is called the principle of equality, which is based on the principle of fraternity and provides all the elements of the soul group with very similar experiences and the use of the same types of energy, since they all have an equality in the application of wisdom, abilities and similar responsibilities.

The first mission of any action group is to put into practice all conquered wisdom in favor of the evolution of all beings, of all kingdoms and of all humanity. ( Master Paulo)

To the extent that, by the action of that group of souls, many beings manage to evolve more rapidly through sublimation, transformation, transmutation, expansion and liberation of their higher levels of consciousness, group unity grows and strengthens. This is what Master Paulo assures .

In this way, this group of souls is gaining more experience, attracting higher higher energies, new actions and more wisdom, which is shared by all the souls that compose it.

The greater the potential of that group, the greater the help they can give, both to other souls individually and to other groups of souls, whether they are in the physical, astral or mental plane.

There are groups that work solely and exclusively with souls that are reincarnated in the physical plane, while other groups work only with disembodied souls and that continue to evolve in the astral plane or in the mental plane; There are also groups of souls that work with both incarnated souls and with the souls that inhabit other planes and worlds, as is the case of this School of Universal Wisdom of Synthesis .

Therefore, a class taught at this School is also attended by souls found in other spiritual planes.

Sometimes, the greatest number of souls that assist us is found in other planes, such as the astral plane and the mental plane, and not in the physical plane.

(Based on these principles of Unity in the Light is that the groups of Minor and Major Teachers work with their advanced disciples. Master Paulo has said)

They all continue to evolve and are able to learn faster because they act and work differently in relation to the souls that are incarnated.

To the extent that group action grows spiritually, the group unit attracts spiritual forces from other more evolved groups and also from the Hierarchy, thus being able to receive specific tasks and missions from the planetary, solar or cosmic Hierarchies.

Based on these principles of Unity in the Light is that the groups of Minor and Major Teachers work with their advanced disciples. Master Paulo has said .

Every action group develops continuously, either physically, astral or mentally. The group action energizes the spiritual development of each of its elements and this benefits the development of the Group Unit.

An action group is constituted of a union of souls, and each integral soul walks in the search for its continuous expansion and evolution.

The group evolves when souls evolve, and thus attracts other souls that are on the same evolutionary levels .

Each new member of the group brings the possibility of broader actions because it can expand the field of group action.

The larger the group, the greater the group experience, which grows both vertically and horizontally, because both beings in the physical plane and those of the astral and mental planes (and others) benefit from this loving union .

In these groups there are always advanced disciples, accepted disciples and also disciples on trial.

Those whose souls are in phases of trial to be admitted to the Path of Light, are invited to be part of an action group and are subjected to experiences that are decisive for the permanence in that group, because it is the internal posture of each one that indicates whether it is adding and strengthening the group union, or is dividing and decreasing the spring that this group of souls already conquered both in energies and in experiences and wisdoms .

Thus, the School of Universal Wisdom of Synthesis is preparing you to have the necessary conditions to work as an action group.

Personalities divide, judge and limit group work when they are not in unity with their souls, so the first step is the internal unity between personality and soul, which is possible only through a correct spiritual development ( Master Paulo)

The action groups of Masters and advanced disciples fail to approach the groups in which the personalities aim to attend only their own interests, because this is contrary to the principles of the action groups of souls.

In this School of Wisdom, and also in the Schools corresponding to the Seven Rays, the major action is given through the Group Unit, and as they are going down to the planes: mental, astral and physical, the group action is even more necessary.

A School of Wisdom is made up of several cohesive action groups that are located on all dimensional planes and that move within the Group Unit, continuously expanding through their actions for the benefit of the spiritual evolution of all the souls of this humanity. and of the planet world.

There are many groups of souls that are attuned to the same divine principles and share actions and experiences, which donate and multiply opportunities for all souls and all beings on the Path of Light. ( Master Paulo)

The more they work, giving themselves as souls, the more aware they are of the Universal Laws, and because of this they are used to better serve the Light .

The Law of Return, for example, acts by giving them the result of their actions and provoking reactions that mobilize new actions.

The more causes they execute, the more effects they receive, for this reason, an action group works on the creation and donation of energies, which requires a real and unconditional surrender of the soul and personality to the principles and foundations of each group action performed .

The first position of the soul and of the personality is of donation, of delivery to the work that is necessary so that the group fulfills its tasks and missions and in this way it can expand energetically and evolve spiritually as a Group Cell .

All the members of the group receive spiritually and energetically the results, the effects of each group action.

The Law of Return brings the quota for each soul that is part of the action group and each soul knows what it is receiving and also how it can use what it received when it needs it.

The soul knows that the Law of Return will act in its favor because its action moves within the Unity of Light¹, and this Unit expands infinitely through the donation of energy from thousands of soul groups.

One of the important characteristics of the Action Groups is that all its components use the best and fastest processes, methods and techniques to teach and assist those who seek the Path of Light .

All the members of these groups work in favor of the expansion, evolution and liberation of all the souls of this humanity and with the intention of helping all to evolve.

Humanity is going through great transformations, and because of this many illusions regarding spiritual life and evolution are falling apart.

