Annual forecast for 2018 by the Great White Brotherhood

  • 2018

Undoubtedly, the year 2017 was a period not only of great challenges, but also of many seismic changes, which is why multiple agitations, very complicated scenarios and unfortunate events took place, at the same time as the world of density, that is, , this universe of duality in which they live, continued moving towards its collapse.

However, all this is not surprising, since it was the order corresponding to the year of the " Fire Rooster ", in which and despite being an action that could only be perceived in certain planes and in certain ways, the world He had to dive into the Flames of Transformation, to experience a transformation similar to that of coal when it becomes a diamond.

During that year, being involved in two different reality systems, many of you managed to realize that it is not possible to participate in both realities indefinitely. Which is due to the fact that their spiritual part is trying to remind them that the more time elapses, the greater the need they will feel to choose in which of those 2 systems they wish to invest their energy.

You must impregnate all that you do with light and thus be able to really perceive pure Love and absolute Truth

As the end of 2017 approached, they managed to understand that they had entered a higher level of consciousness, which is much broader, because while leaving behind a difficult time, where they were presented with evidence, their interest was focused in the kind of existence that guided them to that point. And now, with this new year, being completely naked and spiritually purified, being more real beings than you have ever been, most of you have only one desire: to recreate your life according to the way it should have always been.

It is possible that at the end of the year they felt a little tired or maybe somewhat demoralized, not obstacles, this year 2018 they will be experiencing a huge sense of liberation, in addition to a glimmer of enthusiasm for everything that awaits them on their way to ascension .

It should be mentioned that 2017 was a year in which their memories could attest to a truly radical disarmament of the old systems that governed them, of false beliefs, old structures of reality and fraudulent divine connections, as never before. they made. Initially, emotional outbursts, overwhelming horror and violent defense mechanisms led them to understand that life, in the way they knew it, disappeared ; However, and as they progress further in their spiritual journey, they have managed to understand that although life is no longer the same, the change in paradigms presented by its reality is completely natural, and much more powerful than any other.

A small number of human beings, who managed to survive a year as particularly complicated as 2017 was, failed to escape completely unharmed, because its existence was full of a lot of tension and enormous fear, which made it impossible for it to expand and reach planes of consciousness that are beyond your imagination. We know that through the threats that seem to come from everywhere and the indescribable chaos that your world has experienced, it seems that only ignorance can remain, which forces them to renounce and sink into false realities; However, by choosing to learn to be a true Being.

They have the opportunity to open themselves to new realities and act as beacons of Truth and Love, for the rest of their brothers.

Leaving back to 2017 and starting 2018, a large part of you have decided that the most important thing this year will be to work and focus on making your world a totally new Reality and creating a new paradigm This is due to the fact that each one of you is called to connect with his authentic history, with the eternal history of his divine being and, consequently, with the ascending spiral that will allow you to access the truth, immemorial. and pure .

This new year guarantees a dimensional change; which means that if it is really about the desire they have, everyone can work together in order to attract it and move it away from the frequency of duality, so that it becomes real and takes a form much more authentic. In addition, they will be given a great opportunity, which is to engender the authentic life that will be part of the new Reality.

Several human beings have already begun to carry out this activity and this year they will be joined by a large number of people, who, disappointed and fed up with their ancient beliefs and way of life, will decide not to they want to continue with that and will take the necessary step to accept the Light of the Source in their lives . So they can adjust their existence with true positive energies and discard the low frequencies that affected their time within this world.

Some will do so voluntarily, while others will be forced because of unforeseen events

Those who make the conscious decision to do so will experience a sense of peace and liberation, in addition to feeling totally light, because they will be opening to a reality of Calm, Love and Light . From that moment on, they will be able to understand the reason why they are incarnated on Earth and will gain the necessary knowledge to feed their divine ascension.

In a short time, they will realize that 2018 is also a year of many changes and transformation, which is governed by the vibrational frequency of the unexpected, which is why this new year will bring many surprises, unpredictable events and shocking, in addition to unforeseen changes that will accelerate your spiritual journey. And this is because an era of great advances is approaching, not only on a personal level, but also on a collective level.

For this reason, 2018 will need all the integrity of each one of you, as well as your affirmations of the Truth and your maximum expressions of Love, since apart from taking care of your own destiny, you have the commitment to really assume part of responsibility that supposes to reach the authentic destiny of the Earth, when taking drastic measures. Daily, you will want to concentrate your energy on invigorating the energy resonance of the new Reality, and you can only do so by choosing to love those around you and avoid fear, doubt and division among you.

In conclusion, they will need to act as Beings of Light, Truth and Love for the rest of the time that their earthly journey lasts and not only when it is convenient, since they will be existing in a reality of Truth, where their consciences will expand beyond of all that they know, by neglecting the reality to which they submit the duality and choosing the life that requires the full power of their Divine Being.

We bless you, beloved beings of Light, so that in this new year you can achieve greater evolution and use the energies we grant you.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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