The Opening of the 12-12-12 Portal and The Great Jump of 12-22-12

  • 2012


This article, are fragments of the intervention of Soleika Llop in the Congress "Beyond 2012".

Thanks to Soleika for facilitating them and making them public.

We are almost touching the opening of the 12-12-12 portal, which will be followed by the famous ephemeris of 12-21-12, a date considered an important turning point in human evolution.

We have created together that date of 21.12.12 in the collective imaginary as a symbol of a gigantic change.

The Mayas - that is, a very wise and connected part of our being - are responsible for that projection, they left it in their calendar. It is therefore a probability, and all of us - that is, a critical mass of beings - depends on becoming a reality.

I perceive that this information was disseminated for us to move token, it is as if a father told his son “I put a deadline for you to look for your life, but I withdraw the weekly payment”, but only with the intention that the Son will wake up. An interesting detail is that the two dates mentioned add up to 2.

It represents the providence, the divine help, the Christic force, it is the land in which the seed falls, that is, of the divine Self. Therefore, what the energy of these two important dates proposes to us is to consciously transform ourselves into receptacles of the divine fire.

21.12.12, the mere mention of this date shakes many, some suggest paradisiacal images, others are inspired by uncertainty, restlessness or fear. What can happen? What does the sky fall on our heads? That was the worst nightmare of the Gauls of the town of Asterix.

Well, let Abraracourcix tremble because that, that ... is exactly what awaits us, but for good. That is, the most sublime part of our human entity is going to experience the greatest approach ever lived to its 3D counterpart.

I invite you to place ourselves at the doors of some department stores the day the sales begin, can you imagine it? Pushing, stomping, people who run runaway to reach the first, to grab the best opportunities, people who have no idea what they are going to buy, everyone goes looking but they don't know what, they go as lost.

It is what is happening, people sign up for courses, workshops, practices of all kinds, some are pierced lips, others the nose, nipples or the tip of ... or tattoo all their history on their body, they point to collective smokes, or they get together at dawn on the top of a hill with the hope that they will lower a flying saucer, and take them away.

In the sales it is necessary to empty the closets of everything we do not like, of what we do not wear, because now we are looking for a new personality, a new way of showing ourselves to the world but for that we have to empty the stocks, if we have not waste of what we have left over, how are we going to put new clothes? It will not fit us, and since it does not fit us, the dance of justifications may begin: “Well, I can continue with that garment a little more, and I also have no money, and I am lazy to empty all that I have been keeping so much time, and Besides, I don't need new clothes either. What if those clothes are back in fashion? ”

But then it happens that these old clothes end up breaking, fraying, which is what is happening to many people, their life is falling apart, they have separated, or they have run out of money, or without status, without health, or without House and even some, without food. Another thing to keep in mind is that the big sales are the step prior to the launch of a new collection, in this case a new awareness.

So what does 21-12-12 tell us?

Let us aim at a new reality, a new way of dressing, feeling, responding, living, seeing others. But for this we have to let go of ballast and we must understand that the change proposed by this date is a change of organization in our life, it is to get out of the stalemate. And that brings us to a more harmonic vision, but not because we have to be all more spiritual or mega-cosmic or love each other in a public plan, but by the fact of the need for pure harmony that we have, of being able to leave the house and cross a neighbor in the elevator without thinking Joo, what anger that had to coincide with ste because then what happens is that a part of me disagrees with another part of me, which is the one represented by that neighbor.

21-12-12 induces us to harmonize on the inside, what it is about is to generate a change in our internal structure that is then exported to the external one so that when others see us, then s recognize us. There is a phrase in the Masonic practices that says so:

In fact, what we have to achieve is that our environment recognizes that change in us, as when we have made a regime, people see us thinner, in that case they would try to see us more harmonious, happier, more spontaneous, more enthusiastic, and that our relationships worked much better, we will then be generating a critical mass that will tip the balance in that same direction.

