Do you know the healing properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera? I will tell you the 10 most important

  • 2017

Since ancient times, Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera, has been one of the plants that has shown more properties and benefits for the integral health and the particular success of each person. Ask yourself, do you know the healing properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera ? I invite you to enjoy and apply in your life, all those amazing benefits and properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera, you will be impressed!

Nutrients and Vitamins of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera

"Medicinal plants are being studied constantly, however, the benefits and properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera have already been proven widely by science"

I still have in my mind memories of my childhood, in which my parents used Aloe Vera for multiple activities and natural remedies . As I grew older, I gradually realized the extraordinary benefits and properties of Aloe Vera; Currently, I am a faithful convinced and first favored of the healing properties of Aloe Vera.

Leaving anecdotes and experiences aside, I will tell you the most relevant nutrients and vitamins of Aloe Vera . It contains vitamin A, C, E, B2, B1, B3, B6 and folic acid, and in a very small amount it contains vitamin B12.

Scientifically, medicinal plants are constantly being studied, however, the benefits and properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera have already been extensively proven by science. So much so, that there are medicinal stores equipped only with products based on Aloe Vera ; Now, there are not only medical stores, there are also beauty and skin and hair care stores.

Benefits and Healing Properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera

"If you have ever used cortisone and aspirin, you will realize that the healing properties of Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera also fulfill the same anti-allergic, pain-blocking and anti-inflammatory functions"

Knowing the vitamins and nutrients that Aloe Vera plants possess, I am going to tell you the most important benefits and healing properties of this extraordinary plant, but first I want to tell you what part of Aloe Vera is consumed.

When removing the skin of Aloe Vera, you will observe a kind of sticky gel, this is the Aloe Vera that you should consume . However, once the Aloe is extracted, this gel can easily oxidize, losing its properties. Ideally, do not expose this gel for more than two hours at room temperature. Be very careful! If Aloe Vera loses its properties, it no longer serves medicinally .

Now, without further ado, know the healing properties of Aloe Vera; Keep in mind, I'm going to mention the 10 most important properties.

1. Inflammation Reducer

The anti-inflammatory action of Aloe Vera, thanks to its active ingredients, effectively penetrates the patient's skin, efficiently exerting its healing action.

If you have ever used cortisone and aspirin, you will realize that the healing properties of Sbila or Aloe Vera also fulfill the same anti-allergic, pain-blocking and anti-inflammatory functions. Did you know?

2. To treat burns

One of the healing properties of the most important Sbila is in its use to treat burns .

Dairy magnesium is a substance that Aloe Vera possesses, and helps treat irritation caused by burns, helping the immune system to provide a good treatment.

3. Use in insect bites

The benefits and properties of the Sbila can also be used to relieve the symptoms of insect bites, bursitis or arthritis; Basically, because Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties .

How do you use it? Embadurna a cotton with Aloe gel, then you should cover it with a sterile gauze in the place of the injury.

4. La S bila as a healing

The composition of potassium, zinc, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin E in the Sbile, help to form fibers, causing the patient to evolve his wound in a positive way, gradually helping healing .

Also, with the keratolytic power of Aloe Vera, after the damaged skin falls out, cell renewal will begin.

5. Antiviral and antibacterial properties

Due to the antibiotic action, Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera exerts inhibition on the performance of bacteria in the organism, such is the case of enterococcus faecalis, staphylococci, salmonella, escherichia coli, fungi and candida albicans, among others . If in doubt, the antibacterial action of Aloe Vera is potent .

Currently, scientific studies have been carried out, in which Aloe Vera has been used to be part of injections that attack leukemia in animals and the cancer species called fibrosarcomas in humans.

Likewise, in combination with AZT it is used for the treatment of HIV, because when applied directly to the virus, it acts as a fungicide.

6. Cellular Regeneration

Another of the healing properties of Aloe Vera is its ability to regenerate cells . Aloe Vera gel has a hormone that favors new cells, and is eliminating, at the indicated time, all the most worn cells.

In the same way, Aloe Vera maintains the health of the cells, managing to maintain the balance of its internal and external liquids. Now, there are current studies, in which Aloe Vera could be introduced in skin cancer treatments .

7. Body detoxification

If your diet contains Aloe Vera gel, outside of nourishing yourself with the series of benefits that I have mentioned above, also, the gel will pass through the digestive tract, it will absorb all the toxins that it finds in its path, taking them to the colon, with the In order to be eliminated. Thus, you will properly eliminate the toxins that tend to stay in your body.

8. Sunburn treatment

All those first degree burns caused by the sun can be treated with Aloe Vera . Thanks to the benefits and properties of Aloe Vera to regenerate the skin's membrane, a protective layer of cells that cover the patient's skin is generated. In turn, it creates nutritional and antioxidant action on the affected skin, in order to evolve its faster recovery.

9. Aloe Vera to treat acne

Through the hormones Auxinas and Giberelinas that Aloe Vera possesses, curative action is created in the wounds of the patients, in addition, it grants inflammatory reduction of the skin, this, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties.

Also, gibberellins will stimulate rapid cell growth, helping to heal the skin faster and without scars .

Currently, Aloe Vera is being used to treat chronic skin diseases, such is the case of psoriasis and eczema.

10. Help boost and protect the immune system

Aloe Vera has polysaccharides that help stimulate macrophages, in order to fight infections; It also has antioxidant antipyretic properties. It means that your body will be protected from free radicals and fevers.

Great benefits and properties of Aloe Vera !, Right? Now I want to ask you, when will you use it in your diet? When will you use it as a natural medicine and without presenting contraindications?

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"Currently, Aloe Vera is being used to treat chronic skin diseases, such is the case of psoriasis and eczema"

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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