What will be the paradigm of the 21st century

  • 2018

INNOVATION COURSE Unit 1. The sciences. Learning Object 6: Ecology

Ecology as a science tries to find out why and how living things live in the places where they reside. Organisms have evolved to adapt not only to their food needs, but also to environmental pressures such as temperature, drought, submersion and mineral concentration. Ecological systems contain mechanistic, organic and social systems that interact with each other, but which, unlike social systems, have no purpose of their own.

In the science of the twentieth century the holistic perspective has been known as "systemic" and the way of thinking that behaves as "systemic thinking." The paradigm of this century could be called a holistic view of the world as it sees it as an integrated whole rather than as a discontinuous collection of parts. In a holistic view of the social it is necessary to refer to the three metaphors of complexity: the whirlwind as a recursive loop, the dialogic and the hologram. Currently, development is defined from the point of view of sustainability.

We are immersed in a market economy at the national (macro) level and in a non-market economy, centrally planned and hierarchically managed (micro) within most corporations and other types of organizations in our society. Our macro and micro economies are not congruent with each other but they can be.

In the 21st century, rather than talking about a paradigm, there is talk of a metanoia, a mental displacement or a change of focus. Metanoia was translated as repentance in Catholicism, a radical change of thought and spirit. Conversion is a long and continuous process, it is self-subjectivation. With metacognition we turn our eyes to the self, and find the relationship that exists between vision and mind.


  • Establish relationships between ecology, economy and sustainability.
  • Establish differences between systems and development models.
  • Understand the universe from a holographic model.


Let the group know that life is one and nothing can touch or take away that life. That the group knows the vivid, flaming and saturating life of the fourth kingdom, That the group of the fifth kingdom is then nourished by the sixth and seventh, and that understand that minor rules are rules in time and space and cannot retain the group. This is what goes on in life.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: Between the earth and the sky

Jake Sully, a military man who was paralyzed, is selected to participate in the Avatar program, in which he will transport his mind and that of the scientists, to artificial bodies of humanoids so that communication with the natives will be easier. During that search of trust between Jake and the natives, Jake must be approved by the tribe and experience all the relationships with the forest, the fauna and the flora that the natives have, along with their customs and their language. Set in the year 2154, the events it narrates take place in Pandora, a moon of the planet Polà © femo inhabited by a humanoid race called na'vi, with which humans are in conflict because one of their Clans are seated around a gigantic tree that covers an immense vein of a highly-quoted mineral and that would be the solution to the Earth's energy problems: the unobtainium. Avatar is an American science fiction movie of 2009, written, produced and directed by James Cameron.

Aang is a child who was frozen for a hundred years on an ice floe, Katara and his brother Sokka discover it. The three live in a world in which four nations coexist. In each generation an Avatar is born, as the only person capable of mastering the four elements and in charge of maintaining the balance between the four nations, as well as serving as a bridge between the world of mortals and the world of spirits, so it could be said that it is he who preserves peace throughout the world. Being the most recent successor of the avatar cycle, Aang must travel to the north pole, next to Katara and Sokka, to learn to master the 4 elements (mainly water control) and end the war. During their trip they will be chased by Prince Zuko, who will try to capture the avatar to regain his honor. The last airbender is a fantasy movie of the year 2010, based on the first season of the animated series Avatar: the legend of Aang.

An Avatar is a graphic representation that is associated with a cyber user for identification. In Hinduism, an avatar is an incarnation of a god, who has come to earth to restore dharma, and save the world from the cosmic disorder engendered by the enemies of the gods.

An Avatar is a "discharged" (projected? Emitted?) Ray from a purely spiritual source, and only a self-conscious entity acquires the right to work in this particular way by having achieved realization during a series of previous lives. An avatar is a ray of sanctifying and perfect glory that is covered with matter for the purpose of serving.

  • After watching the two movies that deal with the subject of the Avatar, answer the following questions. What is the source of energy for the avatar? What differences are found between the physical, the quantum, the mechanical and the organic? What is the importance of breathing? What is the relationship between the breath and the seven chakras?

ACTIVITY ONE: the kingdoms.

Ecology focuses on the study of the resources of our house: the planet Earth, resources that have their origin in the various kingdoms of nature. A kingdom represents each of the large taxonomic subdivisions in which living beings are classified with respect to their evolutionary kinship.

Despite the extreme diversity of nature, there is a system of order and structure in it. There is a hierarchy of producers, consumers and recyclers who, in any natural environment keep a dynamic equilibrium with each other. Life takes all the energy out of the Sun, the circulation of that energy and the recycling of chemical nutrients are two of the main processes within any ecosystem.

Unicellular organisms can feel and react. Much of what they do only counts as behavior in a very broad sense, but they can control how they move and what chemicals they produce, in response to what they detect is happening around them. For any organism to do this, a part of it has to be receptive, able to see, smell or hear, and another part has to be active, capable of making something useful happen. The organism also has to establish some kind of connection, an arc, between these two parts.

