Carol Fitzpatrick: The Guides: Changing from one likely reality to another

  • 2016

I have felt deeply moved and affected by our spring retreat and the magic that has happened since that time. I have not had the words or energy to describe the profound change within me and the [access to] knowing that it has just opened.

There are so many things that I would like to talk about, but first of all there is the very nature of time. The Guides have been talking for years and years about the change from one probable reality to another, and how this happens when we raise our consciousness and transform. In fact, our global activation mission work lies in the very nature of work in the subtle fields of energy to transform consciousness.

I have always understood that we could serve as catalysts ( with the Stellar Elders as a guide and working with us, the ground crew ) to alter or change the collective points of choice, but to introduce time as a dimension, and it is amazing as this happens.

We cannot understand the nature of our hearts without a cunning understanding of quantum physics. It is not that science explains the nature of time but that time explains the nature of science.

For example, just the other day the Guides used the example of a woman with a tumor. At one time the tumor was there and the next it was gone. Everyone declares that this event is a miracle.

They ask this: was this woman healed or has something else happened?

Answer: the tumor did not disappear; she was physically projected to a higher dimension where the tumor does not exist. For the people around her most of who she is is still there, but in reality only a small trace of her energy is left behind to create an opening for others to understand that they can change as well.

Instead of experiencing healing as a progression of things we do to heal, we raise our frequency, and in doing so we move to a higher dimension where the disease cannot exist and does not exist. Apparently all people are the same because we are multidimensional beings of light. We can be in a multitude of realities simultaneously. And we have the option to choose. We choose to be in a frequency band or another, but we hesitate until we calibrate to a higher band. That is what we have come to call the past, the present and the future, or feeling heavy or light, expansive or contracted.

Why is it important to know now? Because we recognize that we have the inner capacity to make a profound and true change without causing harm to anyone or causing difficulties or hardships.

It is important to know that you do no favor to anyone or anything by holding back without doing everything that makes you happy and want. Whatever you are experiencing in the present moment is a combination of you remaining in the band of consciousness that brings you the greatest joy.

In the retreat, the Guides told us to completely close the door to our past and merge the future with the present, a state where only feeling and choice take place.

There were three things we have to do to prepare for this way of being:

1) Be compassionate towards ourselves and others;

2) align ourselves with the Truth of who we are; Y

3) choose to go through the door.

We can put this into practice by maintaining a sacred space with each other and as guided by the Angelic Beings and the spirits of nature (who were in a rare way that weekend).

There are two other key things that we were told to pay attention if we want to make that quantum leap to what they call the new harmonica.

The first is about feeling. Every time they pull us back to a past memory or we interfere in the affairs of others worrying about them, part of our consciousness is divided and literally goes to that most contracted space. It is the same when we project our worries and anxieties to the future or long for a different way, another life. We are contracting our energy, and in doing so we diminish our ability to remain in a higher field of collective creation.

His advice? Stop doing what you don't want to do. Stop pleasing by compromising your happiness, thinking that you should wait or stop, leave or get by. Remember that your words and deeds are powerful, but feeling and choosing are the defining elements for the change to the highest vibrational field.

Our human nature has been programmed to discern our world by looking from outside to inside, and we choose based on external circumstances. But the Guides are saying the opposite. As they connect with their feelings and how they feel, they choose based solely on how they want to feel, and then they are attentive to synchronicities and how they are miraculously in the highest vibrational flow. When that happens, most of you have left the field of the lowest dimensions and have moved to a more fluid and elevated state. All your usual partners are there, but you react differently to them and they react to you.

Until you have practiced staying in the highest field you will rock and then wonder why it does not work well. It is only a matter of calibrating your frequency at the highest dimensionally and flowing as a part of the new harmonic, which is dynamic and spontaneous.

As we reach a critical mass, it will be like a dream that comes true, and we will see around us looking at each other and saying: guau! It is a miracle! But we will know better. That is why we have incarnated ourselves, to skip the timelines as a collective force of creation.

Let's go for it!

Carol Fitzpatrick

PS: I talked about this same subject yesterday, while I was on the banks of the river looking at the beautiful nature expressing itself as beauty. You are welcome to hear the repetition. Click here to listen. ( It's the second one above: Jumping the Timelines (Jumping the Timelines)

AUTHOR: Carol Fitzpatrick


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