Tibetan bowls

  • 2011

Our body is in constant vibration and therefore each of its parts, be it an organ or a chakra, has an optimal, healthy frequency (index of vibration). In a state of health, the human being vibrates in harmony and balance.

However, this state of equilibrium can be lost due to stress, physical and emotional tensions, leading to different physical, mental and spiritual pain and illness. When we are sick, it is because some part of us is not vibrating in harmony with itself or with the environment. This disharmony or disease can be balanced with sound and will (intention) returning to the sick parts its healthy frequency.


The sound of the bowls manages to silence our inner dialogue and allows us to stop our overwhelming conscious thoughts, approaching a high state of consciousness.

It has been proven that bowls produce a wave type equivalent to alpha and theta waves, the same produced by the brain. Therefore, this sound allows us to reach a pleasant state of relaxation, it being possible that our body can reach a subtle sense of very deep meditation and the experience of opening the internal space.

The sounds of the bowls balance our energy and improve our quality of life since they harmonize mainly the nervous system and the heart, elevates the body's defenses and predispose us to deeply introspective states beneficial to our health, reducing the segregation of hormones related to stress and raising endorsements.

Through a therapy you can achieve:

Reduction of stress and anxiety.

• Improvement of concentration and creativity.

• Reaffirmation of self-esteem.

• Balancing emotional processes.

• Strengthening of the immune system.

• Relief of sinusitis and headaches.

• Vision Improvement (Physical, Mental and Spiritual).

• Equilibrium of the cerebral hemispheres.

• Improvement of the Auditory System.

• Stimulation of the activity of alpha waves or meditation


• Increase in energy.

• Easy access to superior intuition and awareness.

A few days ago my friend Karla sent me some sounds of Tibetan bowls that I would like to share. You can click on the link. Tibetan bowls

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn-J9-LQRw8&feature=player_embedded [/ youtube]


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