Saint Germain - The June Solstice - Have you felt very moved lately?

  • 2014

Now a wave of sadness and hopelessness has held you in its grip for a while. You struggle to understand what you feel; and the more you try, the more it seems that you don't come to any solution.

You ask yourself: “So what happened to all the promises of a great change; and finally feeling that it had arrived? ”And this is not helping you to hear the answer, because the answer seems not to come to you.

While this feeling of pessimism only seems to increase, you discover that you have nowhere to look. You have done a lot of work on yourself and prepared for a very long time, but nowhere do you see the results.

"It's too much and I can't take it anymore", you may be thinking for yourself.

Some of you have observed that the people around you literally can't stand anymore; And they are leaving. Either they are leaving their physical body, leaving behind their families and friends, or to varying degrees they are wandering through the realms of confusion, without being clear about relationships with people and things that once anchored their lives.

So you go deep into yourself and find any resource you have left to continue this journey. You begin to wonder if your circumstances will ever change, so that the peace and freedom you fight for can be yours.

But does this current situation really have to do with freeing yourself from fighting? Or something else is happening?

Ask yourself if after all, inner peace is such a distant possibility. Maybe something else is happening. Ask yourself if it could be like that.

My good friend: What prevents you from accepting life as it is? Could your difficulties have something to do with allowing things to be, instead of fighting them?

You may not be willing to accept things as they are, simply because you think you must "perfect your process" before you can rest.

Or maybe on a deeper level you think you should get a level of "perfection" as a person, before you consider yourself worthy of having peace, Love and having no worries?

If any of this sounds familiar, then let me tell you that you might well put aside your doubts and continue your journey.

Why is this so?

Because resolving feelings of self-doubt and self-deserving is paramount in the Path of Mastery for any Being that has been endowed with self-awareness.

Now let me tell you that it is no coincidence that many of you are in the same place right now. It's a real bump you feel on the road; and you are not imagining it, nor are you sacrificing yourself for the good of others.

Really on the road there is a big bump that must be removed, not only at the level of individual consciousness, but also at the level of Collective Consciousness of all Humanity. Change will only happen if you meet many to do it. This has nothing to do with sacrifice, but it has everything to do with understanding your responsibility to be part of this shift in consciousness while it is happening right now; and in which you are asked to participate.

Removing this "bump in the path of consciousness" has the potential to change everything in your life, as well as the potential to change the lives of everyone on this Planet.

That said, you have to make sure you're really prepared for this company; and that when you dedicate your energy to confronting your self-doubts and changing your consciousness regarding the circumstances of your life, the task does not leave you exhausted either physically or emotionally.

It is important that you understand that while making this change you are going through a complete rewriting of your personal energy. For this reason, your body is demanding more attention to help you sustain this process. Your mind also needs more quiet time and more focus; and your emotional body needs interactions with others to be stable and clear, so you can remain balanced.

So if you find that you are dragged in very different directions or called to do too many things at once, ask yourself if you might need to set more limits regarding your participation, or even postpone or reject certain assignments made by yourself or others. Every time you go beyond your limits, it will be much harder to rebalance your energy. Be aware of anything that takes away your energy or imbalances you; and according to that, make the appropriate decisions.

You chose to participate in this time not only to make your life more difficult. This is something that you have chosen at the individual and collective levels to make the change of consciousness happen as quickly as possible. You were offered the possibility of being part of this change; And you accepted your role. Now, you really have to take care of yourself in order to complete this task.

That is why right now it is important that you review what you have already achieved; and then redo anything that seems necessary.

Reorganize as necessary; and then just get ready.

The challenges you are facing right now, although they seem to be very personal, are really serving a Superior purpose at the collective level. They are helping to change the Consciousness of Humanity.

Remember: You are not a victim; Nor are you a hero. But you are doing your part. As long as you understand this and don't panic, then you probably get out of this process a little tired and much wiser; But you will have done your part.

We are grateful that you are open and willing to be part of this change. And Dear Friends, of course we will be happy to help you at this time.

For me it is an honor to serve you; be one of your many messengers at this time; and let you know that you are doing a wonderful job.

In fact, I thank you for all that you are; and for everything you do.

I AM Saint Germain.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Saint Germain channeled by Alexandra Mahlimay

Saint Germain - The June Solstice - Have you felt very moved lately?

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