What Makes Me Happy ?, Or Also ... What Made Me Happy? By Francisco de Sales

  • 2014

In my opinion, happiness can be manifested, simply, from being able to live the present with awareness, assessing the inconvenience to its right extent without overdoing them as usual - and appreciating in just the right way that are nice without underestimating them as usual.

Happiness is a different thing for each person, of course, but basically it is achieved by finding inner peace - which will later be manifested on the outside -, knowing how to enjoy the little moments that it's really the great moments - and trying to feel continuous, at least a moderate personal satisfaction.

Being happy is not an option for which some have been graced, but a possible option for each person. Reaching a level of reasonable happiness depends exclusively on the person and not on their circumstances. We have all seen photographs in which children living in misery smile, play, and show undoubted happiness. That happens before one gets older and starts valuing, mistakenly, that happiness is contingent upon the achievement of material goods, social position, or fulfillment of personal goals.

Happiness depends on one and it is one who allows it. But to be able to have the feeling of happiness, and allow it to manifest itself and we can celebrate it, it is necessary to previously mark the minimums that give us access to it. This must be done because it can happen that the aspirations for happiness are excessive, unattainable, and that condemns frustration and makes it impossible for a happiness that, if it were a little simpler in its demands, could have it within reach.

For example, a reason may be to have health - which is already a good reason - but so that in turn does not condition that if one is ill the possibility of happiness is eliminated.

Another person can be happy if it is paired, but that is clear and not just based their happiness on it; That is not an essential condition, but that you can be happy and allow yourself happiness even if you are alone.

It is convenient, when you ask yourself if you are happy, to have an indefinable but convinced feeling that you can answer the question without having to do an inventory of the personal situation in all aspects of life, because in that case you are always going to Find a pebble in the shoe. There is always something that is not as one would like, and that is because we have too many open fronts of demands so that they are all in an optimal state.

If we observe in the memory, with tranquility, some of the moments of happiness of our life, we will verify that they coincide with moments in which we have not been attentive to the “pending problems”, or the current global situation, but have been in moments of attention to what was happening, and that demanding, rigorous, negative and pessimistic inquisitor was not present, that we all carry inside: the one that puts the buts and the guts.

To promote happiness, and make it increasingly continuous and affordable, it is interesting to find out the reasons that produce it, and for that nothing better than to ask yourself, or leave a vigilant and attentive part so that every time you detect an appearance of happiness, however brief it may be, let him know.

If you ask yourself, "What makes me happy?", And get sincere answers, what you could do would be to promote those moments or those situations, but keeping an eye on one thing: life is not about chemical laboratory formulas that on equal terms conditions always cause the same reaction or result.

It may be that a sunset at a given time and certain circumstances have caused us a pleasant feeling and we want to repeat it on another occasion to feel the same. A difficulty is created by the fact that expectations are generally taken, generally high, and one is not open to the feeling unexpectedly flooding, like the first time, but is more attentive to what one expects to feel than to really feel

What makes me happy? You have to ask yourself and try when you find out all the possible occasions to be happy. And if one discovers that it has been a while when disenchantments have changed his character, he has become too serious or somewhat withdrawn, and hardly excited, perhaps it is good to use another variant of the question: “ What is it? What made me happy? ”, and may he discover that he has abandoned certain things that at another time in his life made him happy but, for whatever reason, he gave up or had to give them up.

But now, if I wanted to and got to it, I could recover some of them ...

Do not forget that happiness, and being happy, are the main reasons of life. If not, the Creator would not have within our reach the ability to enjoy - to feel happy - the five senses - to be able to

capture the pleasure that each of them provides-, beauty, love, smile, good feelings, nobility, or the rest of humans.

What made me happy? What makes me happy now? What can make me happy?

The suggestion is that you do not apologize much to dedicate yourself to repeat these questions and wait and listen to the answers. The sooner you find out, the sooner and more you can enjoy the pleasures that happiness can provide you. Take time to look for what makes you or can make you happy: it is an excellent investment that will provide you with enjoyment, pleasures, smiles, optimism, joys, well-being, satisfactions, fun ... that is: happiness.

I leave you with your reflections ...

the smile, the good feelings, the nobility, or the rest of the humans.

What made me happy? What makes me happy now? What can make me happy?

The suggestion is that you do not apologize much to dedicate yourself to repeat these questions and wait and listen to the answers. The sooner you find out, the sooner and more you can enjoy the pleasures that happiness can provide you. Take time to look for what makes you or can make you happy: it is an excellent investment that will provide you with enjoyment, pleasures, smiles, optimism, joys, well-being, satisfactions, fun ... that is: happiness.

I leave you with your reflections ...

Francisco de Sales is the founder of the web www.buscandome.es for people interested in Psychology, Spirituality, and Self-knowledge for improvement and Personal Development.

What Makes Me Happy ?, Or Also ... What Made Me Happy? By Francisco de Sales

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