The Galactic Children

  • 2012

The Galactic Children

(Information transmitted by the new children and received by the channel)

These children have already participated in the evolution of other systems. They are Ascension Masters. According to the needs of each system, the appropriate equipment is chosen.

They do not bring questions, they bring knowledge. To the extent that they meet their peers, they will be enhanced.

Some will need spaces for meditation and relaxation, others will be hyperactive. Some will be intimidating.

They come to fulfill their task, and they have no other purpose than that. They are not involved in terrestrial karma.

They respond to Galactic Consciousness, and see the whole picture. Their mental structures are cosmic and hyperdimensional, impossible to understand by the common human mind. This does not mean that they will be "geniuses." Many of them may be branded as fools, or go unnoticed.

It is their vibrational level that will distinguish them from the rest, although this can only be detected by people trained in energy management. They will do their work in silence, loading the Grids with the Codes they bring into their immense bodies of Light. These "codes" are seeds that will bear fruit in their time. It is galactic information for the next cycle. This is his legacy for Earth and Humanity.

When the Galactic Children become a critical mass, their strength will be so great that the current corrupt systems will be uprooted, being replaced by more stable systems and greater harmony with the All.

They will plant their seed, leave their genetics on Earth, and leave. However, others will continue to arrive until the ascension cycle is completed. This is the "star planting" that will change the world.

Their energy bodies have a different geometry. They look like diamonds shining. They are merkabas of Masters. That is why they can manifest higher realities in the physical plane.

Grid 144 allows them to enter with their fully active merkaba, and without veils in consciousness.

Some petty beings will try to take advantage of their gifts for their personal benefit, but they will find it impossible, since they will not be able to dominate them.

They respond instinctively to their monad, their soul group, and the assigned task. They work at UNION. Their minds vibrate in resonance. Still separated by thousands of kilometers on the planet, they perceive each other, are permanently connected. They do not understand the idea of ​​separation, they live in UNIT.

There are 12 Galactic Groups, which now reach 13 when the Children of Gaia join.

Features and missions:

Sirius B

They come to work with Sirius technology that is already present on Earth. They know how it works, and what to do with it for the manifestation of the New Earth.

Before incarnating, they were already working on the planet. They installed devices with which they will interact. They are not yet available to the human mind. They will work without government intervention or groups of any kind.


They are able to accelerate the manifestation of the New Earth in the most powerful way: through Love. They know how to generate energy fields from the cardiac chakra, creating harmonious realities and in communion with the All.

They will do it from their places, without noticing who they are. Your vibration of Love will expand, and others will learn. It will be millions vibrating in Love and Unity. The wave of Love will be unstoppable.

Big Dipper and Big Dipper

They have a very strong energy, they will form energetic "blocks" that can move complete structures. These structures can be of a certain dimension, or multi-dimensional. They act together to achieve it.

They are known on Earth, have participated in all ages. And they are here again, to help build the New Earth.


They are passionate about ships, travel, teleportation devices. They are physically small (compared to others), but their stellar consciousness is large.

They make alliances and work in cooperation with other beings. They love making contacts. They are curious and researchers. They will investigate how to take the world of 3D to higher dimensions.

Centaur Alpha

They work with the elements that make up the physical world. They had not taken physical bodies until now, they remained in non-concrete planes.

Its mission is to bring awareness of the realm of the elements to the human kingdom, so that they change the way of linking with the Earth, and can manifest a New Earth in universal harmony.

Betelgeuse (constellation Orion)

They will work on the readjustment of the Earth's orbit and the realignment of the solar system with respect to Sirius and the Galactic Center. Its energy is like a very powerful "shock force." Its single presence on the planet will help the orbital readjustment of the current system.

They are coded to act on telluric and gravitational forces.

Galactic Center

They bring the energy of the Central Sun. They are pure Divine Light radiating. Your eyes will shine. Your Body of Light shines. They come to balance between the different galactic races.

They can make connections that are like "beams of light, " to bring together people who must work together on a given topic. They will stay apart, just radiating and facilitating the connection.

Magellanic Cloud Galaxy (constellation El dorado)

They bring knowledge of space travel. They will make contact with the fleet from Earth. They will guide the ships from here.

They have "X-ray" vision, they can see living beings inside.

Galaxy NGC 2442 (constellation The Flying Fish)

Around their body they have an energy field that "rotates" in a spiral, up and down, like a ruler. If you move it consciously, you can extend it to kilometers around, generating a force field that can change the weather conditions.

They will have the function of making adjustments in certain areas to preserve erosion soils, droughts, contaminated waters, etc. They can change the environment and purify it, bringing it to a state of total harmony.

The jeweler (star cluster in the constellation of La Cruz del Sur)

They send from the 3rd chakra. Eye luminous spheres, which are loaded with information codes. They can send it to places where there are people gathered, such as libraries, schools, universities, or places where world leaders meet to make global decisions about the Earth, or countries.

They are "educators" of galactic consciousness.

M42 nebula (constellation Orion)

They have an energy similar to the angels known as Seraphim. Powerful forces of Light. They have a body that is formed by condensation of the Light in Crystals. They work in very high dimensions.

They arrive to work on the Earth's Crystal Grids. They understand the Language of Light.

They can raise the vibration of an entire city in seconds. They will help in areas where Earth's energy is stagnant in dense vibrations, and will increase its frequency, balancing the system.

Planet in the star Deneb (Swan constellation)

This planet has similarities with the Earth. There is vegetation and water courses. It has several satellites. The ecosystem is in balance.

They know how to be part of the environment without altering it. They will be the leaders of the new ecological movement.

The Children of the New Earth

While both the children of the previous 12 groups and those from other systems will be considered Children of the New Earth, there is a new group that will receive special consideration: the Children Gaia's years.

These children will be souls who have made their evolutionary process on this Earth, and after innumerable incarnations, have reached the level of consciousness of the Galactic Children coming from other stars .

The new grids will allow them to incarnate with the new geometries of their light bodies, arriving to experience the condition of co-creators on their own mother-planet.

There is great joy for the Children of Gaia throughout the galaxy. His galactic brothers and sisters feel the connection with them in their hearts, and they are glad for their arrival.

The great Masters who have worked for the evolution of this planet and of this humanity, will finally be able to see the fruit of their work in these beings.

The Children of Gaia will be proud of their mother-planet, whom they will care for and love as the most intimate part of themselves. The consciousness of unity between his being and that of Gaia will be total, being able to teach children coming from the stars to achieve this connection.

They will honor their galactic brothers for the service provided to this planet, and in turn they will be happy to share it in Love and Unity.

They will be curious to know how souls evolved in other systems, will be eager to meet their brothers, and will integrate the galactic consciousness without difficulty, but always carrying the love and gratitude to Gaia in his heart.

They will be the leaders of the New Earth in gestation, planning a future in harmony and cooperation with all beings of all the kingdoms that inhabit the Earth.

The Galactic Human is born. It is with great honor that the entire galaxy tells them:

Welcome the Children of Gaia!

Chrishia Nadys

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