Message from Los Solares, by Anne Givaudan

  • 2013

The inhabitants of the Earth are now able to regenerate their planet. We are here close, but without intervention from us; because humans must understand that they have in them the immense potential of generating Change.

Although some make fun of all the predictions made, do not think that anything happened. You, inhabitants of the Earth, knew how to generate such an energy of transformation. The transition, feared by many, happened smoothly and smoothly! However, know that this does not mean that economic, geographical, political or human problems are solved as if by magic, and that you are going to find a lost paradise.

How much road remains The Earth and its inhabitants have made a quantum leap! They opened their hearts, although it was only a second, but they did it as they never would have done before, and they helped the planet to gradually recover its position in the circle of the Alliance planets. For that, we thank you and greet you. All beings in the solar system and all solar systems thank and greet you.

However, do not consider what happened as an end, it is rather the beginning of a new story, where everything is yet to come. All beings of the visible and invisible planes will help you in this new life. They are close, ready to help you out, leaving anonymity so that we can all collaborate together, and above all to remove the barriers of the lower mental that hides the vision, the ability to think and act beyond the limits, making them believe that they can not do anything.

During those days, the most important places on the planet, as well as all the great pyramids and sacred places on Earth have received an energy so strong that it caused an opening, a reactivation that will allow those buildings to resume their functions as a generator, of contact with the stars and planets, protector and energizer acting on the great vital lines of the planet.

So be happy. We repeat them: beyond what you can see with human eyes, a demanding and powerful energy takes place. When we talk about requirement, it means that any failure in each one will be updated and brought to light, to be healed. It is certainly uncomfortable; We know this because we have experienced it for a long time, but this step is essential for what awaits you. There is no more time to ask questions, but to act according to what you feel as fair.

We love you and we greet you,

Message from Los Solares, by Anne Givaudan

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