Overcome concerns and Fear of the future with Milagros

  • 2018

Why the fear of the future

The fear of the future according to A Course in Miracles, is to make a projection of our past into the future. In other words, we mentally live in the past, thinking, suffering even for what happened to us last week, last year, in childhood, etc. And unconsciously we hope or have the certainty that in the future everything will develop in the same way.

The course of miracles invites us to live in the present and see from the perspective of forgiveness. Where we look at people without a past (including ourselves). Look at everyone as if we saw them for the first time, without guilt . And try to look beyond each being, that divine part, that part that remains innocent as God created it. And from that vision open to contemplate a completely new world, free of condemnations and full of miracles.

Concern Uncertainty

We are very accustomed to having control. There are apps for everything, Google gives us the answers now! And we make plans as if we were to live forever, we take everything for granted. At UCDM they tell us glad you don't control anything in the universe! You cannot change the movement of the planets, nor do you take care of the food of all the birds in the sky, of the processes that your body's cells are doing right now for your vital functions. The truth is that we have no idea what can happen in the future, there are always possibilities of an unexpected event. There are more things we can't control than those we think we control.

How to remove Concerns from the Mind

No one guarantees us that exactly what we hope will happen will happen; nor that the results are good or bad. In an unconscious way we usually expect the worst option to happen . And that way our nervous system begins to function from tension and a number of negative emotions that are affecting our body and our ability to decide clearly. Can we consciously choose to do it differently by asking ourselves what is the best thing that can happen? That is the invitation they give us in the course of miracles to co-create a good future for all involved. And stay in a state of mind that allows us to find solutions.

How to overcome worries - Practical video exercise

With the exercise that I teach you in this video you will manifest a miracle and take away the worry at the same time. This simple technique is part of the hundreds of exercises in the book "A Course in Miracles" I hope you practice it and tell me how it helped you ...

Lose the fear of the future

The detail is to trust that there is a force, an intelligence superior to ours that takes care of us and always provides us with what we need to move forward. And it is always necessary to recognize that force to have access to it and synchronicity. An important observation before saying goodbye is that you should always think the best for everyone! Remember the law of Karma, giving is how it is received! If you visualize yourself very well but you see other people punished, imprisoned or in some way living something negative ... That is also what you are asking for yourself! You are working with the creative power and if with your intention you help others and find solutions for everyone ... Help and solutions will come to you! Leave your comment and tell me how did you feel doing the exercise?

A hug full of light and love for you



I'm afraid of the future help


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