Introduction to Differential Quantum Psychology

  • 2010

Before delving into the proposal of research in Psychology from the knowledge of Differential Quantum Physics, we consider it necessary to clarify any intersection of interpretation between what is currently known as Differential Psychology, and the proposed here., Differential Quantum Psychology.

Differential Psychology centers its lines of study within the framework of Individual Differences proposed, among others, by Eysenck, and its research on Human Intelligence. Differential Quantum Psychology follows the line of knowledge proposed from Differential Quantum Physics, and hence its name. Differential Quantum is the part of Quantum Physics that studies and explains weak interactions (eg, electromagnetic radiation) as opposed to strong interactions ( eg, gravity, atomic energy, etc.). The most advanced research within the Differential Quantum Physics, thanks to which we enjoy daily advantages, such as satellite data transmission technology through the ionosphere, that is, mobile phone or internet, it reaches a point of direct convergence with Psychology when it comes to understanding the relationship between the specific radiofrequency of the Universe (Dr. Dieter Broers) and the characteristic radiofrequency of each human brain, as if it were a fingerprint (Dr. Schumann, Dr. López Guerrero).

The results obtained by researchers from other fields of Science (neurological results, resonances and Schumann frequencies, transmission of data packets through the ionosphere, the ionogenomic relationship, strong and weak interactions, etc.), which finally converge on the explanation of the CNS (brain) and, consequently, on human behavior, demand the direct participation of Psychology to the interpretation and proper framework of the results of these investigations, while giving psychologists a unique opportunity in our brief history as a scientific discipline (remember that Psychology is already It is considered, finally, a university career of Sciences) to develop our studies in the most cutting-edge of science, and specifically in our field of intervention: human behavior.

Differential Quantum Physics has provided a new description of the Universe that is no longer linear, but multiversal and timeless, that is, time is a creation of our mind to be able to reference and Order the changes that occur in the environment. This explanation will facilitate understanding, for example, of why in the brain the same brain nuclei are activated for memory (past) and for imagination (future ), since, from their perception of reality as it is, that is, quantum and nonlinear, both concepts are part of the same.

The Biophysics has provided the explanation (Schumann resonances) of the radiofrequency levels necessary for the survival of mammals on earth, and that are perceived by specific nuclei of the CNS (pineal gland) related to the perception and interpretation of the frequencies of light through the gamma rays of the sun.

Telecommunications Engineering (König-Guerrero Differential) has contributed the knowledge on the transmission of data packets through the ionosphere, using the space-time curvature, in radiofrequency margins coinciding with the radiofrequency referred to in the Biophysical research.

From the Psychology it is already known and the beneficial effects of light on mood, perceived well-being and health in general have been extensively studied, and knowledge about the ability of human beings to, from the will itself, to generate the necessary frequencies by activating the corresponding brain nuclei that makes them resonate with the frequencies of the Universe, generating their own happiness as an act of personal decision.

At IRCAI, all these sciences converge thanks to a transdisciplinary research team that put their knowledge and experience to establish the scientific bases of human consciousness and happiness, and their applications to different areas of everyday reality (work, positive psychology, therapeutic approach, etc.).

For this purpose, Differential Quantum Psychology will continue to apply the instruments that have already been developed in the field of Psychology, and that confirm that, for a person to be able to activate his personal frequency, he must know and work with the thought positive, attention and motivation; the effective management of emotions, communication and assertiveness; and perseverance in the achievement of medium and long-term objectives, so that it is capable of transforming energy by focusing thinking on specific goals.

The proposal of Quantum Differential Psychology consists in changing the perspective of human reality and understanding it both from the laws of the Universe in which it is immersed, and from the capabilities of the SNC itself to function elegantly and efficiently in that quantum reality .

Author: Mila Cahue Gamo. Psychologist

Publication: IRCAI scientific journal.

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