Who was Jupiter ?: The God of the Gods

  • 2018

Jupiter is the main god of Roman mythology, the god of all gods, with supreme and absolute power and father of gods and mortals. He was the son of Saturn and Ops, the god of agriculture and the goddess of fertility.

He was once the god of heaven, ruler of the climate and the cycles of agriculture, then he was considered a protector of Rome. There was a time when the attributes of the Roman State were invested, from whom the laws, social order and authority emanated.

This god has its Greek equivalent in Zeus, the god of gods and like him he is the bearer of lightning and thunder.

The myth of J piter

The birth of J piter is perhaps the most important moment in all Roman mythology . The myth tells that his father Saturn devoured his children, because he complied with the rule that his brother Titan had imposed on him to govern, thus avoiding his ancestry, the one that would have competed with his children to the throne.

But Ops, his wife, hid J piter on the island of Crete and gave him to breastfeed a goat, Amalthea. Ops gave her husband a stone wrapped in diapers, which the father devoured.

Metis prepares a vomitive and Saturn vomits all his children and this will give J piter a supreme power. As a grown-up, J piter confronted Tit ny and his father in successive wars and assigned his brothers the kingdoms.

He gave Neptune the kingdom of the seas, Pluto the underworld and married his sister Juno, who would later father Mars, the god of war and Vulcan, the god of the forge.

Juno was a wife who was characterized by her constant jealousy towards her husband's infidelities and her anger led her to threaten the lives of her illegitimate children and her numerous lovers, those who were goddesses, queens, nymphs and mortals.

Jupiter cheated on his wife in disguise, and thus cohabited with the most beautiful maidens, such as Alcmena, with whom he conceived Hercules, Callisto, with whom he had Arcade, Climente, who conceived the giant Atlas, the nymph Dione, who conceived Venus.

Other lovers of God were Aegina, a nymph with whom she had two children, Eaco and Radamanto, as well as Temis, Maya, Leda, Latvia, Europe, Ceres, Taigeta and Mnemósine.

The Capitoline Jupiter and the triad

Jupiter was the supreme deity of the Capitoline triad, along with his wife Juno and his daughter Minerva. In Rome he was revered as "Jupiter, the best and greatest", the protector of the city, of the Roman State, as the authority of laws, justice and law.

The largest Roman temple was the Temple of Jupiter on Capitoline Hill, where it was worshiped on a sacred stone called Jupiter Lapis along with his wife Juno and his daughter Minerva, the Capitoline triad. It was common for these temples to the triad to be erected in the new cities of the colonies.

The Temple of Jupiter on Capitoline Hill was begun by Tarquinio Prisco, was completed by the last king of Rome, Tarquinio el Soberbio, and opened at the beginning of the Republican era in 509 BC

A fire destroyed the temple, which was rebuilt in 83 BC It was in this fire that the Sibylline Books were destroyed and their cult image was lost . But it was not the only fire the temple suffered. In the year 69 BC and in 80 AD it was caught by the flames.

Seen in Whom, by Peter, editor of the White Brotherhood


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