Escherichia coli bacteria have a sense of taste or smell; it can detect pleasant and unpleasant chemical substances in its environment and can react by moving towards concentrations of certain substances and moving away from others. The exterior of each E. coli cell has a series of sensors: groups of molecules that extend through the outer membrane of the cell. This is the "input" part of the system. The "exit" part is made up of flagella, the long filaments through which the cell swims. An E. coli bacterium performs two main movements: it can run or roll. When it runs, it travels in a straight line, and, when it rolls, as expected, it changes direction randomly. A cell continuously passes from one of these activities to the other, but, if it detects an increasing concentration of food, its change of direction is reduced. A bacterium is so small that its sensors alone cannot give an indication of the direction from which a good or bad chemical comes from. To overcome this problem, the bacteria use time to deal with space. The cell is not interested in how much of said chemical is present at any given time, but rather in whether said concentration increases or decreases. The bacterium solves this problem in an ingenious way: when its sensors capture the world, one mechanism records what the conditions are at the moment and another records how things were just a moment before.

  • Create a comparative table of the kingdoms of nature and a flow chart of the transition from snake to eagle.

ACTIVITY TWO: the races.

The economy focuses on the administration of the resources of our house: planet Earth. Development implies continuous progress in science and technology, economics, ethics and aesthetics. The breed refers to the groups in which some biological species are subdivided on the basis of phenotypic traits, based on a series of characteristics that are transmitted by genetic inheritance. Three original disciples and their families were the parents of three main racial groups, classified in general form:

1. The Semitic race or the races of biblical and modern times; the Arabs, Afghans, Moors and the offspring and the affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians, are all descendants of the greatest of the three disciples.

2. The Latin peoples, their various branches throughout the world and the Celtic races, wherever they are, are descendants of the second of the three disciples.

3. The Teutons, the Scandinavians and the Anglo-Saxons are descendants of the third of the three disciples.

The above is a broad generalization. The descendants of two of these three disciples have gradually accepted the legends spread in the Atlantean era and have placed themselves on the side of those who antagonize the Jew, as it is today, and lost all sense of their common origin. There is no pure race in the world today, because interracial marriages, illicit relationships and promiscuity, over the past millions of years, have prevailed in such a way that there is no pure race. The climate and the environment are fundamentally larger and more decisive factors than any segregation imposed, except that which comes from constant marriages between races. Regarding this last factor, only the Hebrews have retained some measure of racial integrity.

The great nations are controlled by two rays, just as a human being is. All nations are controlled by the personality ray, which today is the dominant, powerful and main controlling factor, and by the soul ray, felt only by the disciples and aspirants of any nation. This ray of the soul must be evoked by This Group of Servers so that it enters into an increased functioning activity, because it constitutes one of its main objectives and tasks. Leaders, working as a team, are contributing to the development of humanity by forming organizations. Organizations are administrative structures and administrative systems created to achieve goals or objectives through human bodies or the management of human and other talent.

  • Create a comparative chart of human races and a flow chart of how the personality transition to the soul is.

ACTIVITY THREE: beings of light

Symbolically speaking, some of the sons of God fell from their high status, led at one time by "Lucifer, son of the morning." This "fall of the angels" was an extraordinary event in the history of our planet, although only a passing and interesting phenomenon in the history of the solar system, and a minor incident in the matters of the seven constellations to which our solar system belongs.

The man-form had only one origin: ayapliano. By spreading in the universe and colonizing infinite planets, this unique species adapted to the environment of each planet, system and constellation. Acquiring preponderant characteristics that differentiated one from the other, the man-form continued to be based on the genetic codes, but these were transformed into different races than today They populate the universe. We are Ayaplian-human.

We are the fallen angels; we lost our wings, which means that our minds were imprisoned in the brain mass, which could not imagine, create, fly or communicate with other realities. We are left alone, orphaned and isolated in the darkness of our lives until today, that we are consciously waking up.

Our souls are to be incarnated in the Interans, there we will form our Energy Being (spirit) and then incarnate in the Elohim, Seramites and in this way we will pass to the Volunteers of the ships to be all ONE and return To our origins. But we don't need to incarnate in the Lemurians to get to BEING ONE.

For the return we will follow the reverse path to that of the incarnation. Material body (Jesus), Astral body (Ra), Mental body (Ser-Ra-Mithras), Energy body (Christ), Universal body (Thoth). Thoth is the brand of the universal lineage. Christ is the mark of his mental lineage, reached as Seramita. Ra is the mark of his planetary heritage and Jesus is the mark of his volunteer work.

