Master Hilarion: Be aware of your thoughts, words and deeds

  • 2015


While you are at the crossroads wondering which path Humanity will take, know that you are not helpless, you have the ability to make changes in the Morphogenetic Fields that surround all situations (fields that influence the pattern of things). These are usual pattern fields that link all people; fields that influence and are influenced by the habits of all people, be they knowledge, perception or behavior. This is a field that exists, where each individual inherits a collective memory of past members of the species; a field that also contributes to the collective memory that will affect other members of the species in the future. (Look at the links at the end). That is why we say that you are more powerful than you know; and that is why it is so important that you are aware of your thoughts, words and deeds . It is through your focused intention, your Love, your intuitive clarity and your Light, that changes in the current patterns of these fields take place. You are the ones that affect them!

When you work through these fields, everything is a matter of perspective. Making an evaluation of each situation found and finding out everything you can about it, looking at all the advantages and disadvantages to decide which path to take between those offered to you, so choose It is the best option for you. Trust yourself, make that decision and believe that you are choosing the best option at the current point of time. Perhaps the passage of time shows you that this was not the best way to go; and if that is the case, prepare to face the consequences and make the necessary adjustments; and learn from the experience. Life consists in living it all, instead of remaining as a passive spectator or observer of your own life. Too many people have been conditioned to expect another person to do what must be done. Now this conditioning must be changed. For this to happen, your determination and your awareness is required. You can do it.

As the energies on the planet increase, there is more fluidity in all things; and thus your ability to affect the Morphogenetic Fields is greatly amplified. Caution is required in your daily thoughts and activities. Start your day by aligning yourself with your Divine Essence; and remain faithful to this alignment throughout all the activities of your day. Repeat powerful statements that reinforce your highest vision and highest result, not only for yourself and for those you love, but for everyone on your Planet. Look at yourself as the powerful and wise Beings that you truly are and put yourself in those shoes ! Become those powerful beings who exercise their power so that good manifests itself in their World. You have come so far thanks to your strong will and determination to be here during these times; and it is not the time to allow all that hard work and effort to be lost.

Persist in your efforts and in your acceptance to release and clean the energies that are still surfacing; and remember that these are not always caused by something you have personally endured and experienced; and for which you are personally responsible. Many times, it is a cleaning that is occurring for the entire Collective Morphogenetic Field, which greatly affects and influences all life . You are playing a role that was agreed before your current incarnation. For all this is a time of liberation greater than everything that has previously been conditioned and affected by the systems of the old paradigm; and while you do this work, keep yourself energetically as clean as possible. You are one among many great Lightworkers on your Planet; and everything you are currently experiencing is for the greatest good of all, even though it may not feel that way at the moment.

You have great ability to transmute the densest energies that are preventing Humans from becoming more aware of the true nature of their life on this Planet. Let your Light shine like a burning Sun; and radiate this Light from your Heart Chakra to everything and everyone around you. As ambassadors of Light and Love of the Creator, your real presence produces a difference and will continue to produce it. You are helping to introduce ancient knowledge and wisdom into the modern world, in an appropriate way for the current civilization to absorb, ponder and learn from them, linking the past with the future. You are the anchors and the conduits, the beautiful Rainbow Bridges of Love and full light spectrum; truly that Diamond Light is making its presence felt on your Planet.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion.

Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious -

Part I -Society, Spirit & Ritual:
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious -

Part II -Extended Mind, Power, & Prayer:
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious -

Part III f

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.
Energy and Spiritual Consulting

Master Hilarion: Be aware of your thoughts, words and deeds

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