The Arturians: Your Transformation Process, channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2017

March 10, 2017

We Arturians greet you with Love and Joy. Today we want to talk about your transformation process, highlighting some areas for you to contemplate and focus on them. Many understand your transformation process while you exist here on Earth, towards the Being of Light that is your truth. The Arturians want to guide you in this process so that you can help yourself more fully by invoking the necessary help, so that every transformation you experience is easy, effortless and joyful.

When you begin to focus every day on observing your whole Being, even for a few minutes, you connect with the energy, feelings, sensations, colors and sounds of your entire Being, which are present for you. At the beginning you may not be able to explain all the energy of your Being, you may not even understand it; instead you can be distracted by emotions, thoughts, or areas of your body ... Recognize anything that reaches your consciousness ... And then keep focusing on observing your whole Being ... You don't need to focus on experiencing Love or in connecting with the Creator; just observe how you feel your energy at that moment: Is there a quantity of Light flowing into your Being? ... Do you feel heavy and sleepy? ... Do you feel that you are uprooted or opposing something? ... First recognize anything you observe ... And then let it go ... If the same thing keeps coming back to you, then focus on the energy because it may require your attention.

Once you feel familiar with your energy, you may want to use this invocation:

“Together with my Guides, Angels and my healing and transformation teams, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of Light to penetrate gently throughout my Being, to anchor everything I require to support my transformation, healing and Constant ascension. Now I allow all resistance to dissolve while I receive the necessary Light to help me.

Thank you".

Spend a few moments feeling, recognizing or imagining that you receive the necessary Light and assistance from the Creator Universe. This simple process will not only allow you to free your Ascension from blockages and resistances, but frequently, even without realizing it, you become familiar with the presence of your energy. This means that you will be aware that you are going through a transformation process; or that you are experiencing a rest period in which your whole Being is recalibrating and the Light is being established in it. The more you practice this, the more you will understand yourself; and also to the Ascension process you are going through. You will recognize if a cold is simply a cold, or if it is helping you release old energies ... If a pain in your body is due to something you have physically done, or to an inner resistance that requires your intuitive attention ... You may realize that you feel tired because of the large volumes of Light that are being anchored in your Being and you recognize that you need to rest ... You may feel discouraged because an aspect of a past life of yours is returning to merge with your Soul and requires releasing all the burdens before to be able to surrender fully to the Light of your Soul ... When you are in tune with your whole Being, you can go through your Ascension process more easily and happily; This way you become intuitive about your spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and Ascension needs.

The process of spiritual transformation being in a physical body, encourages you to trust your intuitive senses ... By developing your intuitive senses to support your Ascension, you are alert and aware of the positive transformations and transitions to more Light that occur in others and in the entire Universe of the Creator.

A process that occurs frequently in your transformation is that new aspects of your Soul are discharged and rooted in your Being, to merge with the aspect of your Soul that is already present in your physical body; this means that in your Being the presence and influence of your Soul becomes stronger, that new tools, capacities and abilities are developed, that new passions and desires materialize that lead you to new paths in your reality; and that new wisdom and understanding begin that offer you a clearer understanding of your Self and the Creator. In some people new aspects of their Soul can be downloaded every few weeks or months; in others, it can be every several years, which depends on the mission of the Soul and the focus and acceptance of the personality.

The anchoring of a new aspect of your Soul in your Being or in your reality creates a change that encourages you to abandon an aspect of yourself that is familiar to you, such as a perspective, a habit or an understanding. For a new aspect of your Soul to enter, often a transition must take place in which you give up a perception of your identity that no longer serves you. This can be a challenging process, especially if the physical body, the personality or the mind resist and are not willing to change or let go. Sometimes we are asked to abandon perceptions, ideas and aspects of ourselves that seem so family members, who seem to describe what we are and constitute a very dear part of our existence; This can manifest even in your physical reality as when a dear friend leaves, when you have to leave home, a job or an activity that you have enjoyed greatly, or lose a precious object or even a part of your body Frequently these transitions are so subtle that many people do not perceive them and simply consider them as a natural part of life; however, you have lost, released and let go of a perception, an idea and an understanding of yourself, to give space to the new aspect of your Soul that will manifest greater realization and new perspectives. There may even be a period of mourning that will allow for a deep cleansing, a purge of the old to allow a new perception, a new idea and a new understanding of the Self to emerge; and then it is when you connect with a new aspect of your Soul and accept it. With the connection to the new aspect of your Soul that was waiting to be downloaded, you will experience a healing and a process of renewal that will allow you to feel that you are flying high. All this experience is a process of transformation, of becoming more Light, Love and wisdom of the Creator on Earth.

If life asks you to let something or someone go, realize that not only will new energy enter your life, but it is also awakening in you a new aspect and a new level of your Soul and it is taking root, ready to share with you all its insights, its Love and its abilities.

In these times, with your intuitive senses you can understand that you require support and assistance.

“Together with my Guides, Angels and my healing and transformation teams, I invite the most appropriate energies and light frequencies to penetrate gently throughout my Being and anchor everything I need to help me release and let go of everything I already have. I do not need, so that I can accept that a new aspect of my Soul merges with my Physical Being and that it is now fully present in me. I am prepared to transform easily and happily. Now I invite my soul and my soul group to help me.

Thank you".

It is important that you remember that your Ascension process can be in the subtle actions and reactions of your whole Being, from your thoughts to your emotions ... Even experiences of your physical reality or of your Being that you do not even feel remotely connected with your Ascension, such as worry, exclusion, fear or anxiety, they are keys that stimulate you to move forward, transforming and changing towards the Light of the Creator, towards your Ascension.

Realize everything you are; the Creator is speaking to you through yourself, leading you to remember you again and recognize yourself as the Light, the Truth and the Love of the Creator and All That Is.

We Arturians are supporting the transformation of all on Earth; We are helping you understand, experience, accept and go through each process of your transformation . We are sharing skills, wisdom and tools to encourage, encourage and help everyone ... Please ask for our assistance and we will introduce ourselves to share our energy, our wisdom and our understanding of the transformation, as well as to offer you insights about your transformation.


I invoke your loving and sustaining energy to completely surround me. Help me gain new understanding and wisdom, concerning the transformation and my current transformation process. Surround me with your healing and inspiring Light, with your Love and your awareness, while I inhale and accept everything you want to share with me. Thank you".

In loving transformation,

The Arturians

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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