In the past, Western religions introduced the concept of sin, punishment and guilt, reinforcing a false idea that the human being is not worthy of divine love, however, must be sacrificed and given to others. ( Master Paulo)

(There are many fulfilling their tasks and missions alone because those who could help are accommodated and selfishly hoping to enjoy the action of others. (Maestro Paulo))

And the question is: how to donate to others something that was not received and, therefore, does not have to donate?

Before donating it is necessary to receive, and every soul receives what it can donate, the more it donates the more it receives . And higher energies need to be experienced internally to be donated. If it were not so, all humanity today would be much more evolved.

How much transcendent knowledge has already been transmitted in this School? And who received them? Who assimilated them? Who put them into practice?

When the higher energies are experienced there is a corresponding internal expansion, a real evolution; there is an inner transformation, the mind, the feelings and the consciousness expand.

So, a group can be numerous and this does not mean that group work is better. If, for example, in a group of thirty people only three manage to assimilate the higher energies, the group work will be summarized in three people.

The opportunity is for everyone, but, it can happen that only three souls assimilate the energies. Therefore, a group also needs to develop. ( Master Paulo)

All group members need to develop spiritually for the group to develop. Each component of the group needs to learn through their spiritual experience with the soul and the Master.

We would like everyone to assimilate the energies in the same way, because that way the group action would be broader, deeper and faster.

A true School of Wisdom, both past and present, as well as those that will still arise, is formed by groups of souls from the highest plane to the densest plane.

All soul groups are within the same unit, they are groups that help each other and work for the same goals, help souls to free themselves and enlighten themselves, hoping that those souls one day join the most diverse action groups and work with the awareness that they are pieces of the same gear.

No soul enters an action group if it has no conditions to work at the rhythm of this group. If it enters, it will still go through tests and tests; and the older the group of souls, the greater the evidence.

In this case, it is the soul itself that anticipates because it wants to be part of a certain group of action and accepts all the tests because, in this way, it has the opportunity to remain in that group of action.

Every soul, upon reaching a certain evolutionary level, is invited to participate in a group of action and within it he learns to work with other groups of souls.

In the action groups there are Masters, Mentors, Guides, Angelic Beings, Energy Beings at various levels of evolution, as well as advanced disciples, discs. Accepted and test items accepted.

And whatever the task, no being works alone because an individual task is also a group task, all beings on all planes participate.

In action groups, while there are embodied souls working in the physical world, other souls in the astral plane and in the mental plane also work for the same purpose.

For the group of souls it does not matter who is designated for a task because each element acts for the group and the group responds for it.

Every spiritual conquest in the physical, astral or mental world, carried out by a group member soul, will also be a conquest of the group.

Every soul belonging to an action group is aware that only through the group unit can it advance on the Path of Light ; his companions make him move faster in his evolution, and his action also helps them move forward. This is an action group!

It is within these principles that we would like everyone to act. Only in this way can you evolve, free yourself from the Laws of Karma and mandatory incarnation on Earth and reach the state of consciousness of a Master or a Master. ( Master Paulo)

Evolution is group and all action groups form families of souls, as Akhenaten said. When some of its elements embody, they continue to work within the Group Unit .

The suffering of one of its elements is the suffering of all, the joy of one is the joy of all.

Thus, the life of a disciple is governed by these principles.

The group action is as important for your souls as for your personalities, and this can be seen in this School of Synthesis .

When you are in a group action, your spiritual development advances faster and you can think and act like souls . And a self-analysis will lead you to the conclusion that group work makes you err less and do everything that is necessary with greater confidence.

Then, you must think about this and self-observe so as not to betray the elements of your action group, for betrayal will also reach your souls and the whole group.

We need to think about the group and ensure everything that can help your brothers and sisters, even when you do your part in the group work.

There are many fulfilling their tasks and missions alone because those who could help are accommodated and selfishly hoping to enjoy the action of others. ( Master Paulo)

Unfortunately, there are still few human beings who work consciously in favor of all humanity, although they are not understood by many.

All incarnated souls on Earth are being helped by many action groups, however, it is time to multiply group actions so that existing groups are strengthened and that new groups arise from the union between like-minded souls.

As I said, the Way of Light is the way of group action, of group experience, of the constant action of sharing with brothers and sisters all the opportunities to serve the Light .

A soul can be part of several action groups. The spirit and the soul are like precious jewels: as they sublimate they present their multiple radiating and brilliant facets like a diamond.

A soul on the Way is like a jewel that through its actions, life after life, is stoned. From the raw, deformed, dull stone, a multifaceted brilliant jewel emerges. And each of the facets can represent an action group of which the soul is participating.

We hope everyone is dedicated to the work of unifying the personality with the soul .

As long as there is division within you, you cannot participate in an action group, since while the soul wants the personality it does not want to. How can you enter the Unit with other souls if you are divided internally?

One of the works of the School of the Synthesis is to rescue all the souls that were added to their respective groups, and that by errors of their earthly personalities they moved away.

Today, many are looking for their " spiritual families ", and the School of Synthesis is bringing many instruments so that the internal unity between personality and soul is realized, and by their own works and merits they return to their group of souls, to Your true spiritual family .

¹ Hierarchy of Light, Hidden Government of the World or Great Fraternity, White goddess, several names to designate the union of luminous and intelligent consciences, our elder brothers, the Masters, which is composed of various Beings of Light .

Spiritual Channel, Message from Maestro Paulo : Henrique Rosa .

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

Source : "Journal of Esoteric Sciences . " A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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