Yeshua: Dance with Darkness, channeled by Pamela Kribbe

  • 2017

March 14, 2017

Dear friends, I AM Yeshua; I greet you all. I am with you as a friend of similar mindset, as an equal; Accept me as your brother. I want to be with you and hold your hand.

For me it is easier to see life from a higher and wider perspective than what you can have on the earthly level. The purpose of life on Earth is that you partially immerse yourself in ignorance, in the heaviness of your earthly environment; and that you have this experience from the inside; Certainly doing so is not easy, but it has its purpose.

When you are in the higher realms, in the heavenly spheres as they are called, there is almost no resistance; you accept as a fact the experience of Love around you; you attract what suits you best in terms of environment, in terms of energy; and in terms of the Souls with whom you meet; You have an easy exchange with your environment that is a reflection of you, so you are relatively free of blockages. There is still some "cleaning" to do, so to speak, but everything happens smoothly and easily, which you may miss very much while you are here on Earth.

Down here you lack that lightness and ease; and you are not always surrounded by people of similar mentality; During your life you encounter many different levels of consciousness. Also, you were born as a vulnerable baby in a family energy that often did not reflect your Higher Essence, or fit your natural energy; frequently in a family energy there are fears for survival and limiting beliefs, which you absorb like a sponge.

And you cannot avoid that, because as an earthly child you are not completely in touch with your Soul, nor with the knowledge you have on the soul level. As a small child you are totally immersed in matter, in a body, in order to obtain the earthly experience; That means that you will absorb, without filter or restriction, energies that do not really belong to you. Only later will you begin to discern what really belongs to you and what doesn't.

Now ask yourself; and this is something you must do continuously: " Why did I enter this dance, the dance with illusion, the dance with seduction, the dance with darkness?" ... Because darkness wants to be transformed through you; you are an Angel of Light; you wanted to accept dance with matter and uncertainty, because in you there is so much Love.

Within you live a very deep, creative and inspired source; And that source is who you are. This source is your soul; and that Creative Source, that unstoppable flow of life of each Soul, develops its unique radiance. You are your own Self ... Unique ... No one else is like you. You are here to shape the Love of your Being in your own way; and to confront the darkness inside you and transform it. In fact, darkness is the same as the unknown, the new, the adventure; And if you're afraid of that, you'll feel lost in uncertainty.

Most of the time a Soul is so overwhelmed by the new, by the unknown, by the darkness, that it begins to doubt itself and says: “I cannot do this. I don't know who I am or where I am. I have lost my way. ” So to end this journey, to do it with joy, the Soul needs self-awareness ... And that's why I'm here, to remind you who you are and the consciousness that wants to be born in you.

You are extremely powerful creators who are here to embrace the darkness and transform it. In the beginning you think you can't do it; and that you will be swallowed by darkness, by ignorance; And you'll be lost But there will come a time when you realize who is watching the darkness and experiencing it; You realize who is that powerful source that returns again and again to dance with illusion and ignorance ... Then your gaze goes from the external appearance ... To the inner discovery of who you are.

For now you are all immersed in this process, you have been on this journey for a long time ... You are already discovering the Light in yourself ... But there is always a moment in which you doubt; so you look outside again and there you find those negative energies based on fear vibrating ... Those energies produce fear; And that experience takes you away from yourself.

I am here to help you turn your eyes inside, to the Source of Love and knowledge that you are ... Sometimes I find it frustrating that you consider me a superior teacher to you ... However, my intention is to keep your focus on the fact that we are equal, that you have in you the same Source of knowledge that I have in me; and that you should not see yourself as inferior to me ... That is not the intention; In itself that is an illusion. I'm here to make that illusion disappear and to ask you to cooperate with me to do it, because I need you.

Once I was a representative of a new consciousness on Earth and could only plant a few seeds; at that time the possibilities were limited, but at this time the possibilities are much greater. Imagine that you are one of those seeds, but one that wants to germinate now, that is ready to germinate.

Imagine that you see yourself in a bed of fertile soil There you see the seed in the ground and feel in it the potential of life The Sun shines on the damp ground and f rtil; and now you imagine that this seed develops roots and sprouts. You feel that its roots penetrate the ground and that green leaves appear along its stem. Enjoy the beauty of this plant; and feel that it grows thanks to the attention you give, to your delight and admiration.