There is no list of what we have to do, the only requirement is simply to be in communication with our inner being and stop fighting against ourselves, because all the problems in life are given by the struggle we have mounted against ourselves.

And sometimes it is so large that our body decides to stop and then everything stops: our prosperity, our work, our relationships etc ... When we harmonize again, everything works again at the same time. That brings us the frequency of 12-21-12. The flare According to announce the prophecies of the Mayan calendar, around 21-12-12, there will be an alignment between the Earth, the Sun and the galactic center.

* The Earth, at a symbolic level, represents our material reality, the terrain in which we live our experiences.

* The Sun symbolizes the will, the conscience, would represent the outer manifestation of the Great Central Sun.

* The Great Central Sun of the Galaxy is the nucleus of our human entities. For the Egyptians, she was the great Goddess Isis in her role as the mother of creation, she was the raw material and the secret ether of all that is, the source. This center is so immense that it is more than a million times greater than our Sun.

One of the great secrets of ancient Egypt is that the center of the galaxy is the secret Sun that exists behind the Sun. In alchemical language, it was called the black Sun or hidden Sun of the eternal feminine, Shakti or Shekinah, is the force Nutricia that animates life itself, is like an electric spark that ignites a movie projector to send the rays of light that help create the changing images on the screen.

Horus-Sol is the divine child of Isis and his consort, Osiris. That is, Isis, the center of our galaxy, gave birth to our radiant Sun. The energy of Horus-Sun within us, awakened and energized by Isis, emerges as the will to contemplate the great work of creation and achieve full Illumination in this life.

The myth of Isis, Horus and Osiris was relaunched by Christians throughout the mystical history of the Virgin Mary and her son Jesus. And on the other hand, we have seen on numerous occasions the manifestation of a second Sun, they have even come to photograph it, from many places on the planet. What is going to open (what is opening) on ​​12-21-12 is what the Egyptians call the "star chamber" or seat of Isis, which is the pineal center, that of direct perception, the secret eye He sees everything.

Through the opening of the star chamber of Isis, the impulse towards full integration, represented by Horus (Christic self), the aspiration is made to meet with the supreme source. ”

The igneous nucleus is in effervescence, and one of the highlights of its hatching is this famous winter equinox. It is making huge efforts to reach the periphery, that is, consciousness.

Imagine that our energy structure is similar to that of an onion, what is happening is that from the heart of that "onion" an arrow is firing in the direction of the outermost layer. And that luminous arrow is like a palette of divine fire whose intention is to illuminate our reality and transform it. It will manifest as a discharge of very high voltage information, pure subtle geometry.

Under normal conditions, when we have not begun to travel through the lands of conscience, our will leads us towards a direction, circumstances perhaps by a different one and the divine self becomes impatient looking, prays to one side, prays to another, as If I was attending a tennis match, wondering: "But well, when will those two agree to follow my guidelines?" We are talking about the equivalent of the discovery of fire for man, but this time it is the subtle, sacred fire.

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* By following the three elements in the same direction, we know where to direct our steps and we walk with strength, confidence and determination because we have the super-abundant energy and inspiration that our core provides, the center of gravity of our being. Under these conditions, it is no longer necessary to ask or want anything because the cosmos responds automatically and amazingly to our needs. We conquer the laser consciousness, our arrows go straight to the center of the target.

* When the channel through which the cosmic energy flows, the earth opens, and all its inhabitants will raise the vibration. It is what the Maya called the emerging era of the Fifth Sun, which is precisely this date of 12-21-12, will begin to take center stage a fifth element, added to the four we already know: the ether.

Ether is a medium that penetrates all space and transmits energy waves in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is "ethereal" relates to regions beyond the earth: the heavens. We will begin to work with the etheric body, which is the one that surrounds the physical body, and from there we can fix damages, because it is like a subtle template or skeleton on which the matter of our body is formed.

