The footsteps of the gods PDF Download Graham Hancock (1999)

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The traces of the cartographies 2 Pre-Columbian Civilization and the Mythical Giants 3 Analysis of myths and astrology 4 Download the traces of the gods pdf of Graham Hancock

On this occasion the footsteps of the pdf gods of Graham Hancock, is an extensive treatise consisting of VIII chapters where various investigations are discussed and analyzed.

Mainly, how from the ancient cartographies, there may be unresolved mysteries in the origin of mankind, as well as the way in which astrology is combined with various myths throughout history.

The traces of the cartographies

It all starts with the bracketing of the cartography made in 1513 by Piri Reis, an admiral of the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) who drew up one of the first world maps; found in 1929.

According to Graham Hancock in the footsteps of the gods pdf, such mapping hides the description of a subglacial Antarctic topography that implies that there was an ancient civilization lost over 4000 years ago .

But it is also reported by 1531 at the hands of Oronteus Finaeus, who elaborated - according to inquiries - a more reliable "true" Antarctica .

Such cartography is closely related to the current maps, unlike the Finaeus map did not contain a glacial state but a liquid one .

All this indicates, according to the 1531 map, that Antarctica could be inhabited and conquered . That is why Hancock (1999) states:

«The unusual thesis that Antarctica was visited and perhaps colonized by individuals when it was mostly not glacial. It goes without saying that this presupposes a great antiquity ... In fact, the Oronteus Finaeus map places the civilization of the original cartographers in a contemporary era at the end of the last glacial period in the northern hemisphere »(p. 23)

Both cartographies, according to the footsteps of the pdf gods, were prepared from ancient data and documents taken into account by the two geographers to issue their descriptions.

Pre-Columbian Civilization and the mythical Giants

The book The Footprints of the Gods pdf also explores pre-Columbian civilizations, their belief system and the traditions of the Peruvian natives.

Also, the Oronteus Finaeus map contained more or less accurate details of South America.

The book The Footprints of the Gods pdf also explores pre-Columbian civilizations, their belief system and the traditions of the Peruvian natives.

Here he stops and wonders about the existence of the giants (hypothesis admitted by many cultures around the world over time) in a pre-diluvial time, recalling the origins of the Inca civilization .

Reportedly, there was a great flood that gave rise to man and Cusco, annihilating the giants who opposed the will of the god Huiracocha . Also in the footprint of the gods, the Mayan position and the traces of the civilizations of Central America are discussed.

Analysis of myths and astrology

the book the fingerprints pdf, contains an access to astrological numerology, based on numerous investigations

Graham Hancock also performs several analyzes of various ancient myths, going through the biblical, Buddhist scriptures, Greek, Egyptian and Hindu myths.

It also analyzes, the astrological relationship of the equinoxes and the changes of ages, with the mythological events of various ancient cultures worldwide.

In addition, the book the fingerprints pdf, contains an access to the astrological numerology, based on numerous investigations, summarizing that the human being is at the disposal of launch an old computer program structurally manifested in various myths; since according to Hancock (1999):

  • 12 = number of constellations of the zodiac;
  • 30 = number of degrees assigned along the ecliptic to each zodiac constellation;
  • 72 = number of years required for the equinoctial Sun to complete a precession shift of one degree along the ecliptic;
  • 360 = total number of degrees in the ecliptic;
  • 72 X 30 = 2, 160 (number of years required for the Sun to complete a 30-degree passage along the ecliptic, that is, to pass through any of the twelve zodiacal constellations); 2, 160 X 12 = 25, 920 (number of years in a complete precessional cycle or Great Year and therefore the total number of years required for the Great Return to occur). (p. 304).

Download the footsteps of the gods pdf by Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock, is a controversial sociologist, researcher, writer, and Scottish author, characterized by writing on hidden themes, in which ancient civilizations, astrology and ancient myths stand out.

You can then download the extensive text, to read and analyze interesting inquiries and hypotheses about the lost civilizations made by the researcher:

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, Editor in the Great Family of

Bibliographical sources:

Hancock, G. (1999). The footprints of the gods . Barcelona, ​​Spain: Ediciones B, SA

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