Feel the Earth And feel the way you welcome this plant. Feel that the plant becomes larger and stronger until it is firmly established on the ground of the Earth and its leaves are large and capable of abundantly absorbing Sunlight. This plant grows slowly. until he becomes a magnificent tree Feel the connection of this tree with Heaven and Earth; feel that your root system absorbs nutrients effortlessly It is a natural process, so you have no trouble feeling it The trunk is solid and strong; and the foliage is abundant and green. The sun shines on the tree canopy; and this absorbs the Light, the Light of the Home.

Try to cling to this image; and imagine that as you are now in your body you sit under the tree and lie on its trunk Absorb the energy of the tree Feel the energies of the Earth and the Sky running down your back And feel how welcome you are here.

You are necessary here on Earth as an energy transformer, but the work you do is primarily internal; and when I say, "You are necessary, " I don't mean that you have to do a lot of things ... You might feel inspired to do certain things, but mostly it has to do with clinging to the image of that tree. You are here because of the awareness of strength and inspiration that has sprouted in you; and this is what contributes to the larger image.

Every time you believe in yourself and trust your unique strength and creativity, you change the collective consciousness of a Humanity that has been immersed in fear and victimization. On Earth there have been people in power who have made their subjects doubt their abilities; they have systematically disempowered people; and this is a legacy with which you also have to fight; although you exist in a free and modern society, that legacy still exists; It is an inheritance of fear, repression and self-doubt ... Do not underestimate the power of that inheritance.

Turning to yourself believing in yourself and your unique power, it is a great step ... It is a great step of consciousness, a 180 ° turn ... That is why what you are trying to do is so great and impressive ... This is your challenge, because you are here to achieve that; nothing else captivates you more ... You want to take that step towards yourself, to the germination of your true power here on Earth after many centuries and to spend many lives here.

The last step is that you recognize that the fear that lives in you ... It is an illusion! ... Sometimes you already feel that, you have a glimpse of your true potential, of your integrity, of your divinity ... But then you will again overshadow the fear, the self-doubt that covers the Earth like a blanket.

Certainly this shadow does not only occur at the individual level; it is a collective mantle that suffocates all people; and the more you want to transfer it, free yourself from that old heritage, the stronger its drag ... The collective that surrounds you pressures you to remain trapped and not free yourself, because in Human Beings there is a tendency to want to fit, to belong to a group…

But what you want to do is exactly escape, get away from the pressure of those old burdens, the ideas of being in sin, of hiding, of being subjected. You can imagine the old energy as a heavy gray color, like a viscous mud that makes you dirty, catches you and keeps you stuck. I ask you not to fight against him, because then you get stuck even more deeply and maybe even paralyze yourself because of that mud, of those energies; in this sense fear wants you to fight against him, because that makes his grip on you stronger ... If you see fear as a formidable opponent ... Then you will lose; Because having the idea that fear is a real enemy, you surrender to it and you are lost.

Essentially fear is an illusion that eventually you click like a balloon and it deflates; he is not an enemy in the sense that he is a real opponent; It is an idea that has power over you ... It is not a thing, it is not a Being ... If you understand the vulnerability you have, that you have had since you were born; and if you start seeing other people's vulnerability, then you can forgive yourself and forgive them for allowing fear to have power over you. If you have an attitude of forgiveness and understanding, fear has no power over you ... Then you become the giver, the Source of Love; You become big instead of small.

When you grow up, fear has no power over you; and then you see fear as a cry for help ... First you see it in yourself; and then you also see it in others ... And that is the right perspective! ... Fear is a cry for help ... Fear is a necessity ... And you are the one who can help this need disappear, because you can fill the gap, the empty.

Fear can be transformed by Love ... You are like that and that is what you do ... I ask you to believe in this; and I will even understand you when you lose this perspective again; And that's why I'm always present. And along with me there are many who are also involved in this great process; who want to support you in what you are doing: Your guides, your Angels ... You have at your disposal a lot of help ... Feel that help in this place and open yourself to it; The intention is that you use our energy, so don't be afraid to ask for our help ... We love giving it to you ... We really are very strongly connected with you.

Thanks for your attention.


Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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