* The solar flare will link all the planets so that there is a point of communication between them, so that, at a subtle level, we can easily pass from one to another and travel through the cosmos, we will have cosmic citizenship, cosmic passport. This could strengthen the foundations of something that is already created: the galactic common market. One of the consequences is that we will be able to exchange information with exobiological entities. By inter-penetrating all dimensions, we can share our experiences with the brothers in space. Thanks to this alignment, we can achieve the activation of the laser consciousness.

* It will be an explosion of total awareness, we will be aware of seeing who lies or who cheats, we will know how to perceive the truth of man in his nakedness, so they say that communications will fall, manipulations and lies will fall, that is what they are saying when they speak from the fall of the satellites, it was a metaphor. What will fall will be our way of communicating, Inelia Benz talked about the establishment of a new operating system related to this, with our way of communicating. We will end up being naked in front of each other, but that cannot be produced if there is no prior awareness of love. From the conscience, we will know how to understand that the other is reflecting a part of our being and we will fit it without rancor. The era of transparency begins. We will see the nakedness of politicians, of businessmen. We will realize that the rulers are nothing more than the reflection of what the collective consciousness of a country projects and we will stop vilifying them. And then, with our support, regardless of their political color, they will carry out their task efficiently.

* The nuclei of all cells will receive an impressive injection of energy, which will produce an orbital decompensation of electrons which in turn can cause a transmutation of matter, a cell regeneration and rejuvenation of unknown dimensions, a change in frequency in the human being, a tremendous expansion of consciousness. Some researchers suggest that man's endocrine system may be significantly affected by increasing the production of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, serotonin and melatonin, which could have effects on both human fertility and the possibility of accessing other states of awareness.

* For Kabbalah, the Sun is the center from which will and consciousness emanate. The solar storm can have the effects of a gigantic injection of will, which is likely to cause major changes in our human landscape. In fact, when the center of the will is mobilized, the next center, that of the opportunities, that are presented to help us realize what the will has projected, automatically comes into operation. It is advisable to be very attentive to all the opportunities that arise like mushrooms on a rainy day, so that none of them are overlooked. The light of consciousness will shine brightly, it will be a unique occasion to abandon any harmful habit because the cosmos will help us in that task, as long as we set a specific goal. The Sun rules the heart, therefore it is expected that many sick hearts will regenerate in the physical sense but also at more subtle levels.

* The light discharge of the alignment opens the way to the crystalline New Earth, to a firmer awareness of our connection with the nucleus, to a paradisiacal state of peace, love and abundance in which one synchronizes with the universe and with The purpose of the divine self. A window of opportunity opens, it is like the opening of a new neuronal path that connects us or opens the access to the mythical City of 12 doors, whose measures are 12, 000 stadiums, for a height of 144 cubits, that is, 12 × 12. I refer to the City of Crystal, also called New Jerusalem or Throne of God. In fact, it is the headquarters or headquarters of the divine I, of that little spark of light that one day broke away from the great flare lit by the Elohim, the creative force of the universe.

* The New Jerusalem is the home of Homo Crísticus, a meeting place where the most sacred of each being in the universe comes together. It is a zero point of departure and return. It is where the creation began, what can we not do from there? From there you can create worlds, that is, new holograms, new realities.

* In the New Jerusalem, the creator and the work done come together, so we cut the time between them: that is, if we form a unity with our works / children / experiences becoming aware that they are an extension of the other, the time factor and we can crystallize things in the blink of an eye. Outcome; We don't need time to similar things, neither long courses nor studies because they give us the information we need in an instant, in a discharge of divine fire. That is, accessing the New Jerusalem is equivalent to entering the 6D, which is the Christ. In 5D, to access other dimensions, it is necessary to travel in time, however, in 6D, when all the timelines come together, it will be the dimension that travels towards us, as if a cosmic TV that will teach us is opened other places in the universe, through those temporary openings. It is as if the energy of the 6D was opened towards my area because I have a magnet capable of attracting it. That power of attraction resides in the 6D area, once there, we can attract to our lives all we need, is to enter and take it. ”

Fragments of Soleika Llop.

Source: http: //

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