The Sixth Race will precipitate thanks to Genetic Code 55 and its mutation will sprout within the center of the solar plexus, which is the place of human emotions. The Trivian Race marks the beginning of a new awakening for that center, which will allow human beings to experience once again the universal quantum field that connects all living beings. This new awakening is not a retrograde movement towards the golden past, but a new integration of the three lower planes - the physical, the astral and the mental - with their three superior counterparts - the causal, the intuitional and the intentional, respectively. The Seventh and final Root Race, the Pangea, cannot really be described in words. It represents the integration of all the kingdoms of Gaia into a simple vibration of pure presence that occurs only where the spirit and matter become one, and where the divine spiritual essence shines through the physical plane, allowing it to ascend. It is the kingdom of heaven that has descended to earth.

  • Create a comparative chart of human species and a flow chart of how the transition from angel to demon and from demon to angel is.


There is an ancient Mayan prophecy that speaks of the return of Quetzalcoatl - a being symbolized by the feathered serpent. The ancient calendars have connected this event for a long time to coincide with the year 2012 at that time, according to the Maya, time would cease to exist. Such prophecies may not be taken literally, but as alchemical markers that emerge from the collective unconscious. The journey of consciousness through genetic code 59 is rightly symbolized by the figure of Quetzalcoatl. The feathered serpent is the same as the dragon symbol: it represents the harmonization of the lower nature (the snake) with the higher nature (the eagle). This is in fact the new era we are entering.

To understand the true nature of the awakening of consciousness that is to come, we can describe a beautiful parallelism with the dragonfly's life cycle. Dragonflies spend a lot of time in their early life underwater. Being insects that live underwater, they are called nymphs, which, contrary to what many people think, do not need to go to the surface in search of air. A good part of their lives, nymphs live totally underwater, where they move as successful predators and feed on anything from lichens to small fish. At this stage of her life, the nymph goes through different series of molts or stages of maturity in which her skin changes, but she is still a nymph. The stages of his life as an insect can last several years and during that time he has no idea what awaits him in the future, he simply experiences a series of hidden mutations. One day, suddenly, a hidden gene that was asleep goes off and the nymph does something totally shocking: it finds the stem of a nearby plant and climbs up it until it comes out of the water. For the first time in his life he makes direct contact with the air and the sun.

Once the nymph leaves the safety of the underwater environment, sunlight begins to work on it, catalyzing what will be its final change. Just in that final stage the magic happens, since the advanced creature that was hidden inside the nymph breaks the outer skin of the larva. Over the course of a few hours, four wrinkled wings emerge and their characteristic slender thorax begins to unscrew. What is of great metaphorical relevance in this state has to do with the water element. While the emerging dragonfly leaves the water element and prepares to be reborn in a new life in the air element, the water that still exists in its body becomes the key that makes the transformation process possible. Through a hydraulic process, the water in the nymph's body is pumped to the wings that are being born and into the thorax, which causes its first deployment and extension. In other words, the dragonfly is able to assume its aerodynamic shape thanks to the water coming from its previous way of life. This water causes the nymph mutation in dragonfly. Once all the water has been consumed and the dragonfly has acquired its new expanded form, it will lift the flight and begin a new life. The life cycle of the dragonfly is a perfect metaphor for the awakening of Don 55 and the corresponding Power. The base energy of our emotions becomes the vehicle to unfold our own awakening of consciousness, and once that awakening has happened, life will exist on the higher planes for all eternity.


The illuminated path is an intense process of integration that can take a considerable amount of time, but that will gradually become more stable. The initial stages of awakening are destined to be the most volatile part of the process. During that period our emotional system will literally fall apart. The genetic keys most intensely connected with Don 55 are two: the 59th with his Gift, Intimacy, and the 39th with his Gift, Dynamism. Both are also actively involved in the process of awakening. Here you can see the direct relationship that exists between these two elevated states: Liberation and Freedom. Power 39, triggers the final state of Freedom. Liberation implies a dynamic process of catharsis, while Freedom is the result of that process. Equally powerful can be considered power 59, Transparency, which awakens simultaneously with power 55. The plan hidden in the agenda of this power, as far as awakening is concerned, can be compared with the process that transparent wings undergo the dragonfly: we will also be forced to become transparent. Don 59, Intimacy, is the first step in this direction. We have to allow life to open our hearts through our relationships.

In the last twenty years or so, the world has undergone major changes in its internal structure. As we approach that incredible portal we can identify three dates or markers that indicate the trajectory of the process of awakening of planetary consciousness and its fusion. They are twists written on the vibrational marker of our evolution. It is, in this order, the year 1987, or the Harmonic Convergence; of 2012, the Melodic Resonance, and of 2027, or year of the Rhythmic Symphony. These three phases, Harmony, Melody and Rhythm, make up the recording time where the total restructuring of the vibrational life of our planet will take place.


March 11, 2018

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