The Bodhisattva's sword, by Archangel Anael

  • 2013

Greetings children of Eternity, children of the ONE, I am the Angel Anael. My Radiation, manifests among you, as Ambassador of the Round of the 12 Arc of Angels of the Living Light. This Round that accompanies the solar system in its dimensional translation, in its reversal and in its integration to the Confederation of the Free Worlds. My Radiation is Resonance and Attraction, my Radiation is inclusive Love and the Isinlah Planetary Center. My Radiation today brings together all the children of the Earth, all souls incarnate or not, under the same flag and the same coat of arms, my sword of Living Fire, my Sword of Love inclusive. Blessings and Peace to you on this world. Welcome the Effusions of the 12 Archangels in you, in your Hearts, in your souls, in your Light bodies. Following the 12 Wheels, following the twelve Faces, of the Planetary Spirit, my Brothers welcome you, my Brothers merge into you.



Metatr n










Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth!

To all the Bodhisattvas invited today by the Divine Mother, I give a useful.

To each of the Bodhisattvas, who today have been attentive to the invitation and call of the Divine Mother, I surrender my Sword of Fire. This Sword do not use it for war, since that is past. This Sword, do not use it to defend yourself, since there is no more to defend against. This Sword was granted to you so that every day you remember to draw it towards your belly and thus fulminate the last portions of this physiological entity, which is kept under the veil of illusion and of the Ignorance, which prevents them from seeing the New World, the true Life. Do not think, my brothers, that this Sword will hurt or destroy this physiological entity. No, this is a stroke of Love, it is a stroke of Mercy, it is a definitive stroke of Sacralization. My Fire Sword vibrates in the Pink Radiation, My Fire Sword vibrates in the Radiation of Venus, so, this Sword is an inclusive Fire Sword of Love, this Sword is the only weapon carried by a Buddha of Compassion: souls realized that remain for the help of his brothers and sisters, until the last portion of this world is touched by the Fire of Liberation.

This shows you my brothers, that all accompaniment is granted to you today, that all our Love, that all our support is granted to you these days. It is urgent that your attention be turned to that Sacred Heart of Fire. It is pressing and imperative, not for you, but for the world, that you remain silent and serene. It is imperative and pressing for this world, which today is dissolved by the Fire of Metatron-Alariel, that you open yourself to the experience of your multidimensional reality. The Portals are open. Millions of millions of hands reach out to you, granting you strength and encouraging you to take the second step in Solar Consciousness.

… Uriel…

… Michael…

... Metatron ...

... Rafael ...

... Jofiel ...

... Anael ...

… Gabriel…

... Ksodiel ...

... Taermael ...

... Imeruel ...

... Nisael ...

... Alariel ...

Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth!

In my Radiation I wrap you, and I leave this blessing on this day. There is no distance between us, there is no separation. In this Radiation, we live the fullness of our Unity. Be blessed and be a blessing to the world. The Bodhisattva's sword, by Archangel Anael

Message received and transmitted by Agnimitra of the Collective of the children of the Law of One.


The Bodhisattva's sword, by Archangel Anael

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