Use mental power to channel inner wisdom

  • 2019

I am sure that it has ever happened to you that no matter how hard you try to achieve it, you can not obtain within yourself a solution to the problems that overwhelm you and as a last resort you end up accepting the advice that you think is less incorrect, remaining also with the doubt and the derived remorse, this happens because you fail to connect efficiently with your inner wisdom. It's time to learn how to do it and that's why here we will teach you how to use mental power to channel inner wisdom!

We come from past lives invariably seeking the perfection of our soul and that cycle of reincarnations will not stop until we achieve it, fortunately every time we die and we are born again our soul is at the level of perfection in which we leave it but we are unable to remember it and the only way to access that huge bank of wisdom is to make that connection between the self and our spiritual being through our astral, accessing our inner wisdom.


We must not confuse in any case the inner wisdom with the knowledge because this is the accumulation of information that we have about ourselves, either consciously or unconsciously, while the internal wisdom is the rationalization of that information, with which we obtain answers to the questions we ask ourselves regarding our attitudes, our environment and in general our being.

If you want to know how to use mental power to channel internal wisdom you must develop and for this you need three fundamental things: humility to recognize us as we are, meditation to access internal knowledge and intelligence, translated this as your own experience to reflect, discern and evaluate that knowledge and transform it into conclusions that bring us closer to understanding and generate actions that transmute what we do not want.

We also have to take into account that in order to access our inner wisdom we must trust ourselves, that is what we usually call instinct because the religion we have is of no use if we distrust our own conclusions, like this! Come on, let's do it with courage and everything will be fine!


How to use mental power to channel inner wisdom? because with deep meditation focusing on the two chakras located in the upper part of the body, namely: the third eye or ( Ajna Chakra ) and which is the connector of our physical body with our astral bodies and spiritual and the Seventh chaplet ( Chakra Sahasrara ) which is where our connection with the eternal, with the divine resides, that is, with the spiritual and the astral.

We have to know that the Chakras are energy centers distributed along our spine, whose function is to collect and distribute the energy we receive from outside but also to collect, distribute and send what we ourselves produce, in addition, all thought is a vibratory act and therefore generates and radiates energy in a specific frequency that attracts another signal that corresponds to it, this process It is called the Law of Attraction, and it is the basis on which we will base our exercise of mental power to channel internal wisdom. The Law of Attraction expresses: Everything that resembles attracts .


It is said that Pythagoras made those who wanted to be part of their school, remain absolutely silent for three years and this was also the test they had to pass in order to be initiated, why so quiet? What does silence have to do with finding inner wisdom? Well, it turns out that often, when you go to meditate, you will realize that by making silence and starting to contemplate your own self from within, a thousand voices will jump, unconscious thoughts that come to mind, a “will I have left the money in the bag or on the table? ”and others like that that will somehow sabotage the exercise because in it you will need the silence of your own being.

You need to shut up in order to listen to yourself, the point is that it is not as simple as deciding to just shut up because the fact of ordering us to do mental silence is a thought that is diverting you from the objective, it seems like a paradox, right? Well, it seems, but only that, it is not, we can really use two powerful resources that will get us out of this crossroads: neglect and mental imagery .

In general, neglect is a fairly simple process of discarding that we will use when one of those fleeting thoughts that wander through our mind without a fixed direction arrives, and it is not about refusing the possibility of arriving because they will do the same, but they are like a visit, you let them in and you wonder if that thought serves you for the purpose you carry, if the answer is negative you only breathe deeply and continue with your meditative exercise . To disregard volatile thoughts is to take off as soon as they arrive.

On the other hand, mental imagery is perhaps a little more complex but not impossible or difficult, since this requires a pre-exercise job, which cannot be other than imagining, and that is that mental imagery consists in generating in the mind internal representations, that is to say, to imagine, to dream, to imagine images or situations in which it happens exactly what we want that in this case is to hear our internal wisdom, and to remain with that mental construction for our purposes. It is a kind of self-projection.


We must be clear that although it is very possible to use mental power to channel internal wisdom from the first time the exercise is practiced, it is best to continue doing it again and again because life is dynamic and complex, and this help that it comes to us from other lives that we already live does not hurt us, besides that with it we will be perfecting our own soul.

The exercise is actually very easy in terms of the steps that we have to execute, so we will divide it into simple steps that you will learn by heart with the first practices:

  1. Adopt a meditative position . Some types of meditation are not as rigid as to the body posture necessary for practice, however, in this we need the Chakras to be perfectly aligned and vertically so you can use the lotus position, the bench position or the position of The chair, never lying down.
  2. Close your eyes and discard all the irrelevant thoughts you have in your mind, leave it blank and start breathing deeply to help in it, become aware of your breathing.
  3. Become aware of the Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras, try to feel the energy they are radiating within you, and observe, within your mind, how that energy becomes stronger as you inhale and exhale deeper.
  4. Put your left hand open on the solar plexus and the index and middle fingers on your right temple without pressure.
  5. If the fleeting and insubstantial thoughts have begun to arrive, practice inattention until the time between them is long enough to take out your mental image.
  6. Self-project on the mental image that you built before the exercise, so, for example, if you want to buy a car you will have to see it in a positive way of decree, in this regard William W. Atkinson said that “if you want something that you do not currently you have and focus your attention on the fact that you do not have it, the Law of Attraction will continue to respond to the vibration that you do not have it, so you will still not get what you want. ”
  7. Ask yourself . Wondering and waiting for the answer is necessary when you are a beginner in this particular exercise, then the connection will become so effective that wisdom will come alone. I deserve it? Is that what I really want? Which is what I want? What will I do with that? Will it help me? Will it bring me well? That is the kind of question you should ask yourself, leave space between one question and another to hear the answers, this is already using the mental power to channel the inner wisdom.
  8. When you have found the answers, again become aware of your breathing, of you, of your hands, of where they are, of the energy of the Chakras that flow through them.
  9. Decree strongly within you seven times. I already have it! I already saw it! It is in my hands! Always in a positive way.
  10. Thanks to the All, open your eyes and get up.

This meditation exercise of using mental power to channel internal wisdom is especially recommended for those people who constantly have to make decisions in different scenarios, just keep in mind that when your inner wisdom tells you something you don't want to hear the same, you must attend to it and say based on it.

What do you think of the exercise? Leave us your comment or your experience with these types of exercises focused on getting a connection with your own soul.

A hug in the light and my highest vibrations for you.

AUTHOR: The Third Initiate., editor in the big family of


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