DEEPAK CHOPRA: "I don't take care of myself: the universe takes care of me

According to you and according to quantum physics, every day we are born and die many times.
The physical world is built by atomic particles that are born and die at the speed of light. At a subatomic level, birth and death occur constantly.

- Well, we don't realize.

–Our senses cannot perceive it, because they are unable to register it at this speed.

–When I really die, I know where my body will go. But where will my conscience go?
- He will not go anywhere, because, to begin with, he has no location. Consciousness is out of time and space, it doesn't go anywhere: only the material body dissipates. When a room is destroyed, nothing happens with the space it contained.

- What is consciousness?
- It is the basis of being, the source of space, time, objects, is energy and information. It is not yours, nor mine. It is a unified consciousness that does not belong to you or me or to the beyond. We are all transient patterns of behavior of this unified consciousness.

–Then, we are all the same.
- We are a particular matrix of thought within the sea of ​​consciousness. These matrices are recycled as beings with feelings.

- Hard to understand. What, according to you, is reality?
–Reality is the sum of thoughts, perceptions, emotions, personal relationships, social interactions, biology and forces of nature. Everything is different aspects of consciousness.

- Is consciousness real?
- Only consciousness is real, everything else is a projection. Thoughts, as well as matter, are impulses of energy and information.

–A dream is real?
- A dream is as real as the physical world. Both are projections of our consciousness. The world is a dream that awakens.

–There are different levels of reality.
–The first level is the physical or material, the visible universe. The one we call real world.

–All we can hear, see, feel, and so on.
-Exact. The second level is the quantum scope. Your mind, your thoughts, your ego, and the part of you that you normally consider to be your being, are part of the quantum sphere. Also things. The chair you are sitting on is nothing but energy and information.

- But we perceive it as something solid.
–Because events in the quantum sphere occur at the speed of light, and our senses cannot process it in its entirety.

- And the third level of reality?
- It is not in you or outside of you: it simply is.

- Can I connect with him?

-How? Meditating?
–Mediting or simply being, being.

- Do you think much about God?
-I prefer not to think much about God, because thinking separates you from God. Only the fact of being allows you to be with God.

- On Saturday he is in Barcelona giving a lecture, and returns in the fall. You travel a lot.
–My body and mind travel, but deep down I don't travel. In a universe without location, there is nowhere to go.

–Well it works a lot. He publishes a colossal amount of books and gives many lectures.
- I follow my natural rhythm. It is spontaneous, effortless and full of joy for the results.

- Are there any coincidences?
- I call them synchronies. The coincidences or coincidences are synchronous. They are the fundamental behavior of nature.

–There are people who don't believe in coincidences.
- If you do not experience coincidences, something goes wrong. The coincidences or coincidences are the natural essence of our reality. The human body has about 100 trillion cells doing 100, 000 activities every second, all synchronized with each other. And our biological rhythms are synchronized with the rhythm of the universe.

–You are a doctor. How do you take care of yourself?
–I don't take care of myself: the universe takes care of me.

–Well, what luck. Have you encountered resistance in traditional medicine?
- I never resist anything, because I never try to defeat something. I am a lover, and not a fighter.

- What do you want to be in another life?
- I will decide that when the time comes.

Interview of “El Periódico” on July 9, 2008

Deepak Chopra: "I don't take care of myself: the universe takes care of me"


The American Deepak Chopra is more than a doctor: he has millions of readers around the world and some people consider him the main guru in the United States. Time magazine has defined it as one of the 100 most representative and influential personalities of the 20th century. Next Saturday he will be in Barcelona, ​​at the Fòrum convention center, where he will deliver a conference within the Inspira Consciencia creative culture festival (more information on the website

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